Is it possible to forgive a lie to a loved one?

If a loved one admits his mistakes, does not deny the fact of a lie and wants to understand how to change the situation, then the lie can be forgiven. But if he continues to behave as if he is not to blame for anything, and accuses you of being too picky and suspicious, then you should think: are you on the way with this man? The reverse situation: what to do if you are caught in a lie? To begin with, answer yourself the question: “Why am I lying to my beloved”? What drives you every time you try to hide the truth and come up with an excuse? Fear of breaking up a relationship? But won't the consequences of lying be worse than what happens if the fact of lies is revealed?


November 18, 2022

How to flirt with your husband.

Any woman in a long-term marriage eventually asks the question "How to refresh the relationship?". Photo. Take a selfie in underwear, in bed, in the bathroom, in the fitting room - let your husband fidget a little in the office chair! Flirt in public. Press your thigh against your husband, kiss him, slap him or stroke him just below the back. Nothing turns on like a violation of the prohibitions imposed by public opinion. Text messages. If you want to get a male ready for a stormy night in the evening, instead of a tired fan of watching football, write something hot and promising to your husband. And add a candid selfie to the message. Believe me, he will definitely not stay at work. Don't be afraid to flirt with your husband. No matter how stupid you feel at that moment after many years together - he will appreciate it! Do you often flirt with your spouse?


November 18, 2022


If you believe that the most important things will come later, then your life turns into an endless waiting. Waiting makes it hard to live now. There is simply no energy left to live. The present moment is the only reality.


November 18, 2022

The more neural connections our brain has, the better our cognitive abilities.

Therefore, our brains need daily exercise. What's to be done?There is one working exercise that doesn't require any special conditions. Just close your eyes and try to move around your apartment, take a shower with your eyes closed, put some stuff in its place. Try to feel the value of a coin lying in your pocket. Try to learn Braille, a tactile writing system used by people who are visually impaired. What's the object of doing that? By doing this you boost neural connectivity and activate some brain areas, which usually perform little or no work. It's also a great exercise for the whole brain.


November 18, 2022

COMFORT ZONE: where and why?

To begin with, this is not a zone in which we feel emotionally and psychologically comfortable. In fact, it is a set of habitual actions, activities, impressions, circumstances, choices that are well entrenched in our lives and perceived by our brain as a safe zone. The warmer and more comfortable your comfort zone is, the harder it is to dare to change your life. It's indeed really difficult to do. You may think you can quickly change what you've been creating for years. Yes, you can. However, Dramatic changes cause significant setbacks. That's because your brain won't let you just get it out of its comfort zone. So IF YOU REALLY INTEND TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE, do it gradually and methodically.


November 17, 2022

Make it happen!

The New Year is just around the corner. We can already enjoy the smell of tangerines and Christmas trees, the menu is already planned and presents are bought. Traditionally, people try to start the New Year with a clean slate. So what should be done to prepare for it? ▫️Finish all your work and pay debts. ▫️Clean your apartment, get rid of your old clothes, furniture and other junk. ▫️Free up space on your phone and computer. Gadgets also need to be cleaned up. ▫️Ask your family and friends for forgiveness and forgive them if they have offended you. ▫️Take a moment to reflect on the past year. ▫️Don't forget to set goals for the New Year. Most importantly, be sure to THANK this outgoing year. Remember all the good things that happened to you this year and compliment even the smallest events in your life.


November 16, 2022

Fear paralyzes life.

Fear is a very ancient feeling and it is useless to fight with it. When fear takes over, it affects the whole nervous system. It is impossible to think rationally being in this state. The proliferating fear experienced over and over again makes one paralyzed. The whole world becomes a threat. It can go as far as panic attacks. It is absolutely impossible to cope with this feeling alone. You need the support of loved ones who may point you in the right direction. It can be a challenge for them (to support and reassure). It is also necessary to show the person a way to free her/his mind of obsessive thoughts. To explain that there’s no matter what you're afraid of, it is just a defense and hiding mechanism. Any fear always comes from an intrapersonal conflict.


November 16, 2022

Step by step.

If you do at least one small step toward the dream every single day, overcoming self-pity and doubt even if it is not so easy - one day reality will be better than your dreams. Change happens when you are ready for it. In order for love and abundance to enter your life, your soul must begin to expand. We grow only by receiving new knowledge and using it that is by thinking and acting differently. If you've just read or listened to something without bringing it to life, you have done NOTHING. For example, awareness after reading this post doesn't, in and of itself, lead to anything unless you intend to change your mind.


November 16, 2022

Domestic violence.

Many women are forced to endure beatings and humiliation, as they simply have nowhere to go from a relationship. This is how they themselves think, and this is the first delusion. The second misconception is "I can't do without this man." Many people forget, but we come into this world and leave it alone. And even when it seems to you that you will not cope, remember that this is only fear. You are stronger than you think. Another misconception is “You yourself are to blame for driving me”, an imposed feeling of guilt from a man. No man in the world has the right to beat you!


November 16, 2022

Do not start serious conversations daily.

You approach him all so properly motivated with the phrase: "We need to talk..." And he's horrified and doesn't know what to expect. And you let him talk about the problems in the relationship. Do you think he is a deaf and dumb idiot and does not understand that there are problems in your relationship? Unlike us women, who find it important to describe feelings in words, men prefer to think in actions. Therefore, more specifics, baby!


