Secrets of the perfect blowjob

3. You don't have to bend over his straight penis as if it were the god of the rising sun. In many films and videos, you can see one single pose in which a woman kneels in front of his groin, while a man stands like a sculpted Greek god. In real life, this is not very convenient.


January 4, 2023

Secrets of the perfect blowjob

2. The penis is not a vagina that gets wet on its own: manipulation with it requires moisture. Either use a quality lube, or drink some water and be ready to release all the saliva you can produce. This is not disgusting, but very important for comfort. Dry stimulation can hurt a man.


January 4, 2023

Secrets of the perfect blowjob

1. The penis has no eyeballs and cannot tell the difference between the back of the throat and the palate. All of these mucous surfaces on the inside of the mouth basically feel the same. Except, of course, the teeth. Therefore, it is not necessary to try to swallow a penis in order to impress a partner.


January 4, 2023

Be cool

Equanimity is an extremely important quality of leadership. People around you feel calm and subconsciously recognize you as a leader. But how do you learn to take the initiative and look confident? Learn to hide certain gestures. Try not to jerk your head, do not make sudden movements, do not turn improvised objects in your hands. Be status even alone with yourself.


January 4, 2023

When a person is loved, they will certainly worry about him.

For his life, health, state of mind. It has nothing to do with control, jealousy and possessiveness. “How do you feel?”, “Be careful”, “When you get there, be sure to call.” These simple, at first glance, words are pronounced because they are very worried about someone and are afraid of losing him, but not from their own life, but from life in general. This speaks volumes, because there is someone for whom it is very important that you are alive and well and just walk on this Earth. The absence of anxiety speaks of one thing - he simply does not care about you ...


January 4, 2023

Jealousy. How to deal with it?

Constant and strong jealousy usually indicates that there is a fairly serious problem either in a relationship or within a person’s personality. At the very least, each of us may well take responsibility for our lives and feelings, deal with them on our own or with the help of a psychologist.


January 4, 2023

Jealousy. How to deal with it?

In most cases, we do not think about the fact that under jealousy a variety of feelings can be hidden, and jealousy serves only as a cover, a kind of screen. And there are a lot of feelings here, and it’s not immediately clear which one of them follows which one. The list is endless and for each person in his particular story, it will, of course, be individual: anxiety, fear, sadness, anger and many other feelings. It is important, I think, not to ignore the situation when jealousy brings excessive suspicion, humiliation and control over the life and behavior of another person. This is already a signal that it is time to think about the true causes of jealousy.


January 4, 2023

Jealousy. How to deal with it?

Learn not to be jealous - you can! I don’t have a universal recipe, but the first thing a jealous person should start with is to take a journey into the depths of their personality and raise their own self-esteem. When you feel with every cell of your being that you are accepted as you are and you are attractive to another person, then the need to keep a partner will go away by itself, he will be there. And you just need to be near him.


January 4, 2023

Jealousy. How to deal with it?

Jealousy, in fact, has little to do with love. Jealous does not mean he loves, but jealous means he is afraid of losing. If he loses, then he will have to endure a terrible feeling of loneliness. The unconscious fear of losing a relationship makes a person cling with all his might to the object of affection and control the other person, his life. And in fact, the jealous person, in this way, devalues, first of all, his life and his ability to take care of himself on his own and do something very important for himself. A jealous person may have a fantasy that the other person willingly does not want to stay in a relationship with him. Therefore, there is a feeling that if he lets go of his partner’s field of vision, then he will never return to him in his life or leave him forever.


January 4, 2023

Jealousy. How to deal with it?

If it were possible to describe the universal cause of the origin of jealousy, then I would define it as a sense of ownership. A person who is an owner is a person who does not want or is afraid to lose a “beloved” object. If you look deep into the personality of a jealous person, then there is usually a fear of being abandoned. A person begins to strive to keep another close by at any cost and in no case allows him to "leave" himself. There is control over the life of a loved one, control is excessive, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity.


January 4, 2023

Jealousy. How to deal with it?

