Size matters?

More than half of women aged 23 to 38 unanimously declare that it is much easier and more pleasant to satisfy a man with a small or medium size of dignity orally than a guy with a big dick. But girls get more aesthetic pleasure from a big penis.


May 5, 2022


When we want to express our dissatisfaction with a partner, it is advisable to talk about our feelings, and not about his behavior. Don't say, "You broke my favorite cup, how could you?!" Better to replace: “When you broke my cup, I was very upset - I liked it so much.” When you talk about yourself, you move the interlocutor from the position of the accused to a position where you can show sympathy, admit that you were wrong yourself, or offer to correct the situation.


May 5, 2022


The main function of a woman in a relationship is not soup and cleaning, as it might seem, and not even the birth of children, but first of all, the inspiration of her man. It is the woman who gives the energy that encourages him to work, perform feats, develop and move on. On this energy, he can work for the good of the family, protect his woman and children, realize himself professionally and spiritually. As a rule, at the beginning of the novel, there are no problems with this. Both man and woman show their best qualities, and everything functions as if by itself. But in an established relationship, a man eventually begins to miss the most important thing - inspiration. And then he can start - no, not necessarily cheating, but interested in other women.


May 5, 2022


The woman is out of touch with her femininity. He does not know how to attract the attention of a man, to interest him and arouse a desire to care. Such a woman hardly understands herself. Desires, for example, of romance and being behind a man with the fear of never getting it, struggle in it. And she convinces herself that this is all for chickens. Envy and devalues ​​those who can afford it all. It is difficult for her to succeed. Spends energy to prove that she is no worse than men. It develops aggression, rigidity, cynicism. The way of life is changing. More masculine activities, masculine energy, maybe smoking, stress, struggle, including with your nature.


May 5, 2022

Myth 2. Any woman can be brought to orgasm if sex lasts long enough

The average duration of sexual intercourse is five minutes, I wrote about it earlier here. However, according to a study from one of the British sex shops, men indicated the desired duration of sex as 20 minutes, and we admitted that ideal sex should last about 15 minutes. That is, we need less pure sex (with penetration) than you! What is fraught with long sex? Firstly, the excitement may not be at its peak for an infinitely long time and gradually fade away; secondly, I wrote more about the curse of long sex.


May 5, 2022

10 effective ways to become smarter

5. Leave Search Engines Alone We search for information every day and do not even think about how easily it gets to us and how quickly it disappears from our heads. Just a couple of clicks - and we already have answers to all your questions. The Internet is, of course, the easiest way to find the information you need. But it makes our brain incredibly lazy, because we no longer need to think about the fact that we do not know something. Try to give up search engines, automatic translators, converters and calculators at least for a while. Try doing mental arithmetic, looking up the answer in a book, or adding up your expenses in a column. Yes, it will take much more time, but it will make your brain work, and you will be more careful about information.


May 5, 2022

Kiwi's benefit

Kiwifruit is a source of dietary fiber, folic acid, vitamins C and E, antioxidants and other beneficial substances. Two medium servings of kiwifruit provide the same amount of potassium as one banana, but fewer calories. Therefore, it is important that it be in the diet. 1. Strengthens the immune system, keeps the body in good shape, prevents infections. 2. One kiwi fruit can provide an adult with a daily dose of vitamin C. 3. Improves the emotional state of a person and regulates blood pressure. 4. Kiwi mask perfectly cleanses the skin and stimulates collagen production. 5. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract due to the high content of fiber and dietary fiber.


May 5, 2022


Masks for the skin under the eyes: Bread Mask: Grind white bread and mix with warm whole milk. Apply crumb to the eyes. Lie down without moving for 20 minutes, then remove the remnants with a napkin. Lemon: Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Mix it with a pinch of salt and egg white. Whisk everything into a foam and apply a thin layer on the eyes. This mask tightens the skin, smoothing wrinkles. It is enough to hold it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer under the eyes. Yeast: we take 20-25 grams of yeast and dilute them until a creamy slurry is formed with milk, or vegetable or sunflower oil. Keep in front of your eyes for 15-20 minutes and gently rinse with water, you can use warm milk.


May 5, 2022

How to help loved ones during allergy season

1. Regularly do wet cleaning. 2. Use a vacuum cleaner with an anti-allergic HEPA filter. 3. Close windows at night. 4. Store all outdoor clothing in a closed closet or closet. 5. Dry washed clothes indoors or on a balcony with windows closed 7. Instead of airing, turn on the air conditioner with an anti-allergic antibacterial filter. 8. Pay attention to modern antihistamines that do not cause drowsiness. And make sure that a loved one turns to an allergist-immunologist. Self-medication is a risk of getting serious complications.


May 5, 2022

Very simple, quick, but at the same nutritious salad!

