This is what all men pay attention to. Since childhood, a maternal image has been formed in his head. In psychology, it is he who forms the idea of a woman, her care, affection and warmth. Therefore, I recommend to all women to stroke their men for no reason, simply because you love them.


April 12, 2022


When to introduce the child to the new "daddy"? What if you break up and the child gets injured again? A child will be traumatized only if you declare: "This is your new dad" (he has a dad, wherever he is); "You must obey him, respect him, love him" (shouldn't, this is given to the worthy in exchange for love and care). Or get rid of your child because he interferes with the new husband. Let the new person, without fanfare, simply enter your life as a friend and entertainment partner in the park, at the movies and on vacation. Without pressure and serious faces will find a common language. The more you inflate around this importance, the more difficult it is for everyone to communicate and accept each other.


April 12, 2022

Emotional swings in relationships

Imagine a situation: a guy and a girl met, started talking. After some time, they began to have romantic feelings for each other: the guy confessed to the girl in sympathy, she reciprocated. And then, as in the best romantic film: flowers, dates. But suddenly an unexpected thing happens: the young man disappears, does not answer phone calls, or his “I love you!” changes to "I hate you!" What does a girl do in such a situation? She begins to look for the reason in herself, to feel guilty and remember with admiration how good he was. Her feelings become even stronger, and then the following happens: the young man returns, again confesses his love and says that he missed her very much. Guess what happens after a while? That's right, he disappears again. A similar pattern of behavior in relationships between a man and a woman, when intimacy alternates with alienation, is also called an emotional swing.


April 12, 2022


"I love you". Remind yourself of this more often and do not be afraid to overdo it with this phrase. A man must know that he is loved. "Thank you" And this is not just a demonstration of their politeness. In healthy relationships, people accept actions with special love and value. "Forgive me" Relationships are not a field for pride. Sometimes it is easier to show maturity and wisdom to take the first step towards reconciliation than to pout over some little thing. "I'm lucky to have you" A couple in a happy and strong relationship realizes the value of their union. They are ready to admit it to everyone in the world, but the most important thing is that they tell their partners about it. "How was your day?" Healthy relationships involve a sincere interest in each other's life of their soul mate.


April 11, 2022

Method 20%

I want nothing and nothing works? Motivation does not work well, and you completely gave up? When your dreams, goals and objectives are huge, everything seems unrealistic. Start small. Do only 20% of what you expect to get. Do you want to lose 10 kilos? Decide that 2 kg will be enough for you. When you drop them, you will want more, because it was not difficult. Push-ups 100 times is difficult, but if you try 20, then it is quite possible to learn. Writing a novel is hard, but the first 10 pages are easy. Set yourself a goal bar 20% less than you dream. But upon reaching, raise it again and again. It is always difficult to take the very first step, and then things will go. It is important not to give up along the way. Now act, but do not give up after the difficulties encountered, but fight and look for other loopholes. Forward!


April 11, 2022


In a woman, as in a man, energy, liveliness, a twinkle in her eyes are very important. This is what attracts people to each other, gives them a charge. A man comes to a woman in the first place for him. In order not to lose the spark in your eyes, you need to develop and learn new things, enjoy yourself, your life, be responsible for changes, love yourself and the world that you surround yourself with.


April 11, 2022

Stress and health

German scientists for the first time in history proved that depression affects health. If the lack of joy in life and a bad mood in a person lasts longer than 2 years, then later this condition causes damage to blood cells and strikes at the immune system.


April 11, 2022


Have you already connected your life with a beggar man? Then look at the prospects. If this is a young guy who shows promise, naturally you need to inspire him and endure financial inconvenience. And if you get hung up on how much a husband should earn and completely forget about his mission as a muse, the male potential will fall. For whom to try? For the grouchy and always dissatisfied wife-saw? She will never be enough! Therefore, it is not so important how much a husband earns now, he can definitely earn more with your support. Understandably, it will be difficult at first. Problems, lack of money, time, effort. But if a woman believes, supports, a man will achieve everything.


April 10, 2022

Psychology of stress

The Psychology of Stress by Robert Sapolsky. Under stress, the body is forced to allocate maximum energy and direct it to the organs on which salvation depends. Some processes are accelerated at the expense of others. The right strategy for dealing with stress is maximum flexibility. Recognize stressors and actively deal with physical stressors. It is more useful to simply ignore psychological stress factors. Do not turn the fight against stress into an end in itself, otherwise this struggle will turn into stress itself.


April 10, 2022


This is the most important and most difficult step, because you can be considered selfish, and even a bitch. We are afraid. From time immemorial, girls have been taught that their life purpose is to support their husband, his motivation and inspiration. And the higher the service to the spouse is rewarded, the greater success she has achieved in life. But in the 21st century, we have the right to think about what we want. And it is worth using this right. Healthy selfishness is normal and only it will make you a happy woman!


