In what cases can you first get acquainted with a man.

• Do you feel that a man is not indifferent: by looks, smile, gestures, but very timid and indecisive? Send him a message first! ⠀ • You know that this handsome man has no one, he recently broke up with his girlfriend. Most likely now he is avoiding a serious relationship or has forgotten how to go on dates, so he has taken a wait-and-see attitude. Be active. • There is sympathy from a man, but there is no serious relationship. What to do? Play a little with him in an intriguing game: "push-pull." • When there is little time, for example, tomorrow he has a plane to another country. If you don’t want to bite your elbows, take risks, take the initiative in communication, than later regret it all your life.⠀ Yes, you can be the first to approach, talk to him, hint that you are not against rapprochement. But I do not recommend actively and persistently offering myself on a silver platter.


August 2, 2022

Fear of being wrong.

• Entering into the wrong relationship. • Starting the wrong project or business. • Saying the wrong phrases. • Creating the wrong product. • Thinking the wrong thoughts. And so on and so forth. I don't know the right way, so I don't do anything. Who in this world knows how to do the right thing? How to figure out what's right and wrong for you without making mistakes? What is the criterion of rightness? Maybe the other person's experience, their words, their way? How to be sure that having taken another person's life as a guidance, I would understand something about myself? You can understand something about yourself only by looking inside, not by trying to live another life. Life is a path; you open one door to find another, and then you find the next one, and it happens again and again, endless.


August 2, 2022

Are you afraid of singleness or do you choose it?

Being afraid of singleness = endlessly searching for the missing parts of yourself in another. To choose singleness = to recognize your difference to others, to realize that only being single you are able to reach your individuality. P.S.: for lovers of categorization: choosing singleness does not equal never having relationships. Choosing singleness is to stop looking for a wedding dress every time a random man compliments you in the elevator.


August 2, 2022

Two recent tendencies destroying mental health.

- Consumption of an inordinate amount of information. - And inversely, the lack of meanings. Imagine that you have arrived in a little-known terrain, about to discover it with excitement. Then, instead of walking, you sit down in the inviting nearby trolley and it begins to speed up to 200 km/h. Behind the wheel everything flashes so fast that you have no time to see the details, you have no time to focus your gaze on anything. The same thing happens to our attention.


August 2, 2022

How much time to devote to a man?

First, not all the time! This is such a common mistake in relationships when a woman literally falls into them, forgetting about her interests. And if you forget about them, then the man will not remember. It is optimal to give a man a few hours a week when you are just starting to communicate. Let him miss you! They appreciate it so much. If you have been living together for a long time, then it would be a great solution if you periodically go about your business, meeting with friends, training, hobbies. Again - men need to be a little bored, they are so arranged. The most valuable woman for men is the one who is passionate about her own life.


August 2, 2022

How to take power over communication with the help of time?

Yes yes, it is possible! Especially when you are not yet personally acquainted with a man. Imagine that he asked you on a date and this is your first meeting. Before the man specifies the time, say the phrase: "I can at 7 o'clock" (write your own time) This psychological technique automatically allows you to take control of the situation!


August 2, 2022

You don't have to give up anything.

Live and accept everything that happens to you. Suppression and rejection have never made anyone happy. Whatever you've accumulated inside you, no matter how securely you packed it away, sooner or later it will leak out. Sometimes in the form of a little trickle, and usually as a powerful explosion, leaving behind a heap of unreasonable expectations and shattered illusions. Don't fight life, just let it be. Don't deny pain - live it. Don't suppress anger - let it pass through you. Let everything that happens just be, stop the war.


August 2, 2022

Signs of a toxic relationship at the outset:

You show what your partner wants to see, not the real you. Controlling your partner and requiring obedience under the guise of care. Accusations. Advice on how to change or get better. Isolation from friends/family. Mood swings (abrupt change of mood). An excuse for a partner. Love is not ... - affection - pity - selflessness - passion - possessiveness - selfishness - the desire to give pleasure to another.


August 2, 2022

A man with a hammer in his hands will always see nails.

Do you know why you can't change as soon as you start examining yourself? That’s because what you really want is to change the world around you, not yourself. Hence so much anger at stupid therapy sessions, boring practices, pointless navel-gazing. When you really want change, you don't try to determine the time, you just realize that today, right now, you are making a voluntary decision to live differently, and that's already made all the difference. Transformation is an individual process, so no one can go through it together with you.


August 2, 2022

Down with complexes!

Everyone is actively discussing social advertising in Spain. The Ministry of Equality (yes, there is such a thing since 2021) calls on all women not to be embarrassed to go to the beach! “All bodies are made for the beach. We have the right to enjoy life as we are, without shame or guilt. Summer is for everyone," Spanish Minister of Social Affairs Ione Belarra said.


August 1, 2022

What qualities of a woman attract men?

