To accept or to change ?

One of the valuable skills that help us overcome even the most difficult challenges is the ability to let things we have no control over happen. If we live in harmony with ourselves and with the world, nothing bad will happen to us, which means that what cannot be influenced can be trusted to the universe. However, this skill has the unpleasant side - the temptation to always go with the flow, relieving ourselves of all responsibility. By relieving ourselves of responsibility for something little, the universe will make us responsible for something big. "If you don't want to carry one bag, than carry two..." - this is one of the many simple laws of the universe that stimulates our development... Therefore, it is important to learn to distinguish between accepting the inevitable and what we must change.


October 30, 2022

A $30 and a $3,000 watch both tell the same time.

Steve Jobs is the iconic figure of our time. Despite the fact that Apple went to the top of the world in many respects, he always remained a simple and even ascetic man. Recently, his last message, which he left in his hospital room, was made public. These words touch the most delicate strings of the soul. "One can find material things, but there is one thing that can not be found when it is lost — life. I realize that all my recognition and wealth that I have is meaningless in the face of imminent death... Treasure your family LOVE, love for your spouse, love for your friends. Treat everyone well and stay friendly with your neighbors."


October 30, 2022

Healing through silence.

Studies conducted by scientists to examine the effects of silence on human health have led to some interesting conclusions: Silence not only has a beneficial effect on the brain, creating conditions for the regeneration of its cells, but also contributes to the emergence of new neural connections, which has a positive effect on memory, emotions and attention. Even with constant noise overload during the working week, just 1-2 days spent in silence allow the brain to replenish hormone resources, strengthen immunity, and restore normal blood vessel tone.


October 30, 2022

Why does a man flirt with other women?

Even when everything is fine in your relationship, tiny "cheating" will always be in the man's head! They invigorate, increase testosterone, internal energy and fortitude. Being a decent spouse, he brings this emotional “bouquet” to you in the form of gifts, passion and “purring” in your ear. And at this moment you love him even more or you think: “What has suddenly come over him?”. It does not matter how old the husband is - 20 or 60. He will always look at women appraisingly and flirt with them. This is nature! And he is a male. Another question: is it possible to reduce his "hunt" for women to a minimum?


October 30, 2022

Will sex keep a man?

Some women claim that thanks to hot and high-quality sex, you can fall in love with a man. Like, it will definitely bind him and he will not want to go anywhere. But is it really so? Intimacy, of course, takes about 50% of success, but if this is all you can give a man, then you shouldn’t count on more. Such relationships will last until the man finds a woman who will give him more than just good sex. Yes, of course, men love passionate women, but this is not the only factor that they need and that they choose their companion for life. A man begins to become deeply attached only to the woman with whom they have emotional contact. From such relationships and from such closeness, they draw energy and strength, which helps them in everyday life. Only intimacy, built on feelings, is able to keep a man for a long time.


October 30, 2022

Is it possible to have a relationship with an ex?

If something did not work out in a relationship and you broke up, this does not mean that your love was a mistake. It's really important to deal with feelings. It should not be nostalgia for the past or longing for loneliness, but love, warm affection. If there really are feelings and you both realized the mistakes, understood why it didn’t work out then and are ready to fix everything now, then yes. Did you go back to your ex? What do you think, girls, is it worth giving them a second chance?


October 30, 2022

Happiness is somewhere nearby.

We have been running all our lives, fussing, wanting something like this ... like that ... but what we really need is nearby. We just need to feel needed. To be the one for whom they give everything. Who is valued more than life. A person is so arranged that being loved is more important for him than breathing. And when you find a place where you are loved, you will not leave of your own free will.


October 29, 2022

What to do if a man does not want to work?

1. Don't bring a dime into the house. Yes, no matter how categorical it sounds, but first you need to stop being a getter. 2. Give your husband the reins of power, let him make decisions, consult with him on some family issues. 3. Let your loved one understand that it is not the lack of money that worries you in the first place, but his professional unfulfillment. After all, you consider your spouse a talented specialist.


October 29, 2022

Setting goals THE RIGHT WAY.

A dream is a necessary and stimulating thing in life. But waiting for its realization like manna from heaven is stupid and pointless. The dream should be turned into a GOAL! If you write down your goals on paper, they are more likely to come true. How to set goals properly: ▫️Clearly define your desires and write them down in detail. ▫️Set a clear deadline for implementation ▫️Create a step-by-step plan, prioritizing and phasing tasks. ▫️Start taking action ▫️Practice daily self-reflection to comply with your plan. The New Year is coming. That means it's time to set goals and start taking action!


October 29, 2022

What's the link between external and internal resources?

Internal resources are a person's mental potential, including character, abilities, knowledge, skills, experience, emotions, feelings, and worldview. The more internal resources a person has, the more confident she/he feels without external support. She/he perceives reality adequately, achieves personal goals, withstands stresses and at the same time maintains integrity. External resources are material values and social ties. That is, things that support and help us from the outside, for example: family, friends, work, money, hobbies, studies, etc. When external resources are lost, internal resources are gradually depleted, and if a person has not formed internal resources, he won't be able to use external ones. This is the cycle of resources.


