Enemies of female energy.

The strength of a woman is in her energy and lightness. These things block this ease, forcing you to lose the most important resource: • Stress • Bad habits • Emotional dependency • Fear and anxiety • Suppressed emotions • Someone else's responsibility • Struggle and resistance • Unfinished business • Toxic men


July 4, 2022

How to decide on a divorce?

When should you get divorced? When all attempts to improve the situation were in vain, and you simply do not see any prospects. Make a plan of action: what and how you will do next. For example, if you have to move, you need to take care of a new place of residence in advance. Think about how to tell the children the bad news. Realize that divorce is not the end of the world, but the choice of a better life for you! Just compare: are you ready to suffer in an unhealthy relationship that destroys you? Or do you want to be a happy girl filled with positive energy?


July 4, 2022

Tolerance for shortcomings.

You do not idealize a man, you do not require him to get a star from the sky. You calmly accept your loved one for who he is. But the trouble with many spouses is that they are not ready to look for common ground. Only insults and manipulation are used: “You are such / such ...”. Unwillingness to put up with the shortcomings of another speaks of the immaturity of feelings.


July 4, 2022

Fear of public speaking and how to deal with it.

Trembling hands, halting speech, parched throat — sounds familiar? Today we will analyze some simple and effective tips that will help you feel more confident in front of public. Come up with a detailed performance plan, it will help you to keep the structure (avoiding empty talk) and save time for the performance itself. Remember 2 simple numbers - 80 and 20. Women look more feminine if they use more facial expressions than gestures in their nonverbal communication. Men, on the contrary, should have more gestures. Observing this simple proportion, you will look more harmonious and confident, which means that the audience will like you more. In order to speak confidently and enunciate, it is important to learn how to breathe correctly. There is a special technique of breathing "diaphragm", it allows you to make your voice more voluminous, and less tired during long performances. Learn the main tips and tricks of world famous speakers.


July 4, 2022

Pity is the best control lever.

That's because our mental system is built that way. I've met very few people who can stay aloof from the other's grief. So people begin to unconsciously obey and try their best to help the other. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you can be caught and get dumped.


July 4, 2022

Be more silent.

Have you ever noticed that people who listen more are more trustworthy. That's because they have a great psychological advantage. And often people begin to talk more next to silent people and thus tell them everything that is necessary and not necessary. It is enough to throw out a couple of questions and look engaged to make anyone trust you. And let me tell you a secret, where there is trust, there is the possibility of suggestion.


July 4, 2022

How to manipulate a girl with a smile.

More precisely, its absence. Haven't you ever noticed how girls react to guys who abruptly began to "sad"? “Something happened, John?”, “Are you all right?”, “You are kind of upset ..” - and so on. And if a guy starts to “sad” in the company, then she will ALWAYS start asking everyone “what about him?” Why does it work like this? Because most girls are attracted by men who need to be “fixed”. Pull those who need help, care ... In short, "drama" they need.


July 3, 2022

How the figure of the pope forms the fear of loneliness.

Situation: Dad didn't choose mom. And dad didn't choose you. You see, mom is not okay. And you, too - after all, dad left you too. And even if this is not a divorce, mom and dad living as neighbors make it clear to you that love does not live here. You already know: love is about "deserving". Both you and your mother tried hard, that's why they didn't get it. And every time you get into a relationship, you will keep your finger on the pulse: what if he is like a dad? Will he be dissatisfied and leave you alone? And you're afraid. What to do? Realize that if a parent abandoned you, he did not do this because he was unhappy with you. His motives were within the relationship with his mother, but not with you. EVERYTHING is fine with you and you can check it in your own relationships.


July 3, 2022

Intonation matters.

Did you know that 38% of meaning is communicated through tone and voice. Why do you need to know that? Well, if only to use it properly. Learn to manage your tone. No quiet statements under your breath. Everything should be clear and loud, (but not too much so that you can be heard in the next room). Your speech should be slow with short pauses. And remember, no commanding tone, you won't gain credibility that way, I'm telling you that for sure.


July 3, 2022

The rule of gradualness.

Do you need to instill a person with an idea or make them agree to everything? More than simple. All it takes is some time and patience. It is necessary to gradually inculcate the same idea into the subject's head day after day, and after a while they themselves will begin to think so. An excellent and illustrative example is abuse. When one blames the other for all their troubles: "Yes, it's your fault that I'm an alcoholic." If you tell someone every day that they are a fool, then sooner or later they will start to think so, too.


