Books from planning gurus

1. JD Meyer - Agile for yourself: a system of personal achievements in work and life. 2. S. J. Scott - A new look at the list of important things: how to manage to do all the most important things. 3. Jim Benson - Personal Kanban. Job Map / Life Navigator. 4. Atul Gawande - Checklist. How to avoid stupid mistakes leading to fatal consequences. 5. Jeff Sutherland - Scrum: how to work half as much while doing twice as much.


May 20, 2022

A real man.

A real man is the one who is on the shoulder, and not on the drum. A real man knows how to listen, hear and understand. He is short in words and unlimited in deeds... Being a real man does not mean subjugating a woman, but it means behaving with her in such a way that she does not want to love anyone but him.


May 19, 2022

Appreciate yourself.

I admire women who do not allow themselves to be disrespected by the person with whom they are in a relationship. You worked on yourself, created yourself bit by bit, not in order to endure such things. Relationships should bring peace, comfort, ease, confidence, and if you are constantly offended, humiliated and upset, leave. This is the only correct solution.


May 19, 2022


Whenever you take responsibility for what you do, you are faced with a choice where there are no right or wrong decisions. One decision will entail one chain of events - one life, one path, one inner state, another decision - another life, another path, another state.


May 19, 2022

In an abusive relationship, you feel that you are much better off without a partner than with a partner.

When you go somewhere by yourself, you feel like a mountain has fallen from your shoulders. And at work you like to linger, just not to go home. And you constantly find an excuse to come back later to minimize communication with your partner. If so, then you should think about whether your relationship is normal?


May 19, 2022

Be the soul of the company. Attract people with your charisma. Attract with eloquence.

For some reason, 90% of people think this is an inborn talent. In fact, such qualities can be easily developed, even if you are a shy and silent person. In just a few weeks. The main thing - there would be a desire!


May 19, 2022


1. Do not try to belittle yourself because of coquetry, modesty, or in the hope that he will praise you more. 2. Don't change your plans because of him! If you are on short access to him, then he is not worried: will we see each other and when? And you! 3. Do not impose: “Why don’t you call?”, “I don’t have enough attention!”, “Let’s go somewhere already!”, “Why don’t you need anything?”. Does not call? Boring? Not calling anywhere? I got up and went to live life to the fullest, and not lick the phone. 4. Without total control: “Who is this woman?”, “Where have you been?”, “Where are you staring?” If a girl watches who is looking at him, she is not confident in herself. You need to take care of yourself, then he will watch you.


May 19, 2022

One of the most ambiguous feelings in a relationship. Jealousy.

If you ask a hundred girls if they like it when guys have these feelings for them, the answers can be as contradictory as possible. But we need to understand how to behave properly. You need to use your jealousy in cold blood, and not surrender to emotions. Because it is good in small doses and as a last resort. If you demonstrate it too often, it will become a marker of your dependence on a girl. That is, suspicions about a guy who has rolled up on a social network or a call from an unknown number will sooner or later lead to the termination of the relationship.


May 19, 2022

An ever-working date invitation scheme.

Less pressure + more intrigue = better result. And this guys works! Excessive pressure and hackneyed invitation significantly increase the chances of a response "listen, let's next time." An exhibition, a salsa class, or simply "the place where they sell the most delicious ice cream" - anything is better than let's go for a walk.


May 19, 2022

Stay or leave

The main question that you should answer is: do you want to continue to build relationships with your husband after his betrayal? If you are ready to forgive. You decided to save your family and are ready to forget all the bad things. You will have to rebuild your relationship with your spouse. Accept his courtship: ask for gifts, agree to dates. Take care of yourself: increase your marriage rating to prevent a repeat of infidelity. If you're ready to leave. It's a hard decision, but it will bring you relief. Talk to your ex-husband, explain to him. Be sure to take up an active hobby, develop intellectually. So you will get in shape, get rid of stress, expand your circle of acquaintances. Remember the main thing: sincerely forgive your partner for his mistakes. Learn to be grateful for any experience. It doesn't matter what you decide - stay or leave. The main thing is that your choice makes your life joyful and fulfilling.


May 18, 2022

Expelling the negative

Do you think that constant conflicts, quarrels and showdowns are a real passion? Even if a quarrel occurs, a healthy discussion of the problem will help resolve the conflict, and not slamming the door, throwing everything that comes to hand. Girls, learn to distinguish passion from toxicity! And these insults to you? "Shut up" "You are stupid?" "Fuck you!" Do you have to hear such words addressed to you when a man is angry, and when everything is getting better, he asks for forgiveness? And then everything repeats over again? It's a red flag that something is wrong with the relationship.


