Respect men.

Forget provocative phrases like "You're a man, you should", "Don't be a rag", etc. Men also want to feel loved and proud of them. They also sometimes experience confusion and fatigue. And when a woman looks at them solely as a tool for solving problems, they feel it and prefer to remain single.


August 20, 2022

How to catch a man on the "hook".

"I couldn't speak." Play with a man and don't pick up the phone for a couple of hours. However, it is imperative to follow the rules of this “game” and, after a long pause, call yourself back so that your partner is not offended that you are ignoring him. In the conversation, voice a good reason why you didn’t pick up the phone (“I didn’t hear the call because I was in the pool”, “I was in training”). The mechanics of this psychological technique is simple. A man who could not get through to you starts to worry about you and, thus, there is an emotional attachment.


August 20, 2022

Our fears are our traitors.

They keep us from becoming what we could be if we weren't afraid to try. Such fears often torment very worthy and educated people. On the one hand, "Impostor Syndrome" prevents us from admiring ourselves and pushes us to keep working on ourselves. On the other hand... "Impostor syndrome" is the fear of being exposed, of being found out that you are not competent enough, talented enough, worthy of what you aspire to and dream about. Nearly always this syndrome is experienced by people who have absolutely no basis for it. Sort yourself out, look at yourself from the outside, get rid of the barriers that you yourself have built on the way to your goal and start acting.


August 20, 2022

If you want to be HAPPY, don't wait for a better time!

Do you know the state of waiting for the best day, week, or period of your life? Admit it, you've told yourself something like: "I'll finish my quarantine and go to yoga...", "go to English courses", "take a second university degree". How'd it go? Did you go? Got in? Lots of people are used to putting their lives on pause, hoping that everything will change and the REAL LIFE will begin. But in the meantime, that real life passes by, and "waiting for a better day" becomes a constant, joyless way of living it.


August 20, 2022

How do you feel about yourself?

"Everyone is unique, and everyone is valuable. Stop comparing yourself, give yourself ratings, and instead love yourself, accept who you are, give yourself the right to be you, and give other people the same right. The most important person in your life - you and only you Recognize your value and your right to the main place in his life, because it's yours, ONLY YOUR LIFE!


August 20, 2022

Remember that character comes out in times of trouble.

It's easy to win people over when things are going well. But how do you show yourself in a critical situation? Be sure that others will remember how you behaved. Use such moments to show your best side and for yourself as well.


August 19, 2022

Be decisive.

Make a decision quickly and carefully, declare it loudly and do not look back. In non-standard situations, a prompt, albeit not quite "correct" reaction, often gives better long-term results than long-term thoughtful actions.


August 19, 2022

How to get the negative out of you quickly.

If your thoughts keep returning to an unpleasant event, find something to do and distract yourself. The most effective way to stop yourself from getting worked up is to exercise. Clean your house, go for a jog, go to the gym. Physical activity promotes the production of endorphins, which will dull the negative feelings, and fatigue will distract you from bad events.


August 19, 2022

Allegedly domestic problems...

A conflict on domestic ground took place: you and your partner did not understand each other, everyone was offended and the emotional aggravation of the situation began? Exactly this course of events prevents you from calmly and rationally looking at what is happening, and the situation acquires uncontrollable development. At this point, you need to calm down and avoid returning to a high-pitched clarification. If you are not heard, take a pause and allow your partner to think and feel, and then return later with a calm conversation on the subject.


August 19, 2022

Partner Support.

All of us have to face different circumstances in life, whether it's health problems or job loss. These are times when your partner needs support and encouragement, even though these events can be a source of tremendous stress for you as well. No need for you to portray an unfading optimism and hide your worries. The most important thing is to be there for you and for your partner to feel that together you can overcome these difficulties. Your confidence and support will not only reduce your partner's worries, but most likely will help him to mobilize all his resources to overcome the problem situation.


August 19, 2022

How to resolve family conflicts.

