What to do if a wave of negative emotions overwhelms you?

Use an alternative method - clenching and unclenching your fists. Clench and unclench your fists one by one on the right and left hand, alternating with clenching them simultaneously. Feel the tense in your muscles. For greater effectiveness, combine this exercise with inhalations and exhalations.


July 31, 2022

Don't let other people's fears, insecurities, and limiting attitudes diminish your chances.

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all who is to blame - it is important to decisively leave the past in the past and, starting right now, build your life exactly the way you dream of. One of the saddest things in life is getting to the end and looking back with regret, knowing for sure that you should have done more and become much better than you did.


July 30, 2022

Don't get into heated arguments.

There is an opinion that it is better not to argue with representatives of the stronger sex. The dispute in most cases develops into a verbal skirmish with a transition to personalities. So if you really want to defend your opinion, do it as calmly as possible. If you want to object to a man, tell him the following: “I admire your self-confidence and courage. But let me express my vision of this problem.” What follows is your point of view or opinion that you are trying to convey. End the speech with another compliment: “Thank you for listening. You are very tactful." This ability to build a dialogue with a man opens all the doors for you.


July 30, 2022

Praise your man!

Men love to be complimented. Inspire your loved one with your warm speeches! Even the most hardened cynic is easy to appease if you tell him how brave, caring and purposeful he is. Such feeding starts the process of testosterone production in the male body. Sometimes praise works even harder than sex. A worthy man needs recognition. It is important for him to realize that he is the best for his woman.


July 30, 2022

When you blame other people for something, you also blame yourself for something.

For example, if you're used to treating "fat people" with contempt, you'll be afraid to be like them. Because then you will find yourself in the position of being judged. Judgment will eventually turn you into a neurotic. For example, you will go to the gym more motivated by fear and rejection than by creative desires. Following this approach, true happiness is out of the question. At the same time, we always judge other people and ourselves, both consciously and unconsciously. But when you stop doing this, your quality of life and your emotional well-being will improve considerably.


July 30, 2022

Leave your parents alone.

Leave them alone with their crap and stop blaming them for your own misery, unless you really want to keep feeling miserable. Stop assuming, even in your dreams, that your parents still owe you something or can keep you from something if you are over 18. If someone is "holding you back" from something, it's you. This is your fear of growing up, making choices, and taking full responsibility for each of your decisions.


July 30, 2022

Children's wishes.

One of the stages of growth involves overcoming all your childhood desires in order to let go of them and thus stop wasting energy on them. It is necessary to overcome absolutely all children's desires that were not realized in childhood. Every wish your inner child has received. Take your time and write down all the things you wanted to have as a child and let them go. The sooner you get rid of these desires that actually continue to live inside you, the sooner you will redirect energy to new desires and bring them to life.


July 30, 2022

How do you act during conflict?

Listen during the next quarrel to your partner and to yourself. How do you work: 1. Do you try to prove your case at any cost? 2. Do you have a desire to take revenge, to take over? 3. Prove your superiority? 4. Do you like to poke your nose? 5. Fight back, put in place? 6. Do you consider your apology a loss and failure? If the answers are yes, then you are on the dark side of the force. If you and your husband don't start acting as a team, you might live your whole life together, but all you'll achieve is finding the most effective ways to hurt each other.


July 29, 2022

How to bring romance back into a relationship?

Pay attention to your partner. Over time, we are sucked in by work, household chores and daily stresses - and we forget about our loved one. This is one of the biggest mistakes! Especially when you have children. No matter how chaotic it is around you, don't forget to hug and take an interest in each other's business when you meet at home after a hard day. This behavior will help maintain a reverent relationship and will be a good example for your children, because it is important for them to see a warm connection between their parents.


July 29, 2022

Many people are concerned about how to control their emotions.

That's a fundamentally wrong question. The point is not to control emotions, including so-called "negative" emotions, but to first understand why they actually arise - what in your mindset compels you to perceive one or another phenomenon of reality as negative. That's the main thing. As for trying to control emotions without knowing their roots, it's like chasing your own shadow.The main task is to get out of the vicious circle: negative emotion — negative attitude — an even stronger negative experience. But to hope that you can do it all at once means to inflict fail, since your attitude and manner of reacting to external events has been formed over the years.


July 29, 2022

If you're apathetic, it's a good thing.

This means that you are much closer to yourself than, for example, some idiot who has taken another business course on successful success. Only by going through deep apathy, that is the loss of all false meanings, such as "family is the main thing," endlessly saving money, creating a career in a profession you haven't felt like doing for a long time - can you find a deeper meaning and a deeper freedom. As long as you are attached to money, relationships, family, children, or career, you are doomed to permanent disappointment, anxiety, guilt, and, in the long run, to profound apathy.


