"Never ask for help, that's how you show your weakness"

If you are a human being and not a robot, it's okay that sometimes you can't cope with something. In such a situation, it is normal to ask for help and accept help, especially, if the overall success depends on your actions. For example, if you fail to meet a deadline and it hurts a team project, it's better to involve your colleagues than to let everyone down.


December 11, 2022

How to take the initiative

It can come from anyone, the main thing is that it is properly packaged. For example, in the form of questions: "Don't you think it's worth thinking about this?" "What do you think of this idea?" “And what do you think, how to do it?” “I have an idea and your opinion is important to me” Women are naturally more proactive than men. But in a partner family, a woman usually has enough wisdom to make the initiative look unobtrusive.


December 10, 2022

Casino effect in relationships

The casino effect is when a person spends his resources, but there is no result. But he still continues to throw a lot of energy into it. Someone wants to be married for a long time, but this does not happen. Someone is trying to fall in love with a cold partner. What to do if you understand that you are subject to this effect? You need to realize that if a person really takes you seriously and is ready to take some steps, then he will take these steps. And he would have gone forward a long time ago.


December 10, 2022

Your colleagues are not your friends

HR managers tell us that their company has a friendly environment, and that teamwork and honesty are appreciated. So you get the impression that everyone is your best friend. Don't believe it. We all tend to compete with each other, and it would be just naive to pretend otherwise. There's nothing wrong with that. Just don't treat your coworkers like friends, don't expect too much from them. People actually work to get money for their job. It would be a mistake to think that they can sacrifice their salary for the sake of friendship. Base your relationship on a different model. Be friendly, have fun with your colleagues, but above all remain professional.


December 10, 2022

Learn to deal with your enemies

Everyone who has achieved something or strives for a meaningful goal has enemies. The best tools against them are equanimity, composure, composure, a sense of humor, ignoring and banning. Equanimity, composure, and calmness help avoid irritation when dealing with them. A sense of humor smooths communication, no matter personal or online (emoji are what you need 🙂) Crazy haters, if at all possible, should be banned immediately. If you can't ban them, ignore them. The easiest way to defeat the enemy is not to communicate with him or her. The less you know about him or her, the happier you are.


December 10, 2022

Make friends with deadlines

Deadlines can discipline, focus, and mobilize. As well as drive you into prostration, panic, and even paralysis. To avoid becoming a victim of a deadline, it's better: ▫️ not to try to meet very tight deadlines and take time to spare (you can say like, "I don't work well under deadlines. Please give me one more day"); ▫️ to plan everything and start doing things ahead of time without any distractions, keep focused; ▫️ to split the project into sprints; ▫️ and, of course, not to put everything off until the last days/hours.


December 10, 2022

Why doesn't he do anything for you?

Women have a special memory: where the keys go, she does not remember. But when and how her husband offended her and did not give her enough, he recalls in detail every quarrel. Where he is right, he will never hear. But where it's wrong, it's in the details! Why he is bad, what was missing, what else is needed, where he screwed up, what didn’t work out - everything flies into his brain. Such men get sad, burn out, they have failures at work, their libido drops, their escape from reality into gadgets and a bottle progresses. And such husbands need a mistress to save the marriage. They go to her in order to regain everything that their spouse bit off at home.


December 10, 2022

Why work on relationships?

Why bother with the family? In addition to the fact that the family is a place where you can become very happy, it is also a tool for your growth. It is in the family that you can realize yourself in every sense. The family can be a source of pleasure, joy and intimacy, it helps and protects. But she is also a constant source of irritation, because we are forced to find a common language and build relationships with a partner. And no matter how much you love each other, there will always be a reason for discontent and conflict. And this is a testing ground for constant work on yourself, if you want it, of course.


December 10, 2022

Magic phrases that strengthen relationships

Positive reinforcements We often do not encourage loved ones, we are silent about love. Stop being shy, give compliments. Say thanks more often Thank you for a delicious dinner, a new dress, or just for the fact that the person is nearby. interest in a loved one Constantly ask how you are, what you dreamed about and so on. This will help you get closer.


December 10, 2022

Lack of attention from wife

I have said many times that I do not condone male infidelity. But, whatever the circumstances, two are always to blame for family discord. Your partner, just like you, wants to feel loved. But when he does not receive affection, attention, trips to the "left" happen. Alas, not all couples are able to resolve conflicts peacefully. Each of the spouses stands up for their own truth. For example, a woman does not want to make concessions, because she is already busy arranging her life and raising children. While the spouse does not seek to support his beloved, but only reproaches her for indifference. The end result is betrayal.