He's the kind of guy you can run away with and lock yourself up in a room with, stay the night... and offer to guests if you want. Well, it's good for breakfast too. What do we need: canned tuna 2-3 eggs (you can boil or make an egg pancake) Cheese Chinese cabbage Dressing: yogurt + 1 tsp mustard, salt, pepper. If you want to refresh, you can also grate the cucumber for Korean carrots.


May 5, 2022

Yoga is postures

Another common misconception is that many people associate yoga with fitness and perceive it as a set of exercises aimed at strengthening muscles, stretching and teaching proper breathing. On the one hand, there is some truth in this thought, but only a small fraction. The fact is that yoga includes a very different range of asanas - from a headstand to hatha yoga and restorative practices. The complexity may vary, but the physical side is only the first step of yoga, which, of course, is not limited to.


May 5, 2022

Can you eat after six?

The time of meals depends on getting up and going to bed. Losing weight should have dinner three to four hours before bedtime. With an irregular schedule, it is wrong to eat according to the standard, when breakfast is at eight in the morning, lunch at one in the afternoon, and dinner at five in the evening. If work ends late, and a person tends to sleep, then you can have dinner two hours before bedtime. When losing weight, it is important that dinner contains protein and fiber. For quality sleep, the stomach should not be full. If we ate and immediately went and lay on our side, then the blood circulation is redistributed in such a way that most of the blood flow goes to the gastrointestinal tract - digestion processes are actively going on.


May 5, 2022

Shortening the neck is the first step towards its aging

I want to avoid this. What to do? To pull! Because bones follow muscles. Prolonged incorrect position of the body spasms the muscles. Only stretching will save you from muscle spasm. Change habits. Without this, nowhere, otherwise the condition of the neck, at best, will stand still, and will not improve.


May 5, 2022

Water and anxiety

In a situation where your nerves are tense and you are overwhelmed with negative emotions, a simple advice to “drink water” can be very useful and timely. A sip of water really helps relieve anxiety and calm down, normalizing brain function. Water, which makes up 60–80% of the human body, is one of the most important nutrients, without which life is simply impossible, and preventing dehydration helps maintain not only physical but also mental health. The higher the water deficit in the body, the worse mood and sleep, less strength, harder to think, higher nervous tension, more negative emotions: irritation, anger, hostility, anxiety.


May 5, 2022

How stress affects your skin

Cortisol, a stress hormone, affects the sebaceous glands and causes the body to produce more sebum. An increased amount of sebum provokes blockage of pores, which leads to the development of acne. When the body is in a state of prolonged stress, the skin begins to actively react: the ability of the skin to regenerate is impaired; the amount of collagen produced decreases; wrinkles begin to appear actively; the skin loses its natural color, becomes dull and gray. How not to aggravate acne: do not use alcohol-containing, drying agents, as this disrupts the microflora of the skin, as a result, harmful bacteria cause inflammation. It is also worth refusing to use a scrub, as a scrub with a large abrasive injures the skin, dries it out, which leads to acne.


May 5, 2022

More about lentils

Lentils are a useful legume. Compared to other legumes, it contains more protein, more than 40%. This protein contains essential amino acids, so lentils can replace meat. But there is very little fat, you won’t get fat from lentils. Lentils are useful for metabolic disorders, colitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the genitourinary and nervous systems. Lentils increase immunity and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. From lentils, you can cook not only tasty and healthy stew, but also healing decoctions for the treatment of constipation, erysipelas, rheumatism, kidney stone disease.


May 5, 2022

The birthplace of figure skating.

Holland is considered the birthplace of figure skating. It was there, in the 13th-14th centuries, that the first iron skates appeared. The appearance of a new type of skates gave a powerful impetus to the development of figure skating, which at that time consisted in the ability to draw intricate figures on the ice and maintain a beautiful pose at the same time.


May 5, 2022

The most extreme market in the world

Not far from the city of Samut in Thailand, right on the railway track, commuter train No. 4382 from Mai Klong to Ban Laem passes eight times during the day. Stubborn merchants and extreme buyers are not at all embarrassed by such a neighborhood.


May 5, 2022

New about smartphones

The smartphone adjusted the interface to the position of the finger by its reflection in the eyes. Japanese developers have taught smartphones to adjust the interface to the location of the finger, even if it does not touch the screen. It turned out that the resolution of cameras in modern smartphones is enough to recognize the finger, the screen and their relative position by reflection in the eyes.


May 5, 2022

Bees can recognize numbers

In Australia, scientists have found that honey bees can distinguish between even and odd numbers. As part of the study, the experts divided the bees into several groups. One group was taught to associate even numbers with sweet water with sugar, and odd numbers with water with quinine, which made the liquid bitter. At the same time, another group was taught the opposite associations with water. Subsequently, the scientists showed the bees cards with even and odd numbers. In 80 percent of the cases, the insects correctly determined the number. When they were shown cards they had not previously used, their accuracy rates dropped but remained at 70 percent.


May 5, 2022