October 29, 2022

Signs of emotional instability in men.

Due to low self-esteem, he sees life in gray and black colors. An emotionally unstable man, of course, can experience positive emotions, but quickly catches on and begins to look for negative moments in what happened. He approached the relationship with you, having a negative experience of novels. One of the main signs of an unstable weak-willed man is his enchanting ability to find relationships where he will play the role of an interior element. He has habits that make you anxious. For example, overeating or a tendency to wash down all your problems with a glass of something stronger. Only in this way will his condition return to calm and comfortable. With an emotionally unstable man, you will get tired of his constant mood swings. It's like walking through a minefield, each time risking blown up and incurring negativity from your partner.


October 28, 2022

What is a healthy relationship?

You mutually love each other and this love grows stronger over time. And this means: • You didn't go into a relationship to attach a man like a plantain to your pain. You closed this pain first. • You feel that you are together, there is no feeling of loneliness. • There are no manipulations, the couple is sincere and open to each other. • Your partner does not forbid you anything, does not infringe, and you have no desire to control and forbid. • There are no insults in quarrels, no criticism and depreciation. • There are common goals and plans. There is support, a desire to help and care. And such relationships begin easily, and the dynamics of their development is quite fast and stable. There is no such thing that a man disappears, then appears. Healthy relationships give joy, a sense of security. Sometimes there are storms. But they endure and only get stronger.


October 28, 2022

Why did the husband go cold?

The husband sees his wife every day in a dressing gown and with a ladle in her hand. And younger women walk by, in high heels and in fashionable outfits. Here are the eyes already running, squinting in the direction of those who are much more interesting than his wife. Is reading a book attracts like the first time? Everything is ordinary to nausea: every day borscht, cutlets, “Go to the store”, “Take out the trash”, and even “Oh, don’t, my head hurts (back, legs, etc.). And who is to blame? Yes, it's her own fault! Why look good when you already know everything about each other. And the fact that your spouse is just bored with you does not occur to you?


October 28, 2022

Listen to your body's signals.

Cause if we ignore them constantly rushing around, circumstances will stop us: colds or quite serious illnesses, accidents, fires... Everyone should be attentive to the symptoms that the body sends. It is important to remember the following: any pain is a defense mechanism of the body. Using painkillers not figuring out the nature of our pain doesn't solve the problem but exacerbates it. Take a pause — listen to yourself. Your body will thank you.


October 28, 2022

Sometimes it's better to keep silent.

Let's imagine you meet an old friend. You are sincerely happy to meet her/him, but suddenly your friend says something tactless and unpleasant. It would definitely hurt you and you'd like to retaliate. Should you actually do it? Well, if you want to respond to a stupid provocation, everything is in your hands. Or you can pretend that you didn't notice anything, that means that it's absolutely doesn't matter to you. In this case, just say nothing. By the way, if your opponent expected your reaction to her/his aggression, the lack of response will embarrass her/him for sure.


October 28, 2022

What does the love of arguing with a woman say about a man?

We are not talking about petty domestic disputes, but about the constant desire to prove one's case. At the level of basic human instincts, this means that a man enters into competition with a woman, with whom, in theory, he should not have competition, because this is a different sex. Many psychologists even notice that this type of men are latent homosexuals, and a woman is perceived as a rival. No matter what anyone says, one thing is clear: men without complexes do not need to argue with a woman. Women cause them completely different desires.


October 28, 2022

Relationship test.

Do you want to understand how things are in your couple? Grab a pen and paper and analyze your relationship. Ask yourself - what gives me the most joy next to this person? And make a list of the reasons why you are happy with this relationship. And then carefully look at this list and try to determine what is more in it - benefits, consumption, or unconditional sincere feelings. By looking at which points are more, you can understand what keeps you close - love or addiction, affection.


October 28, 2022

Give him a chance to make a decision

Many girls strive to get in with their advice, forgetting that the partner himself is able to solve problems. You fell in love with him for this determination and confidence. So why do you want to turn your husband into a weak-willed mattress? Would you like it to be your way? Then show wisdom and tact.


October 28, 2022

Some people find it hard to let themselves grow.

Or even reach their true level. They want to stay small, or at least not very big. There're few people who dare to declare their real growth, let alone to admit the fact that they are above average. However, it's not so hard to be above average among people who don't want to grow at all. Growth is a responsibility. Growth is a right. Growth is your call. It's at everyone's discretion! Admitting that you're already a comprehensive person and going your own way is one of the hardest things in life.


October 28, 2022

To accept your imperfection means to move forward.

The greatest courage in life is the courage to admit that you have problems, even in the midst of total wellbeing. To admit that after many years of self-education, practice, and searching, you are still far from a perfect person. It's not the fact that you ever will be. To admit that you still don't understand many things. There's no guarantee that you ever will either. Embracing your human nature and accepting the fact that you have to face new, significant challenges throughout life, frees up a lot of potential energy, which makes it possible to move forward.


October 28, 2022