Russia Invents Hangover-Free Vodka

In Russia, hangover-free vodka has been invented - its secret is that the Chinese magnolia vine in the composition reduces the hangover syndrome by 57%. This has been officially proven with toxicological tests of the final samples.


January 15, 2025

Unique Development

In South Korea, unique wheels have been developed that transform wheelchairs into all-terrain vehicles, easily crossing curbs and even stairs. They are not afraid of punctures and can roll over obstacles 1.3 times their radius. It is currently a prototype, but in the future, they aim to refine it and use it in robots and beyond.


January 13, 2025

Forehead massage helps with headaches!

Yes! And this exercise also heals all the sinuses, and also activates the pituitary gland. Place your right hand on your forehead, left hand on top and start rubbing from temple to temple. You can not touch your forehead with your hands, do it at a distance of several centimeters from your face. But if you want to smooth wrinkles on your forehead, then you need to touch the skin. Do 30 movements in 30 seconds. Headache is a rather unpleasant symptom that is familiar to almost every person. It is especially difficult for people suffering from chronic pain and migraines.


January 4, 2023

A popular sweetener causes anxiety by changing the structure of the brain.

Scientists have found that the popular sweetener aspartame alters the structure of the brain, tuning it to mental disorders such as anxiety. Moreover, these changes persist up to 2 subsequent generations. Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than regular sugar and is often used in sodas and sugar-free gum.


January 4, 2023

Products for women's health.

2. Avocado. Avocados are high in potassium and vitamins E and C, which are natural antioxidants. Regular use of this product will help slow down the aging process, enhance cell regeneration, strengthen the immune system and optimize metabolic processes in the body. 3. Bananas. Bananas are high in magnesium, which converts tryptophan into serotonin, the happiness hormone. Therefore, eating bananas, you automatically cheer yourself up. However, do not overdo it, because there are more than enough calories in them too!


January 2, 2023

Products for women's health.

Be sure to add them to your diet! 1. Linseed oil. It is saturated with healthy Omega-3-6-9 fatty acids, as well as phytogens and vitamins. Take just 1-2 teaspoons of oil per day and your curls, nails and skin will be healthy and beautiful. In addition, flaxseed oil has a great effect on the reproductive and immune systems of women, which means no problems with conception and no frequent colds!


January 2, 2023

Tips for maintaining a healthy liver.

3. The liver needs choline. This is a vitamin of group B, which is responsible for the "unloading" of the liver from fat. The main sources of choline in the diet are eggs (especially yolks) and liver. 4. Eat protein. It doesn't matter if it's vegetable or animal. In a study published in 2016 in the journal Gastroenterology, participants showed a 48% reduction in fatty liver over 6 weeks when eating adequate protein regularly. 5. Protect the liver from fructose. Choline deficiency occurs due to the abuse of fructose, which turns out to be one of the main enemies of this body. If glucose can be used immediately by body tissues as an energy source, then fructose must first be broken down into components, and only the liver does this. This doesn't mean you have to stop eating fruit, just do it wisely. For example, bitter grapefruit is better for the liver than sugary pineapple.


January 2, 2023

Tips for maintaining a healthy liver.

1. The liver loves bitterness. You will have a liver feast if you add more ginger, arugula, radish or radish to your diet. 2. Can I have coffee, because it is also bitter? Caffeine is a substance that the liver must process and excrete. It used to be thought that coffee was not a friend of the liver at all. But recently, the results of a large-scale study were published, which found that people who drink coffee have a 20% lower risk of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis. One of the authors of the study, Professor Paul Roderick, claims that coffee protects against severe liver disease. So drink, but in moderation.


January 2, 2023

American scientists have printed eye tissue on a 3D printer.

The model allows you to study age-related macular degeneration and other retinal diseases. Genetic and functional analyzes have shown that the printed fabric looks and behaves just like the natural one. Now scientists are experimenting with the addition of immune cells during the printing process for better tissue reproduction. Perhaps in the future, such models can be used not only for the study of diseases, but also for their therapy.


January 1, 2023

Taoist Walking Technique.

It is important to practice regularly, without gaps; Constantly increase the load. Start by simply kneeling, then try walking for 1 to 2 minutes. Gradually bring the interval up to 30 minutes; You need to walk both forward and backward; If you feel a sharp pain, the session should be interrupted and the legs should be given 2-3 days of respite; Get on all fours and freeze for half a minute; Start shifting your body weight one by one, then the other; Rest your hands on the floor and start moving; Straighten up and try to walk without relying on your hands. Keep your back straight; Move in a circle, diagonally, forward, backward, sideways. Finish the workout like this: lie on your back, lift your bent legs up, shake them. Relax, stretch, do some light stretching.


December 27, 2022

Taoist kneeling

3. Strengthening hair and teeth. While walking on your knees, the lower back is actively involved, which is responsible for the kidney channel. And the kidneys, according to Taoist philosophy, affect the health of the skeletal system, hair and teeth. Practicing walking on your knees for at least 10 minutes, you will prevent the development of osteoporosis, strengthen your teeth and prevent hair loss. 4. Improved blood supply to the legs and head. Through this practice, the blood begins to rush to the head and legs. By increasing the blood supply to the head and brain, you will improve cognitive functions, get rid of memory problems, improve sleep, restore vision, and also improve the condition of your hair. 5. Improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In the area of ​​the knees there are channels responsible for the stomach. Walking on your knees helps to improve the patency of this channel, which improves digestion and eliminates stomach problems.