April 10, 2022

Don't take on everything at once

Focus on the essentials. First of all, determine the point where you are and where you want to go. Do you feel stagnant and lack of perspective in your work? Do you have problems in social life or in relationships with colleagues? Maybe your family relationships have exhausted themselves and require renewal? Decide what problem makes you feel negative and think about how you can solve it. Do not grab changes in all areas at once, focus on the main thing. This will help bring much more clarity to the situation.


April 10, 2022

Give up glossy ideas

Every day we are deceived by gloss: beautiful publics about success, biographies of outrageous businessmen, fashion magazines. We are told that it is possible to live easily, to succeed easily. No, that won't work. In the real world, mediocre efforts lead to mediocre results. An easy life is the same as an empty one. In fact, in order to be something, you have to give up excuses and do more difficult and complex things than everyone else. You have to get up earlier, get more done, read faster, stay mindful, be honest with yourself, and do many other difficult things. To be strong, you have to conquer yourself every day.


April 8, 2022

How to talk about problems

It is important to find ways to express your feelings. This can help you relieve tension and make better decisions. You can express your feelings in a number of ways, including: • making some time for yourself, even if it's only ten minutes; • write about how you feel - this can be helpful in exploring your feelings. Some people keep diaries, others just write down what comes to their mind. You can write a story about what is bothering you; • get away from situations that might stress you out or make you angry; • self-talk - consciously change negative thought patterns to help you look at things in a more positive light; • Relaxation is one way to focus your thoughts and look at the big picture. Is your stressful situation worth worrying about? Will it matter in the long run?


April 8, 2022


In order to consistently stick to the plan, it is important to be able to motivate yourself. Motivation can be positive - "if I do this today, I will buy myself a cake" and negative - "if I do not do this today, I will not eat cakes for a whole month." In other words, you either reward yourself or punish yourself. Think about what motivation suits you best. I recommend using both methods. At the end of a period - a month or a year - write down everything that you managed to do. Be sure to reward yourself. We often say that we don't have time. It demotivates and stops progress. Instead, analyze what you have time for. Talk and think about it. Motivation


April 8, 2022


One of the partners is always bad, and the other is good. The roles are carefully distributed: someone is a victim (all the stones are thrown at her if something goes wrong), and the other throws these very stones. Control, surveillance of expenses and income, social circle and questions similar to interrogation with predilection. Manipulations are obvious and non-obvious. Even if a person manipulates in a positive way, it will still affect your relationship in a destructive way. Humiliation and ridicule in a healthy relationship is absolutely unacceptable. Especially when a partner deliberately lowers your self-esteem.


April 8, 2022


There are women who can be in a relationship for years where they are bullied both psychologically and physically, but they still continue to be there. Because it's acceptable for them. Consciously they suffer, they try to somehow influence the partner, but they cannot break off the relationship. And there is only one way out - to seek help from a specialist. There are women who, at the slightest encroachment, not just on their life and health, but even on some kind of severe violation of personal boundaries, immediately put an end to the relationship. Definitely - where there was a threat to life and health, you can never forgive and stay there. And even if a man repents now, no one knows how he will behave in the future.


April 8, 2022


WHAT DOES THE LOVE TO DISPUTES WITH A WOMAN SAY ABOUT A MAN? We are not talking about petty domestic disputes, but about the constant desire to prove one's case. At the level of basic human instincts, this means that a man enters into competition with a woman, with whom, in theory, he should not have competition, because this is a different sex. Many psychologists even notice that this type of men are latent homosexuals, and a woman is perceived as a rival. No matter what anyone says, one thing is clear: men without complexes do not need to argue with a woman. Women cause them completely different desires


April 8, 2022

You can even argue with a girl!

Often guys are afraid of a possible, even minimal, confrontation with a girl. After all, he wants to “achieve”, “deserve” her to be in the same bed with her. This option will not work - you probably saw this once you were on this channel) An attempt to "cheer up" a girl is a very correct action. Our task is to evoke emotions and emotionally bind it to ourselves. Better such an ardent conversation on opposite sides of the barricades than your dull nodding to all arguments. But there is no need to arrange a debate - there is no need to go to extremes. Find a balance in communication in which you are BOTH individuals. And not you “achieving” and she “evaluating” - this model DOES NOT WORK.


April 7, 2022

Signs of a healthy relationship

Love and care The most important thing in a healthy relationship is sincere mutual love. Partners take care of each other both in words and in deeds, constantly demonstrating that they value and love each other. Mutual Respect Mutual respect means that partners consider each other's feelings and treat their partner the way they would like to be treated. Mutual openness A sense of security allows you to fully open up to a partner, which, in turn, makes the relationship of partners deeper.


April 7, 2022

Our intuition

Man has been given a unique opportunity to make his own choice. We are constantly in a state of making decisions - from the smallest to the most momentous. And, as a rule, we do it intuitively, and choose our path at random. Agree, each of us wants him to have an instruction that would suggest what profession to master, with whom to connect his fate, how to find a common language with parents and with other people. Such a guide to action exists, it only needs to be correctly deciphered. Listen to your heart and move on to a bright streak of happiness, luck and harmony.


April 7, 2022