We are all on the watch for it...

It happens that walking the labyrinth of our thoughts, we come in NOWHERE. Questions remain unanswered and situations remain desperate. When suddenly, the inner turmoil turns into the insight explosion. The answers come from nowhere, and the solution comes effortlessly. The problem collapses like a house of cards in an instant. Everything becomes crystal clear: what to do, what to say, where to go.


October 20, 2022

What is your speed of life?

The speed should be such that your eyes had time to see the beauty. Your hands could feel the surface. Your body had time to enjoy itself. You should have an opportunity to recognize smells and sounds and feel alive. When we lose that feeling, we have to slow down. When we gain it, it means we do everything right.


October 20, 2022

Don't be afraid to leave what you don't need behind.

Following the path of life, you need to learn to leave behind without regret everything that makes your path forward difficult: bad memories and old grievances, past mistakes and past disappointments, and most importantly, people who have proven by their words and deeds that you are no longer comfortable with them. way...


October 19, 2022

2 reasons why you fall in love with unworthy men.

1. Your dad was cold, didn’t praise, didn’t stroke, maybe he left and forgot. Maybe he beat and called him a dumbass. So you are looking for a replacement for your “dad”, that you never fell in love, in order to be super good this time and break the loop, falling in love with this frostbitten and proving to yourself that you still deserve love. 2. Low self-esteem attracts poisonous snakes. Yes, that's how abuser attraction works.


October 19, 2022

Why are you no longer interested in him?

You can't choose. In this case, a “teacher” will come to you, and not a partner who will drive around the patient. Such men do not appreciate, do not hear, change. You don't value yourself. This leads to constant dissatisfaction on your part and depreciation on his part. If you don't value yourself, how can a man appreciate you? You don't know how to build trust. Conversation on difficult / painful topics quickly develops into hysteria, tears, interrogation or edification. What is important to you, you are trying to get through blackmail, resentment, manipulation. As a result, mental coldness develops into physical. He doesn't want you anymore. You don't know how to keep your dignity. You don’t know how to stop attacks, criticism against you with dignity, set boundaries, put him in his place so that he realizes and apologizes.


October 19, 2022

How to take power over communication with the help of time?

Yes yes, it is possible! Especially when you are not yet personally acquainted with a man. Imagine that he asked you on a date and this is your first meeting. Before the man specifies the time, say the phrase: "I can at 7 o'clock" (write your own time) This psychological technique automatically allows you to take control of the situation!


October 19, 2022

Being heard.

This is probably the most important thing in verbal communication. Being heard and accepted. To have a place where your feelings are acknowledged and accepted. This is the foundation of harmonious relationships that empowers us to change for the better. Hearing and being heard it’s what we need.


October 19, 2022

The right key.

The best teacher is PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. But others' experiences are also worth learning from. The experiences of people who have developed in the same field would be especially useful to you. Studying someone else's experience is a great help when you're down and you don't know how to find the key to solve a problem.


October 19, 2022

How does a person express his love?

Sometimes people feel unloved not because they are, but only because everyone interprets this feeling differently, putting different concepts into it. Most often, a person expresses love exactly as his parents taught him. And not always in a good way. As a child, a person does not distinguish between good and bad attitudes. For him, at the genetic level, parents are a source of love. And some parents don't show love at all. For them, love is something abstract, they believe that it is not at all necessary for children to talk about it or express it with caresses or hugs. Growing up, a person projects the same behavior onto a partner. Awareness of this fact helps to better understand the state of the partner and the attitude towards you.


October 18, 2022

How to stabilize your self-esteem.

1. Stop comparing yourself to others. 2. Finish what you started. 3. Do not divide people into "better" and "worse" than you. 4. Relax and stop proving your strength. 5. Accept your experiences and emotions. 6. Consider your weaknesses and the weaknesses of others as features, not shortcomings.


October 18, 2022

Anchoring in a relationship with a man.