December 27, 2022

Taoist kneeling

Taoist kneeling was given to the world by Chinese healers - the exercise has been used in the Celestial Empire for hundreds of years. Modern world medicine has given the exercise a complex term - kinesitherapy, but the essence of the practice with the name has not changed. Let's look at what the benefits are, what diseases it helps to cure and how to perform it correctly. 1. Restoration and improvement of vision. Do you still think that there is no connection between the knees and the eyes? Moreover, according to Taoist philosophy, the liver is responsible for the eyes, which means that by improving liver function through kneeling, we improve vision! There is only a small nuance that should not be forgotten. You need to walk on your knees with your eyes closed. 2. Effective weight loss. Great for fighting body fat, walking on your knees in this case, you need at least 20 minutes a day to get a good sweat.


December 27, 2022

Breakfast for harmony in 5 minutes.

Useful because it strengthens the immune system, regulates metabolism. Eat it several times a week, and after a month you will notice that the sagging tummy has crept up, the waist size has begun to approach the norm! All you need is: ▪️ 5-7 pcs. prunes (soak for 10 minutes in hot water) ▪️ 1 cup of kefir or unsweetened yogurt; ▪️ 1 tbsp. l. linseed oil; ▪️ 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal; ▪️ 1 tsp cocoa powder Just mix and leave overnight (do not grind with a blender)


December 27, 2022

Japanese scientists are sounding the alarm.

The reason for this is a particularly dangerous mutation of mosquitoes that carries a whole bunch of diseases. Researchers studied mosquito samples across Asia and found that 78% had a rare mutation that makes them resistant to most chemicals. They carry yellow fever, Zika virus, dengue fever and other serious illnesses inside them. If nothing is done, mosquitoes will continue to spread, posing a threat to the entire planet.


December 27, 2022

Salty food increases stress levels.

These conclusions were reached by Scottish scientists in the course of experiments on mice. One group of rodents was fed salty food for 2-8 weeks - the dose was about the same as in human food. The second - sat on a normal diet. A blood test showed that the mice in the first group had elevated levels of cortisol, the “stress hormone.” Also, after euthanasia, brain tissue samples were taken from rodents. They found increased activity of genes that produce proteins responsible for the response to stress. This effect appeared after only two weeks of the high-salt diet. Probably people are affected too.


December 27, 2022

How can you quickly reduce the pressure.

1. First of all, you need to relax and try to hold your breath on the exhale for 7-10 seconds for 2-3 minutes. This simple trick can drop up to 30 units of blood pressure. After the first self-help measures, try other ways to reduce blood pressure. 2. It is recommended to use cold water to quickly reduce the pressure. You can hold your hands under a stream of cold water up to your forearms, splash in your face, moisten cotton napkins and apply them to the thyroid gland and solar plexus. 3. If you apply cotton napkins to your feet for 10 minutes, which are abundantly soaked in apple cider vinegar, you can reduce blood pressure by 30-40 units.


December 26, 2022

Drinking tea at night is unhealthy.

Especially if you drink a lot of tea, several cups per evening. A large amount of fluid drunk loads the kidneys. And the kidneys are an organ that needs to rest at night. Drinking tea at night does not allow the kidneys to go into the "night mode" of rest, and as a result, they work for wear and tear. And this leads to increased pressure. And most of all, among lovers of evening tea and night food, the pressure rises in the morning or in the morning.


December 26, 2022

Stoop Prevention Exercises

1. Squats for a flat lower back. Stand with your back to the wall (distance - 10 cm). Place your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your straight arms up. Perform a squat - when your back touches the wall, press your lower back, shoulder blades and shoulders against it and lower yourself even lower until your knees form a right angle. Hold for 30-60 seconds. 2. "Plank" for a strong press. Get into a push-up position, resting on your forearms. Transfer the main body weight to your hands. Without losing your balance, bend your left leg at the knee and pull your heel twice towards your buttocks. Return leg to starting position, repeat with right leg. 10 times. 3. Rotations for straightened shoulders. Take a towel, roll it into a bundle. Straighten your back, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms out in front of you and stretch the towel so that your arms are as wide apart as possible. Raise your hands and move back as far as you can. Count to five. Return to starting position. Repeat 5 times.


December 26, 2022

Be the best

▫️ Strengthening a sense of self-confidence and control over life situations. ▫️ The biorhythm of the body suggests that waking up at 6-7 in the morning is always easier and more useful than, for example, at 9. With such a schedule, a person feels much more cheerful. ▫️ Emotional satisfaction. Waking up in the morning, you get the feeling that you are already one step ahead of everyone else, which certainly affects the level of motivation.


December 21, 2022

New wellness and beauty trends for 2023! A lot of interesting things are waiting for us:

7. Emphasis on natural beauty. Interestingly, during the pandemic, cosmetics sales fell by 19%. But at the same time, the demand for skin care products increased by 42%. And this trend continues: beautiful, well-groomed and healthy skin plus a minimum of cosmetics. 8. Taking care of your sex life. According to BusinessWire, the sex wellness market will be worth $125 billion by 2026. The impressive amount is explained by the fact that in the coming years we will finally get used to the idea that the satisfaction of our sex desires is one of the forms of self-care.


December 21, 2022