December 10, 2022

Stop comparing yourself to others

Neither in reality, nor on social media. On the Internet, everyone tries to create the appearance of an ideal life, which should not be trusted. There's absolutely no need to compare yourself to some illusive virtual image. Can't get rid of the feeling that everyone is better than you? Then do the following: instead of comparing yourself to people you're interested in, try to find out how they succeeded.


December 9, 2022

Be kinder to yourself

We make too heavy demands on ourselves and blame ourselves for faults we would forgive another person immediately. Don't do that. Stop putting yourself down, be kinder to yourself. Treat your own actions and thoughts with compassion and respect.


December 9, 2022

6 ways to hurt his male ego (on purpose or not)

1. Point out his physical defects. Even if he is not perfect and does not seek to change, he does not want to hear about his shortcomings. 2. Doubt his salary. They are offended when a woman boasts that she earns more than him. If you earn less, then he may be offended that he earns little. 3. Fix it in front of other people. Most men want to believe that they know everything better than anyone. 4. Talk about other men. Any compliment or words of encouragement addressed to another man hurt his ego. 5. Talk positively about your ex. Any compliment to the former is a blow to the ego of the current. 6. Show dissatisfaction with him in bed. If a woman is not happy, this is a big blow for him.


December 7, 2022

Gestures of a man when he likes a woman

• The body is turned towards the woman, his leg is put out in front of her - as a sign that he is taking a step towards the interlocutor. • A man watches his posture, straightens his shoulders, raises his chin. • The man is excited: straightens his tie, sleeves, rubs his palms, straightens his hair. • Spreads legs wide, means that he feels relaxed. • Looks into the eyes, holds the gaze and periodically switches it to the lips.


December 7, 2022

Ask Personal Questions

Use this trick if you need to get someone to like you immediately. It also works the other way around. Tell something personal about yourself to earn a person's trust. But don't spill your guts at once. Give it out gradually. Repeat your interlocutor's body language. If both repeat each other's movements and facial expressions, it means that the contact is established. That way you can even check how well the conversation is going. Try to sit a little differently and see if the person does the same.


December 7, 2022

Keep Your Emotions Under Control

An intense emotional reaction can be perceived by a toxic person as a manifestation of weakness and insecurity, which will trigger them to even more provocation: inappropriate jokes, manipulation and unfair criticism. Keeping an emotional distance requires awareness. Periodically, you will find that you are in a situation where you need to stop and choose the best course of action. Sometimes the best course of action is to smile and nod, and in the meantime, pause and plan your next steps.


December 7, 2022

How to achieve harmony in work with an egoist

Egoists think only about themselves. In worst cases, this is combined with toxic behavior and narcissism. Narcissists differ in that they do not know how to appreciate other people's good ideas and tend to exaggerate their own importance. If you are a boss, try to deal with this behavior rather sooner than later and directly. When you see an employee is taking advantage of others, let him know that this behavior is unacceptable. If the egoist is your colleague, use the same approach. It is better to immediately stop such an attitude and unequivocally make it clear that you will not tolerate it.


December 7, 2022

More about healthy relationships

The ability to show and feel empathy for each other. In fact, it is obvious that you should always be there for each other, especially when emotions overwhelm you. Most couples take their relationship status for granted and forget how important the person next to them is until things start to fall apart. Being constantly aware of your partner's emotions and expressing that awareness in a sincere and caring way is paramount in any relationship.


December 6, 2022

Is cheating allowed in a couple?

It seems that a loved one should not lie in any case, because this undermines trust and the foundation on which a joint happy future is based. But some are sure that lying in a family between a husband and wife is a completely normal phenomenon, and there is nothing wrong with that if the spouses do not cross the permissible boundaries.


December 6, 2022

Is it important to be officially married if you love each other?

“Why do we need an official marriage, we already love each other” “It is not necessary to sign if you trust your partner” “Paper papers do not matter, the main thing is feelings!” Familiar? I'm sure yes. For each of us, family and relationships mean something different. Everyone chooses how to live. And what is the significance of formalization for your relationship? Is the stamp in your passport important to you or are you for cohabitation?


December 6, 2022