Useful properties of royal jelly:

- activates and accelerates the processes of regeneration and rejuvenation of all cells in the body - has antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial properties - strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with vitamins, acids and trace elements, helps with beriberi - restores hormonal levels - helps children in physical and mental development


December 7, 2022

What is in the composition of royal jelly:

-hormones: progesterone, estradiol and testosterone -vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, B15, A, E, H, C, PP and D - mineral salts - trace elements: sodium, aluminum, zinc, manganese, iron, cobalt, phosphorus, potassium, etc. - lactic and pyruvic acids -carbohydrates: fructose, glucose, ribose, sucrose and maltose -special proteins of royal milk: in many respects similar to blood serum proteins -lipids -acetylcholine: the main conductor of nerve impulses, the content is 1000 times higher than in honey -sterols -fatty acids: stearic, succinic, decenoic and palmitic albumins and globulins


December 7, 2022

Royal jelly. What it is?

Royal jelly (apilactose) is a special food that honey bees use to feed queen larvae at all stages of development. The queen bee feeds on royal jelly throughout her life. On such a special diet, it acquires the ability to reproduce, grows 2 times larger than the rest of the bees and lives up to 6 years with an average bee life of 2 months. Royal jelly has a creamy color and creamy texture. It has a sweet and sour taste. The smell is pungent, characteristic. Royal jelly is produced by nurse bees. This milk is also called "royal jelly" because of its valuable properties and the laborious process of obtaining. In its composition, it is an analogue of mammalian milk, but in a more concentrated form.


December 7, 2022

Elevated levels of formic acid in the urine have been shown to be an early sign of Alzheimer's disease.

The level of formic acid in the urine increases at the earliest stages of cognitive impairment and may be one of the first predictors of Alzheimer's disease. The scientists also found that knowledge of formic acid and formaldehyde levels, in addition to plasma biomarkers, improves the accuracy of disease staging, and suggest using urine testing for formic acid for mass population screening.


December 7, 2022


The beginning of the heating season makes its own adjustments to the home microclimate. In addition to the long-awaited warmth, there is also excessive dryness. And dry air in the apartment is: - parched inflamed mucous membranes of the nose, throat and eyes and, as a result, reduced immunity; - chapped lips; - discomfort from dehydrated and flaky skin; - deterioration in the appearance of hair and nails; -cracked parquet, wooden doors and furniture; - drying houseplants. You can spend time and energy fighting the symptoms: smear the skin with cream, rinse the mucous membranes, spray water on the plants from the spray bottle. But it is much easier to eliminate the source of problems - buy a humidifier and trust it to control the level of humidity in the air.


December 6, 2022

Morning sports turned out to be more useful than afternoon and evening sports.

After studying the data of 87,000 athletes over 6 years of training, PubMed stated that those who exercised in the morning were much less likely to complain of health problems. And almost did not encounter cardiovascular diseases, unlike the other two groups.


December 6, 2022

Frequent eating of sweets atrophies the human brain.

Five researchers, all of whom worked at prestigious universities in Australia, have come to a conclusion that has made headlines around the world: people who eat a lot of sugar and bad fats tend to have atrophied brains, a condition referred to as "candied brain" . The opposite trend was also found: People who ate nutrient-dense foods that didn't spike blood sugar levels, along with foods rich in omega-3 fats and protein, tended to have more developed brains.


December 6, 2022

Laser therapy improves short-term memory.

A study by scientists from Birmingham is published in the journal Science Advances. They claim that treating targeted areas of the brain with laser light improves people's work skills and short-term memory by 25%.


December 6, 2022

Sleeping under a heavy quilt reduces insomnia.

In addition, it can reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. This conclusion was made by the staff of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. In a study of 120 participants with insomnia, there was a 59.4 percent reduction in insomnia in participants using heavier blankets. The 1.5-pound blankets reduced participants' insomnia by just 5.4 percent. Both groups had a complete remission rate, but in patients sleeping under heavy blankets, it was 12 times higher, reaching 42.2 percent.


December 6, 2022


Creatine is another popular supplement. Many experts do not even understand why they should take it additionally. The thing is that our body, during normal functioning, produces it on its own, without any help. By the way, in recent years, specialists working with amateur athletes have strongly recommended sticking to a balanced diet instead of taking supplements.


December 3, 2022

Protein Supplements

Protein supplements help in muscle recovery after workouts. But similar amino acids can also be found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Ideally, you should add grains and legumes to replenish protein reserves in the diet. So that the muscles do not get tired during the training process, athletes use BCAA supplements. Studies have shown that taking them regularly can lead to the development of type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is recommended to replace the supplement with milk, fish and meat.


December 3, 2022

Sports supplements

Sports supplements were originally developed for professional athletes who experience excessive daily exercise. As for ordinary fans of the gym and cardio, the effectiveness and benefits of such "food" is still being questioned. Doctors believe that during moderate exercise, it is best to replenish nutrient stores through proper nutrition. How to replace certain sports supplements for an amateur athlete?


December 3, 2022

How to eat right to lose weight?