July 3, 2022

Silence, but not of the lambs.

Very often manipulators resort to this method. To ostensibly show all their resentment. Now, I'm not pointing any fingers, but women do it most often.The main way to oppose to such manipulation is to keep from dancing to the tune of the manipulator. If the manipulator manages to play on the feelings of others once, he will succeed in doing so again. It's better to say something like this: "Approach me when you're ready to talk constructively." This way the person will understand for sure that you are not playing their games.


July 3, 2022

What keeps a man interested in you?

From time immemorial, any man was attracted to women who know how to be satisfied. Alas, not all ladies are in this state all the time. Some completely discourage male interest in their person from the very first minutes of their acquaintance. For example, they immediately dictate their demands or sit with a “sour” face. So the main conclusion is: Demonstrate a state of pleasure always. It doesn't matter if you are reading a book or riding in public transport. In your every phrase, in every action, you should read: "I live in abundance."


July 2, 2022

Three types of families.

In a troubled family, everyone fights for their own solution, not because they think it's reasonable, but because they don't know how to give in. Partners blame each other, are afraid to give in and look weak. Therefore, in a problem family, decisions are made with difficulty. In a dominant family, decisions are made by one partner, and the second does not influence them. Usually it's a man. Women with a soft character who need support feel protected in such relationships. In a partner family, decisions are made jointly. Partners are able to give in, but also to protect their interests, too. They try to think and take care of each other, make balanced, adult decisions.


July 2, 2022

Averting your eyes.

Remember, it is always difficult for a liar to look straight into the eyes. But when a person looks away, it's too obvious... something smells fishy. Therefore, when lying, people have unintentionally invented disguised gestures such as rubbing their eyelids, as if something itches. Naturally, I'm not saying that everyone who rubs their eyes is necessarily lying. But if the person is simultaneously answering questions, then I recommend taking a closer look.


July 2, 2022

To change is to LIVE.

To change is to reflect the essence of your own existence: its changeability. Face your fears, and you will stop being afraid of life. Know how to let people go, and you will be loved. Believe that whatever you do is right, and you will no longer need anyone's faith — because you will succeed in EVERYTHING. There is no success and no failure. There is LIFE — and you are part of it.


July 2, 2022

The mirror technique.

People tend to trust those who look like them. The following logic works here: familiar means understandable, understandable means trustworthy. Look closely at the interlocutor, listen to his intonations, pay attention to the manner of speaking and gesticulating. This rule also applies to nonverbal communication. Your opponent jokes — joke in response, tells something confidentially — listen with participation, gestures — repeat his gestures. This also works with a large audience, just study your listeners as much as possible before the performance


July 2, 2022

Girls' favorite pastime...

Do not reply to a message for a long time. Today we will not talk about how this affects the balance of significance, about the nature of this phenomenon and how this demonstrates the degree of her sympathy for a man. I want to tell you just one thing - you have the COMPLETE right to do exactly the same. Let him wait for the dumb, let him get nervous. Why let a girl taste your attention right away. We do not give ourselves away right away - we observe a certain mystery.


July 1, 2022

Thanks to the man.

A man, bringing something into the house (mammoth, money, prey) expects payment from all households. It is this component that is often lacking in the family. The man feels betrayed. He worked hard, brought home and threw his achievements, as if into a furnace or into an abyss. So what? Who will appreciate? Lover, of course! Just learn to say the word "THANK YOU" to your husband. It should come more from your soul than from your mouth. Fuck knows how it works, but men distinguish "thank you" from "thx". Teach the children to say this word to dad.


July 1, 2022

How to get out of a fight.

Stop blaming. Each accusation and presentation of claims only exacerbates the situation. Express dissatisfaction calmly, wanting not to injure, but to sort it out. Cool down. Do not need too much passion, on the contrary, give each other more air. There is no right in the situation. You must understand that everything you are in now, you created both. Speak kind words. No matter how hard it is, leave room for nice words. You can radically change the situation by saying words that you haven’t said for a long time, praising or thanking.


July 1, 2022

How to get the conversation back on track?

Suppose you need to discuss an important issue with someone. But you feel that the interlocutor is trying to "weasel out" from the topic you had in mind. How does one delicately get the conversation back on track? Lean back in your chair and take a break. As soon as you feel their undivided attention, tell him that you met directly to discuss another issue. Name it and tactfully but persistently ask the interlocutor to return to the discussion of the intended subject.


July 1, 2022