July 29, 2022

Transformation is not a goal or an outcome.

It is a process. It is a way of being. To change constantly is to reflect the essence of life: its fluidity. To change is to be alive and free. Face your fears and you will no longer be afraid of life. Learn how to let people go and then you will be loved. Know deeply that everything you do is right, and you will not need anyone's faith anymore - you will succeed. There is no success and there is no failure as two separate things. There is life - and you are part of it.


July 29, 2022

Get inspired by your successes.

When you succeed at something, you want to do more and more. Even a small victory is enough to inspire. Plan your day so that before lunch you make one or two small victories. This will increase your motivation for the rest of the day. Plan things for the morning that you will definitely complete. For example, go to the gym or answer an important letter. The best way to motivate yourself is to organize your life so that you don't need motivation. If work for you is a constant battle with yourself, it's time to think about changes. Use extrinsic motivation as a last resort, but don't rely on it all the time.


July 28, 2022

What to do if a man drinks?

It's up to you to part or endure. In any case, do not forget about your own boundaries and self-respect. Do not let your husband manipulate you, subdue you. Analyze your feelings, maybe your love is just a habit? Most importantly, do not lose yourself in these relationships. Raise your self-esteem, start listening to your desires, take into account personal needs. What do you think, is it worth giving up an alcoholic or is it necessary to save him to the last?


July 28, 2022

5 signs he's not right for you

1. He insults you, tries to prick you with words. 2. He threatens you. Promises to somehow hurt you or yourself if you leave him. 3. If it seems to him that you offended him with something, he "punishes" you with silence and ignorance. 4. He yells at you, scares you, pushes you, shows aggression towards you. 5. He openly says that your opinion means nothing to him. You deserve to have a person next to you who would surround you with care, attention and support.


July 28, 2022

How to find out if you love or not?

Very easy: when you love, you love everyone, basically all living things, you love the very life running through you. You are absolutely not attached to a particular person, you let everyone have complete freedom to live and manifest as they want, because you are free yourself. When you love you don't even think about letting anyone go, since you're not holding on or clinging to anyone at all.


July 28, 2022

You shouldn't care

... if you go your own way and strive for freedom. This is difficult to achieve, because since childhood you have been taught to conform to someone's ideas about the norm. But it is possible — if you have the guts to go through the breaking of the firmware, distinguish your goals from those imposed and not just go your own way, but continue to go them despite difficulties, kickbacks and pressure from the outside. "It doesn't matter" — it doesn't mean to turn into a moron who puts on everyone and everything. Do not confuse "anyway" with rudeness, stupidity, frostbite and marginality. No one has canceled and does not cancel diplomacy and the skill to negotiate with other people. "It doesn't matter" means to act according to yourself, your interests and the laws of the universe, even if everyone around you claims that you are mistaken.


July 28, 2022

How to trust after cheating?

If you are in a classic monogamous relationship and you have been cheated on, the question "How to trust a person again?" is no longer appropriate. The answer to it is one — no way. You will no longer be able to trust this person the way you trusted/trusted before. And you have two options: either be in a relationship with him further and just accept your distrust as a given and inevitable, or break up. Well, to live, remaining in a relationship, to suffer and be tormented by the question "How to trust?" — this is not an option. It's just a neurotic mockery of yourself and nothing more.


July 28, 2022

A place of power (not speaking of Tibet or Peru)

A place of power can be any place in any city or in the vast wild. For me, in Moscow - it is the Red Square, in St. Petersburg - Senate Square, in Paris - the platform in front of Notre Dame. The other day, when I was in Sochi, I discovered another one — Krasnaya Polyana (Red Field). In a place of power, it is very simple to enter a state of total awareness. Your reality will become what you intended it to be. This state is the main goal of all practices for working with the Field. The deeper and longer it is, the more likely and faster your reality will transform.


July 27, 2022

Formulate your goals as precisely as possible.

The simpler and more precisely the problem is formulated, the higher the chances of solving it. In addition, concreteness implies an extremely clear understanding of exactly what actions will lead to the most productive decision. An achievable goal is quantifiable, defined in time, and consistent with your other desires. A common mistake is the absence of an action verb in the task statement. For example, "Spain" is a so-so goal. It would be correct: "Leave for two months in Barcelona with my family next summer." For example, the goal "Get rich" is set incorrectly. But “Accumulate $10 million by December of next year” sounds concrete and clear. Such a formulation will help move in a given direction.


July 27, 2022