A slim figure is not only beauty, but also health. However, many, trying to achieve the maximum effect, exhaust themselves with dubious diets, depriving the body of the necessary nutrients. By eating right, you can lose weight and improve overall well-being. Let's take a closer look at this issue. First of all, do not forget that you need to lose weight correctly. Physical exercise and walks in the fresh air should be an integral part of your daily routine. No less attention should be paid to the diet for weight loss. This just does not mean that it is necessary to resort to newfangled diets. As a rule, the result from them is short-term - the weight quickly goes away and just as quickly returns, and sometimes even new kilograms appear. In addition, you can not trust diets, during which you experience an enduring feeling of hunger. Proper nutrition should be balanced and supply the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.


December 3, 2022

Do you sit on the toilet with your phone for a long time? Get ready to earn hemorrhoids.

The Washingtonpost decided to test the impact of what everyone does but no one discusses. Dr. Roshini Raj, one of the world's top experts in gastroenterology, explained that sitting longer than 10 minutes with a smartphone in the toilet is dangerous. The typical posture of a person with a phone in the toilet adversely affects the veins, pressure in the body and the anus itself. And also, if you sit too long, you can involuntarily reduce it when physiologically it is no longer required. Which can lead to hemorrhoids.


December 3, 2022

How to improve well-being through the feet.

✔ If by the end of the day you feel tension and fatigue in your legs, take baths with salt. Make a saline solution with warm water, you can add a drop of mint, and soak your feet in this water for 10 minutes. Then rub them gently. ✔ It is very good to accustom your feet to walking barefoot on grass, pebbles, pebbles. The first few minutes can be unpleasant and painful, but then there are amazing sensations. Blood rushes to the legs and pelvis, sensitivity opens up. ✔ The contrast shower for the legs works well. Take warm water in one container and cold water in another. At first they were like ice, then they switched to warm. This is part of the hardening of the whole organism.


December 2, 2022

Rules for applying face cream

1. The cream is applied exclusively to cleansed skin! Even if you just woke up. Even if you didn't put on make-up today and apply cream in the evening. Cleansing is a must! Otherwise, you will “seal” the impurities with the cream, which will cause premature wrinkles and inflammation. 2. We apply the cream only with clean hands. First wash your hands with soap, then apply the cream. It is impossible for the bacteria that have accumulated on the hands to enter the pores of the skin, for the same reason, see point 1 3. With light movements, tapping with fingertips, distribute the cream along the Langer lines (write in the comments if you need to repeat how the Langer lines are located?) 4. Apply night cream 1.5 hours before bedtime, no later. So the active components of the cream have time to work and penetrate deeper without rubbing against the pillow 5. Be sure to get a separate cream for the area around the eyes: the skin here is thin, devoid of sebaceous and sweat glands. Large molecules of a regular cream can cause swelling here. For this zone you need your own separate cream - this is important! 6. If possible, choose a cream with a dispenser, so as not to put bacteria into it with your hands with each application. If this is not possible, use spatulas or a spatula.


December 2, 2022

To prevent hair from being electrified:

- choose natural compositions of scarves and hats, treat them properly with an antistatic agent. Dense cotton yarn is ideal - cotton does not accumulate static electricity - choose the right moisturizing care (balm, mask) - replace plastic and plastic combs with wooden or silicone ones - indoor air humidifier can significantly reduce the accumulation of static electricity - drink more water - Trim split ends


December 2, 2022

Persimmon mask: the secret of beauty comes from Japan

A homemade persimmon face mask perfectly tightens, tones and nourishes the skin, which in winter really needs it. For oily skin, the mask is prepared from the pulp of the fruit, which is mixed with a spoonful of vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of yogurt. The mixture is applied to the skin for 15 minutes. For normal skin, a mask of persimmon pulp, egg yolk, a spoonful of cream and vegetable oil is used. All you need to mix, apply to the skin and hold for 15 minutes. For dry skin, persimmon pulp is mixed with honey and olive oil (a teaspoon each). The product is kept for 20 minutes, allowing the skin to absorb all the beneficial substances. For sensitive skin, you will need the pulp of the berry and a tablespoon of sour cream and cottage cheese. All components are mixed, applied in a thick layer and left for 20 minutes.


December 1, 2022

The QI HAI point is one of the most important points on the body.

It is called by different names in different traditions. Qi-Hai, Dantian, Hara, Center of the body - we are talking about the same point. When working through this point, a person comes to life, his vitality, vitality, vitality increase, sexual energy increases many times over. In Chinese medicine, this point is called the "pill for 108 diseases." The QI HAI point is located 2 fingers below the navel. Massage of this point helps with: - edema - chronic diseases of the pelvic organs - convulsions - intervertebral hernias - menstrual pain - colds, SARS, tonsillitis, when there is no longer a high temperature - constipation - urination disorders Perform self-massage of this point daily for 5 minutes. And your inner energy will quickly activate!


December 1, 2022

Protein dinner for weight loss

Ingredients : ♦️ 1 egg + 2 squirrels ♦️ Fresh salmon or trout fillet 100 g ♦️ Milk (I have lactose-free) 50 ml ♦️ Olives (or olives) 11 g ♦️ Bulgarian pepper 30 g ♦️ Tomato 60 g ♦️ Green Onion ♦️ Pinch of salt Cut the fish into cubes, add a little beaten eggs and proteins, milk, finely chopped pepper and tomato. Mix well. Pour into a mold, spread the chopped olives and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 25 minutes and at 200C for 10-15 minutes, focus on readiness. Top with green onions and enjoy.


December 1, 2022