The easiest and most accessible option for all spouses is to use speech that is intelligible and calm. If you want to make a scandal - speak up. There is a desire to be offended and declare a boycott - speak. Thought to take revenge on her husband - still say. Take responsibility for what happens. But don't let it sit on your neck. In any conflict, both are to blame!


August 18, 2022

Find the source of your strength.

Think about what makes you feel energized, full of energy and ready for new challenges. This will help you identify your strengths. Also remember what you start doing when you feel tired or overwhelmed. At times like these, we want to take control of the situation. To do this, you do what gives you strength. By identifying what kind of activity gives you energy, in the future you will be able to overcome many problems by replenishing your strength at the right time.


August 18, 2022

Make fear and failure work for you.

If you are afraid of failure, make fear your assistant. What is needed for this? I advise you to reconsider the very definition of failure. Failure is not the exact opposite of success, failure is what will happen if you don't step out of your comfort zone. Look at any business from this angle, and the fear of failure will force you to act.


August 18, 2022

The most important thing is motivation.

We will always have activities that we do not like, but their level of usefulness for our development is usually high. Therefore, before taking up the next lesson, ask yourself a simple question: “Why am I doing this?” The answer to it will be the best inspiration for you. Muhammad Ali once admitted that he hated the daily monotonous workouts, but the clear realization that this was what would make him a champion allowed him to overcome the desire to shirk.


August 18, 2022

Tricky tricks from psychologists to stop procrastinating and finally work.

It turns out that all we need is a system to get things done. Productive Life System: 1. Motivate yourself to complete each task. 2. Set deadlines for yourself at every stage. 3. Accountability to a friend or mentor. 4. Work / study with intervals. 5. Elimination of distractions. 6. Healthy eating. 7. 30-minute daily workouts.


August 18, 2022

Pause in a relationship.

Some couples, when they have difficulties in communication, use a simple method: take a break. They stop communicating or leave for a while to sort out feelings or resolve internal contradictions. What happens if a couple takes a break? What problems can be solved in this way? There are three possible options: 1. Running away from the problem. 2. Manipulation. 3. Last resort to avoid devaluation, negativity or disrespect. In this way, partners give each other time to think and calm down. Of these, only the third option makes sense, and then only as a last resort.


August 18, 2022

How does a man talk about other women?

When you first meet a man, it is very important to pay attention to this important point. After all, it is an indicator of how a man will communicate with you through time. For example, if he says that all his former fools or stupid, then you need to run! I decipher: he does not respect the women with whom he once felt good. And therefore, he is unlikely to respect you either. Also pay attention to how he speaks of his mother. Based on their relationship to their mother, men build communication with the opposite sex.


August 18, 2022

Talent is a gift from God.

After all, the universe has decided to bless YOU with such talent. Sometimes it is more important than education, because it is our ability that determines our PATH. It is monstrous when a person is objectively talented as an artist or musician, but is forced to sell kitchen machines. Don't resist your given, develop, keep growing and improving, look for ways to realize your talents, knock on different doors. After all, the LUCKY doors open only to those who once knocked on them.


August 18, 2022

Consciousness and subconsciousness - what governs us

Lots of people believe that they are in control of their own lives, consciously making choices and consciously acting. You could say that our conscious mind has a 5% stake in our life and our subconscious mind has a 95% stake. Can you feel the difference? The power of the subconscious mind is immense! It controls and governs all the vital functions of the body, from blood circulation to breathing to digestion.Also in the subconscious mind, everything that has happened to a person is recorded. It registers every event of our life as well as the thoughts and feelings associated with it. Finally, it also attracts all the events in your life, both positive and negative. By influencing the subconscious mind and getting rid of destructive programs, we can completely change our reality!


August 18, 2022

Inadmissible substitution.

"What makes me happy?" - a question lots of people ask themselves, and what do they end up deciding to do? Drink, hang out, devour sweets in unlimited quantities, and do nothing for months, or worse. Isn't being healthy, self-sufficient, successful not happiness? Distinguish between true happiness and short-term pleasure. They are different concepts, and so are the results.


August 18, 2022