Where to find joy and serenity?

Joy and serenity are not to be found outside. Anything found outside makes you dependent on something that is not you. However, you can be inspired by something from the outside world and put it inside yourself like a sprout. You can reflect things that you like using your imagination. Joy and serenity have to be cultivated within yourself. This approach is much more encouraging than others. It requires no one but you, and no time but now. You just have to plant sprouts inside and start taking care of them.


October 27, 2022

Do you notice your successes?

Even minor ones, and particularly when it comes to significant victories. Establish a tradition to celebrate your good fortune. It is not necessary to go to a bar to hang out with friends. Do just something nice for yourself that day and share THIS with your beloved ones. By the way, Vishen Lacchiani, the CEO of Mindvalley, rings a special bell every time something good happens.


October 27, 2022

How to become more feminine.

For those who understand everything, but it is not given to her to be a girl and turn the heads of men, what should I do? "Well, I'm not feminine, now what? Here's a list of simple measures that will make a girl out of a tomboy: 1. Dress up as a girl. If you seriously take up a feminine look, pick up your style, you will feel the changes almost immediately. 2. Pleasant speech. Without rudeness, shouting, obscenities, raids. Sweet, quiet voice. 3. Slowness. When you walk slowly, and not rush, slowly straighten your hair, and do not shake your mane, blink languidly, breathe deeply, measuredly, it acts like hypnosis on men. 4. Mood. Anything but gloomy, irritated and conflicted. Cultivate high-order emotions in yourself. 5. Goodwill, attunement to the interlocutor. Desire to hear, help, sincere disposition to the person.


October 26, 2022

Don't get lost in it.

Some women, falling in love, lose their heads. They are so afraid of losing a loved one that they literally "grow" with their husband. Personal space for such a woman ceases to exist. She wants to be aware of all the affairs and interests of her partner. Don't ever do that! Men, even the most loving and faithful, love freedom.


October 26, 2022

Women's Resources.

The most attractive women always have bright eyes. What gives us this brilliance? Of course, our special, women's resources. Key resources for women: • Energy • Adoption • Tranquility • Lightness Personal life, career and even health in the first place depends on them. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to them and nourish them with trepidation.


October 26, 2022

What not to do when your husband cheats.

1. Be silent. Such a model of behavior greatly affects the self-esteem of the wife and noticeably humiliates her in the eyes of her husband. “She is silent - it means everything suits her” - the logic of a man in a similar situation. 2. Deal with your mistress. Nothing good will come of this encounter. And this will not help to return him to the family or restore harmony in marriage. 3. Edit in response. The chances of rebuilding a family are greatly reduced. Cheating in revenge is a new problem, not a solution to an old one. 4. Forgive quickly. What comes without effort is usually not appreciated. If the wife forgives her husband too quickly, he will realize that his other misdeeds can just as easily get away with him. 5. Arrange constant scandals. The wife on any occasion recalls the offense of her husband. She has growing self-doubt and suspicion.


October 26, 2022

If you want to test the sincerity of a man.

The model of competent behavior is as follows: the first reaction to any, even the most clumsy compliment, is, of course, joy, gratitude. Then, in order to determine what is really behind these pleasant words, you need to ask a special clarifying question. Try to ask a man in what circumstances you showed yourself exactly as he says: “clever”, “kind”, “soulful”, etc. When did he manage to notice these qualities of yours, so that now he can tell you about them? It is desirable that he give some real example, a real situation that you can remember. Try to carefully translate the conversation into the mainstream of these memories.


October 26, 2022

Is it possible to "remake" a man.

The success of a man depends on both - both on the man and on the woman. A woman influences a man, but she cannot completely change him. Usually a successful man finds a woman who will inspire him. If a woman waits and demands too much, a weak man will resist or change. If a strong and purposeful man feels that his "wings are tied", he will also fight with a woman. But he will not be able to work and achieve full success until his wife changes or ceases to be his wife. If the influence of a woman does not suit a man, but he himself does not want to change, sooner or later he will leave this relationship.


October 26, 2022

The importance of support.

In the life of even the most ambitious man, there are moments when he loses confidence. Then the support of a woman is important, which will help him believe in himself and in the future again. If a man comes home and feels that he can relax there, this is very valuable for him. Anything can happen in the outside world, but at home a man can take off the mask of a strong man, they will not demand anything there and will accept him as he is.


October 26, 2022

Setbacks are not destiny.

It's totally normal, it happens to anyone who is determined to reach their goal. Setbacks occur when you decide to change something, e.g.: give up smoking, stop eating late in the evening, create a new project). You move toward your aim for a while, and then you suddenly interrupt your progress. Do you know that feeling? Setbacks are inevitable, cause nobody can change in a snap. The matter is whether you give up or pull yourself together and go on your way.


October 26, 2022

Thoughts materialize – shape them correctly.