November 16, 2022

What to do if a man earns little.

Have you already connected your life with a beggar man? Then look at the prospects. If this is a young guy who shows promise, naturally you need to inspire him and endure financial inconvenience. And if you get hung up on how much a husband should earn and completely forget about his mission as a muse, the male potential will fall. For whom to try? For a grouchy and always dissatisfied wife-saw? Yes, she will never be enough! Therefore, it is not so important how much a husband earns now, he can definitely earn more with your support. Understandably, it will be difficult at first. Problems, lack of money, time, effort. But if a woman believes, supports, a man will achieve everything.


November 15, 2022

Life that’s just passing by.

Each of us has fantasies and dreams about that perfect life where everyone does what he/she loves, lives in a beautiful house by the sea and is surrounded by people who genuinely love and care about him/her. Happiness naturally may be different from one person to another, and your picture may differ as well. However, many of us don't let themselves move beyond the dream state of life. The present life where we see only negative things day by day just passes by. The ability to see positive things even in the worst of times is directly related to a mental process called attention. Many people living in more or less developed countries have great difficulties with attention. It's too hard for them to concentrate and notice small things, especially positive ones.


November 15, 2022

Childhood experiences are our foundation.

Our brain perceives words and phrases heard in our early childhood as facts. However, if you recognize negative beliefs and reactions that interfere with your life, then you can break your absurd and ridiculous limits, and move forward. True freedom starts with your mind! Observe your beliefs, patterns, habits, and allow yourself to call them into question. Maybe I should think different? Maybe it's not a sure thing?


November 15, 2022

Why do people get depressed in autumn?

We do not take into discussion people who have serious problems with mental health, for them autumn always means an aggravation. Autumn depression in a healthy person can be associated with such factors: The days are getting shorter and dimmer ▫️ no bright colors The holiday season has come to an end All this directly affects the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. A person often begins to overeat, there is a feeling of emptiness and uselessness.


November 15, 2022

Signs of female egoism.

• The egoist does not know how and does not want to give in to the chosen one. • She doesn't trust her man. She doesn't care about his opinion. • Such a woman does everything as she needs, insists on her own to the victorious. • She demands all the time, but gives nothing to the man in return. All egoists are used to taking, but they do not know how to give. • If a man does not want to fulfill her desire, she throws tantrums and accuses the chosen one of selfishness. • A woman constantly manipulates her partner. If you have found clear signs of selfishness in yourself, do not despair. Noticing them is already a big step towards victory.


November 15, 2022

How and for what to praise a man?

When I hear: "Why praise him, kiss him in the ass, why should I? They don't thank me!" I understand that there is no team in this pair and love has hung somewhere in question. Otherwise, why is it so hard for a loving woman to say “Thank you” to her own man? There is competition for scarce resources of warmth, kindness, and good relationships. As if the word “thank you” is one for everyone, and if you give it to him, then you will have nothing left. When the family turns into rivalry and revenge and stubbornness begin, everything ends! It is in our power to save her, because we girls are an inexhaustible volcano of kindness and warmth.


November 14, 2022

How to understand that you are unnecessarily controlling a man?

• you constantly criticize him • do not let go to friends without scandals • jealous from scratch • you require reports: where you were, what you did, where you spent your personal money, etc. • often use blackmail and threats The chosen one will naturally oppose guardianship and supervision in every possible way. So, problems in relationships, constant quarrels, misunderstandings are inevitable. And what happens is what you fear the most - betrayal, irresponsible actions on his part, parting as a sad outcome. That's why you can't control a man! Any control over a man suffocates him, devalues ​​him as a person and all the good that he does for you.


November 14, 2022

Tolerance for shortcomings.

You do not idealize a man, you do not require him to get a star from the sky. You calmly accept your loved one for who he is. But the trouble with many spouses is that they are not ready to look for common ground and compromises. Only insults and manipulation are used: “You are such / such ...”. Unwillingness to put up with the shortcomings of another speaks of the immaturity of feelings.


November 14, 2022

Why should a woman be taught femininity?

The woman is out of touch with her femininity. He does not know how to attract the attention of a man, interest him and arouse a desire to care. Such a woman hardly understands herself. Desires, for example, of romance and being behind a man with the fear of never getting it, struggle in it. And she convinces herself that this is all for chickens. Envy and devalues ​​those who can afford it all. It is difficult for her to succeed. Spends energy to prove that she is no worse than men. It develops aggression, rigidity, cynicism. The way of life is changing. More masculine activities, masculine energy, maybe smoking, stress, struggle, including with your nature.


November 14, 2022

How can you change a man?

Change yourself! Realizing that the relationship with your husband has deteriorated, honestly ask yourself: do you want to build a future life with this person? If yes, then be ready to carry out serious and difficult work on yourself (but not on your husband!) in order to save your family. ▫️Try to look at a loved one objectively, without a “straw in the eye”. Perhaps many of the shortcomings that you attributed to him are not so significant. ▫️ Find joint activities and ways to spend time that could bring pleasure, joy and good mood to both of you. ▫️Try to look at the world around you through the eyes of your husband, take his position, feel his anxiety and worries, support his desires without imposing your own.


November 14, 2022