You can determine your life purpose with the help of seven questions

6. What do other people like about you? Do you have "fans" who appreciate your cooking? After all, if no one likes your dishes, then most likely you won’t be a chef either. Or do some admire your singing, ability to dance? Or maybe someone won your talent as a writer or salesman? Agree, each of us has an ability that other people like.


January 1, 2023

You can determine your life purpose with the help of seven questions

5. What makes you want to be creative? Maybe for you the process of selling is a whole art? Or do you want to start cooking immediately when you see new original recipes in a magazine? Or maybe some experienced situation is the impetus for writing a picture? Think about what makes you move forward.


January 1, 2023

You can determine your life purpose with the help of seven questions

4. What do you like to learn about and what do you prefer to study? What books and magazines do you like to read? Maybe you are interested in literature about business, cooking or fishing? In any case, you should take your preferences as a hint of what problem you need to solve in your life. Think about it, if you were creating your own library, what books would you choose for it? Or maybe you like books on self-development?


January 1, 2023

You can determine your life purpose with the help of seven questions

3. What do you pay attention to? The seller can easily distinguish whether the product will be in demand or not; a hairdresser will certainly pay attention to the appearance of a person’s hairstyle, a designer will note an absurd attire, and a mechanic will be able to identify possible problems in it only by the sound of the car. What are you paying attention to? And what annoys you? All your answers will be those signs that will help you in establishing your life goal.


January 1, 2023

You can determine your life purpose with the help of seven questions

2. What do you do in your free time? What you do in your spare time will help you determine your purpose in life. If you like to draw, then “drawing” is a kind of sign in which direction you should move. The same can be said about any hobby and hobby, whether it's cooking, singing or negotiating. You just have to watch out for these signs. How to consider these signs? For example, someone really likes to study and learn everything new, so perhaps teaching can become his life goal. Be sure to think about what you do in your free time, or what you would like to do.


January 1, 2023

You can determine your life purpose with the help of seven questions

1. What do you enjoy doing? Your purpose is inextricably linked to what you love. The most motivated people do exactly what they love: Bill Gates loves computers, Oprah Winfrey loves helping people, and Edison preferred to invent something new. What do you like? Maybe you like to read, write, play sports, sing, draw or cook? Or maybe you like business, sales, communication, repair of any things? Or are you good at listening to a person? In any case, your life goal will be related to what you love.


January 1, 2023

Manipulative parenting behavior

You're giving me a heart attack! This could be any other link to the manipulator's health. When parents say that their child's actions are harmful to their physical health, they violate the relevance criterion by appealing to emotion rather than logic. Most of children are likely to be frightened, because such phrases can make them think that their actions are harmful to the loved ones. And then, it is easier for the parents to convince their child of anything. To make it clearer, it actually sounds like this: "If you don't mop the floor immediately, I'm going to die!"


January 1, 2023

Advice from seniors that you don't need to listen to

"Don't even think about quitting your job. It’s fortunate enough you have one! Don't like it? Guess what, nobody does!" The career strategies of the older and younger generations differ. It is typical for the former to work in one place for a long time. Young people change companies more and more easily. The older generation tends to disbelieve that work can be something fun. That there are good companies with adequate management, a good salary and other conveniences. However, one may never find out if they work at the same terrible job their whole lives.


January 1, 2023

Self-enlightened people

They make sure the space around them is clean. Conscious people know that every thing that lies out of place consumes our energy, that we often make purchases not because we need something, but because we unconsciously try to meet the society’s expectations (everyone has the latest iPhone, so I have to have one, too). This also includes the purity of their medium: conscious people carefully filter incoming information, not everything and anything. They don’t mindlessly switch TV channels and scroll through social media feeds for hours. The same applies to the purity of speech: gossip, rumors, lies, meaningless chatter — all this clogs our thoughts, and therefore hinders spiritual growth.


January 1, 2023

Women are better than men at reading emotions in their eyes.

Women, on average, are better than men at understanding what another person is feeling or thinking. This was confirmed by the results of experiments in which more than 300,000 people from 57 countries took part. Psychologists have found that women score higher on an eye-reading mind-reading test that measures cognitive empathy.


January 1, 2023

No sense of stability

Today he is gentle with you and very attentive, and tomorrow he “nags” and ignores you. Today you are planning a joint vacation, and tomorrow he says that he is going on vacation with friends. In a toxic relationship, you constantly need to adapt, agree, and bend. Do you have a sense of stability, confidence in the future of this union? This is a sign that the relationship is poisoning life and it's time to end it.


December 29, 2022

The main reasons for male infidelity

Lack of novelty in family life. Some men just get bored with the monotony and because of this they decide to find a mistress in order to diversify their personal lives. Desire to change partners. There are loving men who are already accustomed to constantly looking for new girls. Lack of attention from the spouse. Sometimes women become distant from their husbands and because of this they try to find a mistress. The wife stopped taking care of herself. There are situations when wives simply stop taking care of themselves. This leads to the fact that their spouses begin to be interested in other women.


