How can self-respect change our lives?
If you start respecting yourself, then: ▫️ The relationship with yourself will improve. You will take time for self-care: physically, mentally and psychologically, you will stop communicating with unpleasant people, you will also begin to filter information, etc. ▫️ You will get interest in yourself and learn to love yourself, so you won't have to wait for love from someone else to fill the emptiness inside, but be grateful to yourself. ▫️ You will be able to get out of toxic relationships. You will be able to avoid unpleasant situations, which means you will completely change your life.
November 14, 2022
Measure your progress.
Analyze your progress regardless of your goal. The greater your progress, the higher your motivation. Start a dairy or mark your calendar every time you achieve everything you set your mind to. Our enthusiasm increases when we can observe our accomplishments. Unleash your potential.
November 14, 2022
How our inner circle affects our worldview?
Being surrounded by imaginative, enthusiastic, and positive people is the best support. In this case you can rely on their advice, find encouragement and support. What can people stuck in jobs they hate share with you apart from frustration and depression? It may be said that your achievement potential is directly proportional to the level of potential realization reached by your inner circle.
November 14, 2022
Self love.
Self love is not arrogance. Self-love is the foundation for your happiness and inner peace. Self-love is essential to creating healthy and happy relationships in your life. Self love is when you choose to treat yourself like you're important because you really are. Self love is knowing that you may not be the prettiest, smartest, or funniest person in the world, but you're still amazing. Your value does not depend on it.
November 13, 2022
Why isn't your life smiling to you?
It shows that you unconsciously resent it. The world mirrors the soul, so it's important to go first and start smiling. ▫️To learn to say "thank you" for everything. ▫️To be curious, realizing that there is still much to be discovered. ▫️Try to find happiness in small things, even in a cup of morning coffee or tea. ▫️Start smiling to yourself. A sincere smile triggers all inner positive processes and accordingly attracts good events and people. That is positive thinking attracts positive experiences.
November 12, 2022
How to get rid of negative energy safely for yourself and others?
Develop skills in writing down what's bothering you on paper in order to stop express anger hurting other people and self-poisoning. You can scream whine and cry in your writing. There are no limits here, it's quite safe to express any emotions. After that, you can just read it, and even BURN if you want. There's a rule: we get annoyed with people who have the same drawbacks as we do. If you start noticing it in yourself and working with it, believe me, there will be fewer such situations in your life. This is how spiritual growth actually looks like. Your diary is your friend. You are you your diary. Only you know what is wrong with you, where it hurts, where to go and what to do next.
November 12, 2022
Is there a place in your life for a husband?
It is very important for a woman to leave space inside herself for her husband, and at all levels: • on the physical - give the opportunity to protect, help, take care of yourself. • socially - to accept the husband's status and his social influence, without trying to change him, without comparing him with others. • on the intellectual level - to be able to listen and accept his point of view (without giving up his own), accept his world and beliefs. • on the spiritual - to accept unconditionally the path that a man leads, without control and condemnation. If you give your husband space on all these levels, you will see how your feelings about yourself will change and how your spouse will begin to grow, progress, rise higher.
November 11, 2022
They don't marry mothers.
Some women in relationships begin to behave like "mommies". They tell a man what to do, how to act. Such a woman perceives a man as an unreasonable baby who cannot cope without her guardianship and instructions. Her vocabulary: “I knew you again / forever / always / never ..”, “Why don’t you do as I ask, is it really so difficult, how much more will you be ..”, “Why didn’t you clean up again for a mug?" Instead of compliments and admiration - assessments: "You're done!", "You did everything right!". She puts her partner in a frame: don’t go there, don’t do it, either I or your friends. Communicating with mom is sad: she teaches life a little, gives advice and assessments to everything and everything. Naturally, the men run away. And if they don’t run away, they behave passively in relationships, because they don’t want to obey, but for some reason they can’t leave.
November 11, 2022
You do not receive compliments from a man: what to do?
Smile. Always greet him with a smile in a positive mood. Train your confidence. Especially if you like to focus on your own shortcomings or do not know how to accept compliments. Flirt. This liberates and makes a man look at you with different eyes. Talk about your desires. If you want to hear nice words, say so. Inspire a man. Compliment him first. And if he doesn't know how to do them, teach him. Give examples of what you like and want to hear. Thank you. For any manifestations of love, kind words. Accept them with joy.
November 11, 2022
Growth is where the focus is!
So just focus on opportunities, positive attitudes, self improvement, income, and nice people — GROW and EXPAND. On the other hand, if you focus on problems, expenses, negativity, surround yourself with toxic people, then don't expect changes or anything good, since all THIS will also grow and expand. When negative thoughts come, tell yourself to "STOP". In case you are told unpleasant things about another person, stop the person you are talking to (let's not talk about it) or change the subject. In this way you will benefit not only yourself, but also him or her...
November 11, 2022
Doesn't anxiety make life unbearable?
