Limit the flow of negativity.

To become a better person, you mustn't let negative information or destructive people into your life. They ruin harmony, make you doubt your strength, and upset you. The concept of NEGATIVE is what people assess as something bad, unpleasant, hard, adverse, owing to psychological reasons. That is, sometimes intentional is not deliberate, not generated in the mind. Unkind criticism, raging, blaming and self-blaming, hurting oneself, seeing everything in a black color - all this is negativity.


July 16, 2022

What is emotional betrayal and why is it dangerous?

Emotional cheating is when a person is married or in a serious relationship, but gives someone else more time, energy and feelings than their partner. With this "friend" he shares his innermost thoughts, he prefers to turn to him for support, warmth and emotional strokes. In other words, looking for emotions on the side. Such an emotional connection is also a kind of betrayal, albeit without sex. Because this "just friendship" over time can easily end in bed.


July 15, 2022

Negative perfectionism

The main danger for a perfectionist is his tendency to get hung up on trifles. That is, focusing on some insignificant detail, he begins to unrestrainedly spend time on it. How to learn to notice and stop such behavior in time? Method 1. Mini-plans. At the beginning of each hour, write down the tasks you want to complete in that hour. At the end of the hour, summarize what you have done and what you have not. Method 2. "Lighthouse". Place a visible object near your workspace to remind you to keep moving forward. Method 3. External signal. As such, you can use a timer call, a pop-up window or a reminder in the organizer. What to do if you catch yourself stuck, but don't know how to cut it off? In this case, try answering three questions: And does it really need to be done? Can it be done differently? Can it be made easier? Many “very important details” turn out to be not so important after checking.


July 15, 2022

Taking care of your mental health:

▫️ Meditate for 5 minutes; ▫️ Go outside; ▫️ Read a book for 30 minutes; ▫️ Name 5 things you like about yourself; ▫️ Be grateful to yourself for where you are now.


July 15, 2022

Useful pretending.

When learning a new skill, pretend you are a professional. Imagine the desired image in detail, create an entourage, and prepare a speech. This useful game will allow you to stay motivated and learn faster.


July 15, 2022

Affirmations for personal growth.

▫️ I succeed in everything I do. ▫️ I am immensely grateful for the life I live. ▫️ I love myself from the inside out. ▫️ I love myself, no matter what others think. ▫️ I am the only one who can define my self-worth, and I am worthy of my dreams. ▫️ I free myself from negative thoughts, especially negative thoughts about myself. ▫️ I am healthy and full of energy. ▫️ I accept myself as I am.


July 15, 2022

Life teaches us to combine the extremes:

- love people but be indifferent, - do good but wait for evil, - hope for the best but prepare for the worst, - believe in people but trust no one, - be optimistic but have a realistic outlook, - live with an open heart but let no one in. Оne part of you is supposed to love the world and admire it, while the other one is supposed to always remain alert and cautious.


July 15, 2022

Teenage habit of some men.

I'm talking about how some "offer to meet" or in some other way are interested in whether the girl wants to start a relationship. Why is this a mistake? Because in this way you demonstrate that you do not understand women at all. Okay, I'll exaggerate. It's just that this "announcement" is not necessary - they are needed for larger "shifts" in your relationship. For example, the issue of living together, getting to know the family, and so on. The question “let’s meet” also demonstrates the guy’s insecurity. “Does she really like me, and is everything in order with us, or can she clarify ???” We do not need these moans! The girl will feel this uncertainty and may even say “bye-bye” after such. And if you want to move to the next stage of the relationship, then don't worry - it will happen without an official announcement.


July 14, 2022

Intentional mistake.

If you need to build a relationship with someone, I advise you to make a deliberate mistake so that the person needs to correct you. After that, act out admiration for how the interlocutor accurately noticed your flaw and tactfully pointed it out. My experiment showed that the object of manipulation after such a technique would think: “Wow, she (a) knows how to accept criticism and relies on my knowledge. We will continue to communicate."


July 14, 2022

Don't forget about the law of diminishing returns.

Decided on the impossible? Excellent. Then you must know what barriers you will encounter along the way. One of them, which is often unsettling (if you've ever been on a diet, remember how easy it is at first and difficult afterward) is the law of diminishing returns. The point is simple: the further you advance, the harder it is for you to get better. If suddenly it becomes harder for you than before, then you are on the right track and much closer to the goal than before. Just don't give up.


July 14, 2022

Sharpen your intuition.

Intuition belongs to our unconscious, which means that in order to improve it we need to work it through. For a long-term effect, meditation, trance, and self-hypnosis (autogenic training) are the best. These practices allow you to temporarily shut off (weaken) your conscious, in other words intellect, and other superstructures over the unconscious, giving it an opportunity to come out. In addition, meditation and similar practices harmonize internal processes, help you listen to your body, your sensations, i.e., your inner voice. There is an effective technique for gaining insight. Step 1. Formulate a task for your intuition (write it down, draw it, say it). Step 2. Shift your focus to things that are not related to your task. Step 3. Turn off your mind - sleep, meditate. Step 4. Go back to the original task, the inner voice will tell you the right direction. Improving your intuition is most effective with a complex approach.