December 29, 2022

Ask for help

Asking someone for help often requires overcoming your fears and stepping out of your comfort zone. It really isn't that easy. You can never predict other people's reactions for sure. They have the right to say "no" to you. Even if you have great relationships with family and friends, asking for help is still not easy. Many people worry about bothering their parents, or about passing on their depression to friends. Or they might be convinced that asking the people close to them for help will make them feel guilty for not giving enough care and love. It may seem that in this case you have to choose between silently enduring your pain and bringing pain to those around you. But this is a misconception. Your loved ones will worry a lot more if you withhold the reasons for your worries from them.


December 29, 2022

Mom's friend's son

By throwing around phrases that make their child compare himself or herself to others, parents instill in him or her the feeling that they are not good enough, that they need to change. And worst of all, the child may begin to think that he or she has to earn their mom and dad's love. By doing this, parents make an appeal to authority, "Look at David! He got an A in maths. Why not you?" Such words make the child doubt himself, undermine self-esteem and cause him or her to hate this David, even though he has nothing to do with it at all. If you accidentally (or not) tell these phrases to your kids, then stop immediately. If you are told this by your parents, then you need to abstract away from these comparisons and realize that this is just a pattern manipulation tool that should not affect your self-esteem and your mood.


December 29, 2022

Make a to-do list for the week

Planning is an essential, useful thing. Firstly, because it saves you from keeping all the tasks planned for the day in your head and worrying about how not to lose sight of them. Secondly, by making a to-do list you'll never forget what you need. A piece of paper or a mobile app will do everything for you. All you have to do is write down certain tasks, schedule them for days of the week, and stick to your plan.


December 29, 2022

Try to find joy in the simplest things:

I am grateful to be alive. I have relatives and friends (beloved person, children - continue this list yourself ...). I have friends (at least one close friend or girlfriend for sure!). I enjoy meeting interesting people. (Again - if they are not yet on the horizon, look for them, and they will be found). I have a roof over my head (it doesn't matter if it's my own or rented, a big house or a modest odnushka). I have a desire for success and prosperity (or maybe you are already successful and rich! But even if you are just on your way to this, that's great too!). I have a favorite job (if it doesn’t exist yet, then there is at least a job that feeds you, and also, you probably have a hobby for the soul). I know how to enjoy the sun, the singing of birds and the smiles of passers-by. I thank fate and God for every day I live, because it brings me so many discoveries!


December 27, 2022

Just be

No matter how many times in life we say "I love", no matter how many people we confess our feelings, no matter how many our body desires, but with only one of them you can experience what I dare to call the "orgasm of the soul." When even touches are not needed in order to be imbued with an extraordinary feeling of euphoria from the mere thought that there is an extraordinary, special person on Earth, capable of giving great happiness. And he does not need to be some kind of super-gifted, super-talented, famous or unthinkably beautiful for this. He just needs to be...


December 27, 2022

What takes away feminine energy?

Man and woman are two different evolutionary branches, and the difference between them is not limited to "pistils and stamens." Something that does not affect a man at all can bring a woman to a complete breakdown and depression. One of the most exhausting things in the world for a woman is a mess in the house or workplace. We are collectors. Our eye captures any mess, even one that a man will not pay attention to. A woman is an emotional being. Our emotions are so strong, uncontrollable and mobile that they can exhaust us, exhaust us even on vacation. The most basic scourge of all women on the planet, starting with Eve, is guilt. Have you ever wondered why it was Eva who plucked that apple? Yes, precisely because it is easier to blame everything on a woman! To avoid wasting money, remember the rule of three NOTs: don't yell over a mess, don't gossip too much, and don't take the blame.


December 27, 2022

What do you do when you are scared and anxious?

There's only bad news everywhere, and now you can't even go out? Here are some steps for your rescue: ▫️Distract yourself with completely different types of activities. This is necessary for psychological rest of the brain. ▫️Start a routine and strictly perform it daily. For example, morning stretch, 20 new foreign words, sort out your old things, etc. A clear daily to-do list is needed! ▫️Minimize the news about the coronavirus, as they become addictive, like adrenaline. ▫️If you can, meditate and be creative. ▫️Quit alcohol, sad songs and sad movies. ▫️ Go out at least for groceries or on the balcony. Fresh air and vitamin D are necessary to protect immune system, as well as to relieve stress. ▫️Learn something new, use this time to grow.


December 27, 2022

Stop dreaming your dream and start taking little steps

Daydreaming and imagining your achievements is a big mistake. You need to constantly think about what you want and visualize the result in detail. Because, this way, a person not only ceases to be present and self-aware, but also plunges into a fantasy world, when he could have begun to act on bringing his dream to life. Let's say that in order to find a dream job, you first need to at least post a resume. In this sense, its potential power is greater than that of visualizing a comfortable personal account and faith in being hired.


December 27, 2022