May 18, 2022

The magic of touch

Family psychologists and sexologists agreed: there is something in the relationship between a man and a woman that, perhaps, will be more important than the usual sexual pleasures. And this something is tenderness, manifested in the form of gentle hugs and gentle touches to each other. What is the secret? It turns out that the touch of a dear person in itself already has a healing effect, since it causes a whole hormonal revolution in the body of the one who was caressed. First, endorphins (hormones of joy) are released, which reduce any pain and cause a feeling of causeless euphoria.


May 18, 2022

One of the most productive tactics of communication with girls

But with one caveat. Choose from those girls who choose you. I sometimes call it the "lazy approach" because. The bottom line is that in this way you can weed out all dubious candidates who respond to messages for a long time, do not immediately agree to a date, with such an appearance that there are competitors around ... Well, you know what I mean. So, of course, there is practicality in a lazy approach - communication with such a girl will go like clockwork. Therefore, for those who have just begun to dive into seduction and are taking their first steps, this is an ideal option. I usually recommend it. But I also tell the guys about the most important disadvantage - such girls will be below your requests. It's like working, you know. You can not bother and go where they will definitely take you, or you can persevere and achieve a more prestigious place, a higher salary. Therefore, after the first successes, you need to try to leave this tactic.


May 18, 2022

Advice on how to deal with rejection from girls

It's all about the right attitude. If you are faced with a rejection, this is not a defeat and not a “marker” of the fact that you are such a man. When a girl says no, she doesn't reject the guy as a person. She knows him for ONE minute - how can there be such a thing? There is a huge possibility that the girl is simply not ready for dating and there are life circumstances that affect such a mood. Anyone who accepts rejection personally is an egoist. The whole world does not revolve around you and for this reason the girl's attitude towards you has no existential meaning. Be ready for rejection, but also charge yourself for accepting reciprocal sympathy - that's all.


May 18, 2022

The female trap we all love to fall into...

"Well, tell me the truth! I, honestly, will not be angry / offended / condemned " Oooh guys it's a trap. Maybe after what she heard, the girl will not openly demonstrate her reaction, but inside ... She will make natural conclusions for herself - exactly those that you were so afraid of. So, lie in those moments when your honesty is not critical, but can have such consequences. This advice is especially relevant when it comes to past relationships ...


May 18, 2022

Take off the label

The best way to overcome weaknesses is to stop thinking they exist. We are often our own worst enemies. Therefore, first of all, silence that inner voice that constantly whispers that you are not given to become a leader. Remember: • Absolutely everyone is nervous before speaking in public. • We all make mistakes. • Every leader has situations in which he feels vulnerable. So just accept it.


May 17, 2022


Our character is tempered in really unpleasant situations. It is important to anticipate and accept such situations in advance, because emotions only aggravate the situation. Train your mind and control instinctive reactions - this will allow you not to bring the situation to a critical point.


May 17, 2022

Make yourself your project

We are arranged in such a way that we are more often ready to treat other people's tasks more responsibly than our own. For example, before the arrival of guests in some apartments there is a hell of a general cleaning, which people have not done for their own sake for years. Therefore, become your own producer, treat yourself as a business project. Do you want to be an actor or dream of a new job, a bigger apartment, losing eight kilograms - no matter what goal you cannot start moving towards. As soon as you create a project out of yourself, you magically change the attitude towards your own tasks. The project is no longer you, but the real work. It's a matter that needs to be handled responsibly.


May 17, 2022

Be (a little) selfish

Although we are accustomed to perceive selfishness as an exclusively negative quality, it is absolutely necessary for the recognition of our own worth. After all, self-respect and understanding are at the heart of recognizing one's significance, one's experience. So if you want to increase your motivation, don't try to force yourself. On the contrary, you need to stop, listen to yourself, understand why one inspires you, and the other discourages you from acting. And don't forget: no one is holding you back but yourself.


May 17, 2022

Limit doubt before it limits you

If you are planning to do something seriously, then get rid of doubts and self-doubt. When people created art, technical masterpieces and ingenious inventions, they did not let doubts take over their minds. Do not hesitate, when the opportunity arises, when you feel the momentum, when your inner voice pushes you forward - take action. This is your task. This is all that is required of you. You need not to hope, but to know that it will be the way you want. Know how twice two makes four. Without doubts and fears.


May 17, 2022