The feeling of jealousy, I think is familiar to all of us. Jealousy is one of the most common problems with which couples come to a consultation with a psychologist. At its core, jealousy can be the cause of conflicts and disagreements in the family, and sometimes even divorce. We will talk in detail about jealousy in marital relations in a separate issue of the column: What to do when love “passes away”? Today, let's approach the issue of jealousy a little more broadly. Jealousy is often confused with envy. When there is jealousy for the success of colleagues, friends, spouse or even a child, then there will be a feeling of envy. Envy differs from jealousy in the desire to possess what another person has, including some opportunities and freedom of choice, the freedom to be oneself.


January 4, 2023

Conscious people

They know how to feel life, not think about it. Conscious people know that the best decisions are made not by the mind but by the heart. The mind is limited. Although it tries to take control of all our life, there are secret tendencies, elusive connections, and much more that it can't manage. The intuition going from the heart is truly sensitive — it is what we need to trust. If you practice these intuitive skills, someday you will notice that you are not just mindlessly going with the flow of events but live every single day of your life with joy and pleasure.


January 4, 2023

Conscious people

They are able to follow what is happening from the external observer position, not getting involved but staying out of the fray. For example, when the mud from the wheel of a passing car hits you from head to toe, the first reaction is to shout at the offender and tell him or her all you think about it. A conscious person will get out of this situation, and before taking any action, will look at the other side: the offender still would not hear your cry, and even if he or she would, it is unlikely to react. Besides, he or she probably didn't do it on purpose — most likely he or she was just in too much of a hurry, too late, too nervous. They are not focused on the past because they know for sure: what's gone, can't be changed. They're also not obsessed with thinking about the future because they keep in mind the fact that we never know what life has in store for us.


January 4, 2023

Boosting self-esteem

▫️The first step in overcoming any bad habits is being aware of them. Observe yourself. Instead of engaging in self-condemnation, try to get to know yourself by analyzing the way you behave. ▫️Change your social circle. Take note which people are present in your life and what is the essence of your relationship with them. Perhaps, if you objectively evaluate your environment, you will see that you give people more than you get from them.⠀⠀ ▫️Never forget about your strengths and don't be too hard on yourself. For personal use only, make a list of your inherent strengths and what you do really well. ▫️Keep calm and try to mitigate stress. Avoid the hustle and bustle. Develop stress resistance. You will gain self-confidence if you do the tasks you set yourself.


January 4, 2023

Samsung introduced a refrigerator with a built-in Tiktok.

The company has released a refrigerator with a huge display, which is tailored specifically for watching short vertical videos.


January 4, 2023

The longest walking route on the planet.

The way from Cape Town to Magadan can be covered by land. The road will reach 22.387 kilometers and take 4.492 hours. If you leave now, you will reach around July 6th. Provided there are no stops, of course.


January 4, 2023

A popular sweetener causes anxiety by changing the structure of the brain.

Scientists have found that the popular sweetener aspartame alters the structure of the brain, tuning it to mental disorders such as anxiety. Moreover, these changes persist up to 2 subsequent generations. Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than regular sugar and is often used in sodas and sugar-free gum.


January 4, 2023

New York legalizes the practice of turning dead bodies into fertilizer.

This is the sixth US state to adopt such legislation. This is thought to be a much more environmentally friendly way of handling bodies. It has even been nicknamed the "green funeral". The corpse is placed in a special semi-open reusable container, where the decomposition process is stimulated. And the output is a compact briquette of first-class fertilizers.


January 4, 2023

Women recognize unmarried men by smell.

Australian scientists conducted an experiment in which they asked 82 heterosexual women aged 18 to 35 to rate male body odors. The researchers found that the body odor of a single man seemed more pleasant to most women. In addition, the more attractive the men's fragrance was, the higher the participants in the experiment rated their appearance. Perhaps the difference in smell is due to the fact that married men have better health and hygiene than single men, as well as testosterone levels and dietary habits.


January 4, 2023

Amazon has begun delivering drone orders in California and Texas.

Drone delivery is available within a 6km radius of drone warehouses in Texas and California. After ordering, customers will receive shipping tracking information, for which they can specify their preferred time. The maximum order weight that can be delivered by drone is 2.2 kg. According to Amazon, 85% of all its packages fit into this limit. The company promises to deliver orders by air within 60 minutes. At the moment, the operation of drones is controlled by operators, but soon the AI ​​should draw a map of the area and the delivery will take place automatically.


January 4, 2023