Anxiety makes a person a VICTIM. Life and the world around become unsafe. More often than not, anxiety exists for a very long time without a person noticing it. Anxiety becomes noticeable when stressful situations accumulate. While stress is suppressed, anxiety grows. People tend to come to therapy with excessive anxiety, which is already impossible to tolerate. It often ruins our sleep, makes us less productive, destroys our relationships, and kills happiness. What's to be done? Firstly, sort yourself out. Observe carefully. When does anxiety appear? How stable is it? Figure out whether it comes after some events or it's chronic. Find the cause, talk it out loud, and start working through a particular fear.
November 11, 2022
Wise sayings.
Your hard work is the dream of every unemployed person; Your naughty child is the dream of every childless person; Your little house is the dream of every homeless person; Your small capital is the dream of every debtor; Your poor health is the dream of every patient with an incurable disease; The fact that the Almighty hides your sins from the eyes of people is the dream of everyone disgraced by their sins; Your peace of mind, your peaceful sleep, your affordable food is the dream of everyone who has a war in his country. You have to appreciate everything you have. After all, no one knows what will happen to you tomorrow.
November 10, 2022
Why do we break up by correspondence?
There are several reasons that push men and women to break up by correspondence. You met on social networks, met only a couple of times and you realized that this is not your person. In this case, it will be strange to wait for an invitation from a man to the next date in order to announce the breakup live there. He is ignoring you. A man does not answer calls and messages, and you are waiting for a personal meeting? Should not be doing that! Say that your romance is over in a text message and turn your attention to other men. He is far away and is not going to return anytime soon. Not all long distance relationships are successful. Sometimes lovers decide to leave and do it in instant messengers. They simply have no other choice but to leave in correspondence.
November 10, 2022
What is the secret of a happy marriage?
The life of every family is not without problems, moments of crisis, resentment. Anyone who knows how to forgive, compromise, delve into problems, empathize and take other people's habits and beliefs for granted, as a rule, is happy in marriage. The secret of a happy couple's life is not to avoid conflict situations, but to solve them correctly.
November 10, 2022
Psychosomatics — how IT works.
Our feelings and emotions are expressed through facial mimicry, gestures, tension or relaxation of body muscles, as well as biochemical reactions. Various elements affect the body, which, in turn, have its resources. Each organ has its level of resources (it tears where it is thin). Usually "Functional impairment" of the organ happens first. This means that there is a symptom without an obvious physical cause (lesions or diseases identified by tests). Such symptoms are a signal that the emotional response to the situation is overwhelming. Then the functional disorders turn into organic diseases that leads to chronic diseases.
November 10, 2022
Talent is a gift from God.
That's surely YOU whom the universe has decided to MAKE HAPPY. Sometimes talent matters more than education because it determines our PATH. It is awful when a person is really talented as an artist or musician, but is forced to sell kitchen appliances. Don't resist your nature, develop it, keep growing and improving, try to identify your talents and utilize them, search your heart. After all, the door to HAPPINESS opens outward.
November 10, 2022
How to keep a man?
How often I am asked this question and just as often I see this marketing lure, which, it should be noted, works with a bang. Learn 100500 Blowjob Techniques and Hold a Guy with a Deep Throat! And a naive woman, not understanding the causes of her troubles, runs to trainings, thinking that the reason for the problems is that she does not know how to work with her mouth, hands, and vagina. Yes, this is partly true, because unsatisfied needs will not go anywhere and men will look for them on the side. Girls, remember once and for all! Everything you do in life, you do only for yourself! And not to HOLD a man! And that's when you start learning for YOURSELF, and getting better for YOURSELF, when you start getting high on YOURSELF, then you won't have to hold anyone back! A man will idolize you, love and appreciate you.
November 9, 2022
How to survive a virtual romance?
Do not rush to make a scandal. Remember these tips: 1. Keep calm. If you accidentally saw the correspondence, do not run to file for divorce. Compare the facts, observe the behavior of her husband. Talk to him, let him know that for you such behavior is a manifestation of infidelity. 2. Don't pretend like nothing happened. If you know everything, do not close your eyes to the virtual adventures of your husband. By forgiving such "innocent pranks", you risk losing him. After all, soon the spouse can indulge in all serious. 3. Avoid revenge. Many ladies act on emotions, trying to hurt their husband in retaliation. They register on websites, correspond with men, flirt with them. Understand, in this way you will only aggravate the situation, and trust will be lost forever. Is your goal to save your marriage? Then it is useless to blame each other! Find out the causes of discord and start a new life full of passion and harmony.
November 9, 2022
Coping with stress - turning the mind towards acceptance.
When there is no way to make a difference, the best thing you can do is to change your ATTITUDE toward the situation. Usually when you change your point of view, the problem resolves ITSELF. After all, when the stressful situation ends, the degree of tension around drops and the possibility of resolving the situation CONSTRUCTIVELY increases. That's exactly the intricate wording. Opportunities you just couldn't have seen before suddenly appear.
November 9, 2022
About purpose, dreams and plans.
What is the difference between a dream and a purpose? It's very simple, a purpose has a DEADLINE! Work through your dream and set a clear deadline. How is a goal different from a plan? Plans are the regular efforts you're going to take to achieve your goal. Define your step-by-step actions with precise dates and clear descriptions. Finally, only a PLAN confirmed by methodical ACTIONS makes our dream COME TRUE!
November 9, 2022