July 14, 2022


Visualize the end result of your goal, task or idea. Write it down. If necessary, find additional information about your goal/objective/idea, write down its implementation steps. Write down a specific end goal with the condition "if-then". For example, if you are fond of reading books but tend to procrastinate, set yourself the challenge to read 100 pages a day throughout 14 days (if), at the end of which you can buy some stuff you've been dreaming about for a long time. If you feel lazy and cannot bring yourself to do anything, imagine what would happen if you do not complete the task. For example, if you do not wake up at 6 a.m., then you will long beat yourself up for being weak-willed.


July 14, 2022

How to free up time?⠀

▫️ Planning. A necessary thing that will definitely help you allocate your time as efficiently and proportionately as possible. ▫️ Setting priorities. So, once you've written down all the things to do, you need to determine their level of importance. Prioritizing plays an important role in getting things done efficiently. ▫️ Workplace. This is certainly worth paying attention to! Who would want to work or study in a mess? ▫️ A frog for breakfast. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? In other words, make a habit of taking on the hard work first, not putting it off.


July 14, 2022

Fresh or Fried

Fresh or Fried This philosophy was created by blogger Stephanie Lee. According to her, when you wake up in the morning, your brain is “fresh”, but as the day goes on, it “roasts”. This means that you must determine the time of your peak productivity and have time to do all the most important things in a day during this period. Here's how it works. ▪️At the end of the day, when you're already tired, take 15 minutes to create a to-do list for tomorrow. ▪️Move the most important tasks at the beginning of the day to the Fresh section. Things that you don’t like go there - those same “frogs”. They need to be done while you still have the strength. ▪️Less urgent, not very difficult and more pleasant cases go to the Fried section - that is, in the afternoon, depending on your schedule. They will load your brain less. ▪️ Follow your list the next morning. Then make a new one tonight. Stephanie recommends FoF to people who find themselves absolutely exhausted every evening, but have not done anything, despite working all day.


July 13, 2022

Domestic violence.

Many women are forced to endure beatings and humiliation, as they simply have nowhere to go from a relationship. This is how they themselves think, and this is the first delusion. The second misconception is "I can't do without this man." Many people forget, but we come into this world and leave it alone. And even when it seems to you that you will not cope, remember that this is only fear. You are stronger than you think. Another misconception is “You yourself are to blame for driving me”, an imposed feeling of guilt from a man. No man in the world has the right to beat you!


July 13, 2022

Smile, it suits you!

Nobody likes sullen people, right? For a man, a smiling woman is a symbol of joy and serenity. When she smiles, she exudes sexuality, serenity. Judge for yourself: what initially attracts a man when he meets a girl? He loves his condition next to her. If the lady breathes longing, the man immediately moves away. As soon as he feels the positive mood of his companion, he looks at her as if bewitched, and no longer wants to part with her.


July 13, 2022

These rules will increase your effectivenes.

Be proactive. The principle of being proactive comes down to changing yourself. If you don't like what's around you, start changing yourself, it's the only thing you are in control of. The most important things must be done first. You need to prioritize and address key issues first. Do what gets you closer to your goals, not the problems. Always improve yourself. It's important to constantly develop and improve yourself physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. You are your greatest resource.


July 13, 2022

About the value and devaluation of life experiences.

When people devalue and humiliate each other after a break up, it is perhaps a little less painful for them because it is always easier to part with something that is not very valuable or even harmful. But as part of a life strategy, devaluing is just a waste of individual resource. When we reject people and demean relationship with that person, we actually reject the life experience gained in that relationship. And so life's time is wasted. How often do you hear: "I wasted so much time on that fool" or "I gave it my all." But what is left after the breakups that inevitably happen in life of each of us? Experience and the ability to apply it.


July 13, 2022

How to get people to like you.

First of all, find out who YOU are. Discover someone who can and enjoys being alone for a long time. Someone who appreciates freedom and solitude, and knows what to do with it. The one who do different things without being dependent on the result. Someone who can leave at any moment without feeling guilty. Someone who knows what his worth is. Someone who can easily be on the scene, and just as easily leave it. Someone who can gladly watch someone dancing, without a desire to repeat it, just enjoying. Someone who recognizes other people's talents without envy. Someone who hears her/himself and develops what he or she wants to develop. When a person is filled with love and understanding, people are drawn to her or him. Such a person is happy to see whoever comes and goes. He or she respects other people's privacy and doesn't manipulate...


July 13, 2022

Understand each other's love language.

It's easy to shift blame and get angry when your needs aren't met. But instead, take the time to understand and accept each other's point of view. Usually a fight happens because one person feels unappreciated. Therefore, by learning and expressing your love in the language of your partner, you will create the foundation for a perfect marriage.


July 12, 2022