December 15, 2022
Pornophilia - addiction to pornography, excessive craving for pornography. Why is this supposed disorder? Pornophilia is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). ICD-11 introduced sex addiction, which means that pornophilia is still partially recognized. Where is the line beyond which a habit becomes an addiction? The main “red light” is the loss of self-control. If you experience withdrawal without porn and are ready to watch it in completely inappropriate conditions (for example, in a taxi, and you are a taxi driver who carries passengers), addiction is almost certain. Among the negative consequences are: a person needs more and more porn in order to get excited; a drop in self-esteem and a growing dissatisfaction with real sex; the need to copy what you see on the screen (including violence); general psychological stress (viewing does not give relaxation, but, on the contrary, makes a person even more nervous), bouts of anxiety and self-isolation. Don't sit down. Forewarned = armed!