Self-analysis is a crucial thing. But sometimes, every little matter gnaws away at ourselves making us weak and unlucky. "I won't be able to"; "I'm no match for..."; "I will never do it" – each of us has uttered these words at least once. And such thoughts shape our reality. Is it worth setting yourself up for failure? Positive thoughts: "I will succeed!"; "I have enough money for a happy life"; "I and my loved ones are healthy" such thinking will set a better direction for a happy life!


October 26, 2022

How to get people to listen to you?

Speak concisely but BEAUTIFULLY! Use vivid metaphors, accurate comparisons, storytelling techniques. All these tricks are fine and even essential to build persuasive skills! There's a six-word story story written by Ernest Hemingway: «For sale, baby shoes, never worn». That's it! And our imagination creates omitted events and images making our hearts ache at sympathy." Make your best to put thoughts in succinct phrases.


October 26, 2022

Speak sweet words to each other.

A woman can leave for tenderness, leaving wealth and a well-fed life. And there is nothing to say about men - with tenderness they can be led, as if on a string, by the nose and all other places. And if you suddenly fall ill with some kind of nonsense - a runny nose or a cold, then in fact this is not a cold at all, but a sign of a lack of tenderness. Not vitamins, not antibiotics are needed, but tenderness! Tenderness raises our immunity ... better than any medicine, it rejuvenates and gives an impulse to live. In short, live with tenderness, do not hesitate to be gentle, and remember: there is never too much tenderness... Say tenderness to each other, say it many times, say it in private and in public, do not be ashamed that it is banal, intimate, not modest... Speak - and you will be amazed at the result, just be amazed!


October 24, 2022

A favorite tactic of the narcissist.

A favorite tactic of a narcissist is to piss off the interlocutor, and then reproach him for being too hot. First, the harsh emotional reaction contrasts favorably with the cold courtesy of the narcissist himself. Secondly, the narcissist gets the opportunity to interpret this reaction in their favor: “Aha! You get angry. So there is no smoke without fire.” When dealing with narcissists, avoid unnecessary emotional attacks on your part. This will allow you to limit the narcissist's influence over you. .


October 24, 2022

Rules for dealing with male provocateurs

Before reading them, honestly answer yourself the following question: “Is it worth it for me to waste energy on such a man?” If, nevertheless, circumstances force you to communicate, then remember a few useful rules: • Never yell. • Speak 2 tones lower than the other person. • Protect yourself with personal space, step aside and breathe. • Reduce the dispute in a humorous direction.


October 24, 2022

How to introduce a child to a new dad?

When to introduce the child to the new "daddy"? What if you break up and the child gets injured again? The child will be traumatized only if you declare: • "This is your new dad" (he has a dad wherever he is); • "You must obey, respect, love" (should not, it is given to the worthy in exchange for love and care). Or get rid of your child because he interferes with the new husband. Let the new person, without fanfare, simply enter your life as a friend and entertainment partner in the park, in the movies and on vacation. Without pressure and serious faces will find a common language. The more you inflate around this importance, the more difficult it is for everyone to communicate and accept each other.


October 24, 2022

Phrases for harmonious relationships.

1. "I love you." Remind yourself of this more often and do not be afraid to overdo it with this phrase. A man must know that he is loved. 2. "Thank you." And this is not just a show of politeness. In healthy relationships, people accept actions with special love and value. 3. "Forgive me." Relationships are not something to be proud of. Sometimes it is easier to show maturity and wisdom to take the first step towards reconciliation than to pout over some little thing. 4. "I'm lucky to have you." A couple in a happy and strong relationship realizes the value of their union. They are ready to admit it to everyone in the world, but the most important thing is that they tell their partners about it. 5. "How was your day?". Healthy relationships require each other's sincere interest in the life of their soul mate.


October 24, 2022

When should a marriage be saved, when not?

The first thing to do when you feel that love has cracked: Make sure you and your husband are BOTH ready to start over. If one of the spouses has given up and does not want to invest in the relationship, there is no point in saving the marriage.


October 24, 2022

Why is it so hard for so many people to say "no"?

To bosses, friends, relatives, husbands, wives, children? That's because many people don't have solid goals. And, as a consequence, no clear set of priorities. They are being tossed by the waves of life, and the days just come and go. That's why they are such easy prey for those who are ready to devour their time, attention and energy. After all, it’s they who don't manage all these life resources so only THEY'RE RESPONSIBLE for this fault, not anyone else. It's absolutely not about they're afraid to offend someone or make a poor showing. They just don't manage their lives, so there are those who take this matter into their own hands.


October 24, 2022

Not your ownership.

Not making someone your psychological property is perhaps the main skill that is necessary for a happy relationship. It is a heavy burden mostly for the one who is attempting to usurp someone, because the other one anyway remains different and cannot be owned by anybody. It is especially hard for the former to accept the fact that their partner may leave at any time without asking for permission. That's the point, IT'S NOT YOURS. And it was never. The other person can't be owned. This simple truth, however, cannot be accepted unless you work on it consciously.


October 23, 2022