Anchors in relationships are very powerful associations associated with a desired woman in a man. The woman herself creates them. If, for example, during intimacy there is always red lipstick on the lips, then the man will develop a connection “red lipstick-anchor-enjoyment”. You can anchor with music, underwear, touches, phrases. The main condition: all these chips, attributes for fixing anchors should be used only during proximity. After that, you can already use these anchors as associations related to you.


October 18, 2022

How to save a marriage on the brink of divorce?

1. Start with yourself. Don't try to change your partner. It's impossible. Honestly and calmly analyze: what are you doing wrong? For example: you control every step of your husband, you criticize him. 2. Learn constructive dialogue. Replace reproaches with "I-statements". Not “You didn’t throw out the trash again, how many times should I remind you!”, But “I get upset when house cleaning agreements are violated.” 3. Take an interest in his affairs. Let's be honest: do you know how your spouse lives? What does he dream about, what career plans does he make, how does he imagine the perfect day off? Talk to each other, share experiences and spiritual secrets. It builds intimacy and builds trust.


October 18, 2022

Don't wait for inspiration.

Don't waste time waiting for the phantom muse. You should realize that inspiration is fickle. If your morning wasn't as cheerfully as you wanted, that's no reason to lose the whole day. Self-control and planning are the FOUNDATIONS for moving forward.


October 18, 2022

Don't multitask

If you feel like you're taking on too much, it may mean that the reason isn't even the overload itself. It's more likely that you're trying to perform many tasks at once. Quality of performance and productivity thus suffer! Doing ONE thing at a time will allow you to do it properly, without too much physical or mental effort.


October 18, 2022

Should you live with an alcoholic husband?

On the one hand, the question is strange, the answer suggests itself. It would be necessary to run away from such happiness without looking back. On the other hand, everything is not so simple. If you have already connected your life with a man who drinks heavily, then you definitely got into a co-dependent relationship. Marriage with a drinking man is a complete disappointment and bitterness. In fact, the wives of drunkards adapt and somehow live, or rather exist. Codependent relationships can last for years.


October 18, 2022

5 signs you're being used in a relationship

1. Reproach for past mistakes. Reminding them every time to induce guilt is pure manipulation. 2. Your interests, victories or defeats are not a reason for conversation. In a healthy relationship, everyone's life is important. 3. Relatives worry about you. You can’t fool other people - they look at your relationship from the outside. 4. The partner claims "that it will be better for everyone." A partner who achieves results with such words is manipulating you. 5. Your "no" doesn't matter. If your “no” is an empty phrase, and the partner’s actions are more and more like violence, put an end to these relationships.


October 18, 2022

How should you invest in relationships?

Hug and support. Smile! Make breakfast! Restrain yourself and not smash your partner in public, giving him a chance to save face! Sex must have a foreplay, and this is not the responsibility of only men. Your partner also expects surprises and initiatives from you. Rest and do not blame everyone for your eternal fatigue. To fulfill promises. Thank. Imagine holidays. Hear partner. Talk about your desires. Be prepared for rejection.


October 18, 2022

Save face.

Try to control yourself in the heat of an argument. Respond calmly to criticism and move on to healthy communication: - Okay, I hear you. What do you really want to tell me? This method of dealing with unfair criticism helps you "save face," while reassuring your interlocutor that you understand her/him and that you are interested in his or her opinion.


October 18, 2022

There is no such thing as an angry person.

In the sense that no one feels anger for no reason. People get angry when they are either hurt or scared. There are no bad people as well, however sometimes others' idea of good and bad doesn't match ours. There is no problem that cannot be solved. There are problems that cannot be solved at the particular moment because of a lack of knowledge and possibilities. Often the only solution is to accept the impossibility of solving it. If you lose an opportunity, it will always be followed by the next one, but in a different time and under different circumstances.


October 18, 2022

How to support your husband.

You can do something nice for him: • delicious dinner • Erotic massage • romantic walk • listen to him (although you should not let him whine and complain, a strong man needs not pity, but understanding!) • make it clear that you are with him and believe in him A normal man is wildly motivated by such things and does not allow to give up! And you should not give advice or finish him off with the phrase “I told you so!”. Then your support will give him strength and confidence, your man will be immensely grateful to you! ⠀


October 16, 2022