Well-groomed. If a woman is well-groomed, she is healthy, and this is a guarantee of healthy offspring. This is how the male unconscious works. Satisfied. By yourself and the world. This is a sign of a healthy psyche and ease of communication. It is easier to communicate with such people and it is easier to be in a relationship for a long period. Active life position. This means: you have goals and plans. And you go to them. In a feminine way. You take responsibility for your life, for your happiness. Energy. We have a society of sad tired citizens who are busy surviving. If you do not have energy, you merge with the crowd of zombies.


August 1, 2022

What is a family for a man?

Girls, have you ever wondered why an accomplished man needs a family at all? After all, he has everything he needs. He realized himself, there are also women around. Why would he need these extra circumstances, it would seem? The fact is that a family for a man is a project. This is a kind of business that he creates himself. Not all men are passionate about designing and creating a world called family, but if it is expensive for a man, he will build a family. There is no disrespect for a woman here: he is just busy with his own business, and if a woman wants to participate in this business, she can join on the terms of a man. If she doesn't want to, that's her right. The trick is that a woman can carefully regulate the mechanisms of the project. This is done diplomatically and very carefully.


August 1, 2022

Is it possible to "remake" a man? And is it necessary?

The success of a man depends on both - both on the man and on the woman. A woman influences a man, but she cannot completely change him. Usually a successful man finds a woman who will inspire him. If a woman waits and demands too much, a weak man will resist or change. If a strong and purposeful man feels that his “wings are being tied”, he will also fight with a woman. But he will not be able to work and achieve full success until his wife changes or ceases to be his wife. If the influence of a woman does not suit a man, but he himself does not want to change, sooner or later he will leave this relationship.


August 1, 2022

Why is it important to develop a sympathetic and compassionate attitude toward yourself?

Because the habit of berating yourself can negate the effects of all the healing efforts.⠀ Let's say we've worked through all the key points of our regression, dealt with all the inner critics and scolding teachers, and then what? And then nothing can change... since being accustomed to scold ourselves, we simply may not have the experience: "Is there any other way?"⠀ That's where daily practice comes in. This practice includes gaining the skill of self-support and self-awareness. Yes, it will take you some time to learn how to respond to your own failures and mistakes in a new way.


August 1, 2022

What is inner pain?

If you think it over, this pain is all about strong emotions. And there're not necessarily "bad" emotions, such as: anger, resentment, disappointment, etc. (the list is long). It can also be love, but you have no one to share it with or to express it somehow. Or it can be a very strong love that doesn't have enough space to bloom. What should we do to prevent the "explosion"? After all, a strong emotion, like any explosion, leads to devastation and it takes a long time to rebuild what has been destroyed... What can we do when feelings overwhelm us? Increase your inner space. Let it expand. How? Breathing... Try to breathe through your mouth. When we start breathing through our mouth, we automatically engage our stomach. And it's like we focus our mind on the belly.


August 1, 2022

How to remove your hidden inner blocks?

Take some paper, black ink and brushes of different sizes. The sheets of paper can be of different sizes, from small to large. Whatever you can afford. Feel which size is the most comfortable and which brush suits it best. Dip the brush into the ink and draw a line from one edge of the sheet to another. Observe your sensations and emotions that arise in the process. Continue changing sheets and brushes until you feel like this is the "hit"! That's when it feels right and satisfying.


August 1, 2022

How to check the sincerity of a man?

The model of competent behavior is as follows: the first reaction to any, even the most clumsy compliment, is, of course, joy, gratitude. Then, in order to determine what is really behind these pleasant words, you need to ask a special clarifying question. Try asking a man under what circumstances you showed yourself exactly as he says: “clever”, “kind”, “soulful”, etc. When did he manage to notice these qualities of yours, so that now he can tell you about them? It is desirable that he give some real example, a real situation that you can remember. Try to carefully translate the conversation into the mainstream of these memories.


July 31, 2022

Be near.

Being physically close to a person and being with him both in body and soul are two different things. How often during an evening hug on the couch, do you desperately try to get a glimpse of what's happening on the TV screen, instead of fully focusing on the touch of your loved one? If you think that such behavior of yours is not very noticeable - you are bitterly mistaken. Learn to prioritize your husband, especially when you're alone.


July 31, 2022

Benefits of a long distance relationship.

You never know where you will meet your love. And do not despair if she lives in another city or country. Such relationships can live! Pros: • there is no “everyday life”, because of which many conflicts often arise and couples break up. • the opportunity to present yourself in the best possible light: you will have plenty of time to, for example, get in shape before a meeting. • contact only with mutual desire, because if you are not in the mood, then a telephone conversation can be postponed. • emotional and spiritual intimacy through voice communication.


July 31, 2022

Remind yourself of the victories as often as possible.

To become psychologically and mentally stronger, you need not only to overcome yourself, but also to remind yourself of victories as often as possible. Every day write down in a notebook or in your smartphone notes a few things that made you feel grateful during the day. That way, after a while, you'll be able to figure out what brings you the most positive feelings and what you should focus on. I associate such an effect with improvement of the general psychological state, better quality of sleep and reduction of stress, because meaningful positive emotions relax the psyche.


July 31, 2022