The woman is insanely mutual.

Men, unfortunately, often do not understand elementary things, for example, one simple truth - women are insanely mutual. They absorb the attitude of a man towards himself on an energy level - what actions a man does for them, what words he says, whether these words coincide with actions, and so on. Over time, a man receives a boomerang, which he himself launched, the result of his own behavior, - a woman who is woven either from the pleasant impressions that he gave her, from the attention, care, tenderness and warmth with which he pampered her, from time and the strength he put into it. Or exactly the opposite. For a woman always returns this accumulated energy back to a man. This is the law.


November 23, 2022

Take care.

From someone else's evil, so that it does not become yours. From assessments that poison, but do not help to see more widely. And from appraisers who think they're always right. Take care. Keep your inner home clean. Do not accumulate rubbish, wipe the dust, water the flowers. Don't let anyone enter your world without knocking and with dirty shoes. And do not leave the door open for those who will not enter it. Take care. His vulnerability, sincerity and courage to be in a single copy. Don't disappear behind other people's backs. Do not turn off the light in yourself, even if someone does not need it. Take care. Sometimes this is the only thing left to swim across the river and get out on the other side.


November 22, 2022

What do they fall in love with?

They don't fall in love with our traits, strengths and weaknesses. Fall in love with the state that partners experience next to you. And it's not about quality. If I fall in love with the strong and independent - it's my own inner vulnerability, I need protection. If I fall in love with household ones, my life probably lacks the order that I would like. And I also fall in love with the free, if I myself am squeezed into the vise of family rules. And men do the same. If he is pleased to feel needed, he will fall in love with a woman-problem: either she broke the car, then she left the house without keys. If you want to hang out in childhood, he will choose the one with whom he can feel like a boy. There is a search for the state in which a person is as comfortable as possible, and, perhaps, he will experience this state with you. What do people feel around you? Think about it.


November 22, 2022

How your money destroys relationships.

A financially independent wife can either save or destroy her marriage, depending on the scenario chosen: • She can turn her money into an object of manipulation, all the time poking her husband with her nose that he has no power over her. But soon she will hear: pay for everything yourself, since she is so smart. And out of pride, she will plow, pay, and will never see any help and care. • She puts her money in the service of keeping a man. No money for a restaurant? I'll pay myself. Keep an expensive gift, I took out a loan. Need to borrow? Take it! It is not necessary to return or I will not dare to ask. This is very detrimental to a man. The result: a slacker and gigolo who always pulls money out of her. Understand, it is important for a woman to have her own income! This deprives a man of the temptation to press and threaten. And it gives confidence that you have a choice: leave or stay.


November 22, 2022

Don't try to find out if he has a mistress.

- Dear, do you have a mistress? - Oh sure. I'll show you the pictures. Do you really expect such a development of the dialogue? Of course, perspiration will come out on his forehead. But this will not be proof that he eats dumplings on the side. Maybe he's just about to. Or maybe he's not hungry at all. Or maybe he has stomach problems and is worried? In response to your aggression, the husband will clean up the browser history, export bookmarks with porn, change the password on the phone and walk around with the face of a holy martyr sentenced to be burned. But this does not mean that he had a mistress. Men in general tend to be afraid that you will find out "something is wrong" long before the problem arises. Even more, they tend to worry that you are restricting their little freedoms, like the freedom to believe that they have freedom.


November 22, 2022

Hugs: why is it so important?

Psychologically, you need 8 hugs a day to feel good. Hugs are the strongest process of exchanging positive energy. It is not only pleasant, but also useful. Positive emotions have a beneficial effect on health, and this is not self-hypnosis. Hugging increases the level of a number of hormones in the blood. Conclusion: girls, hug more often with your men, children, loved ones and relatives!


November 22, 2022

Types of men to stay away from.

Critic. He condemns everything you do. You need to understand the difference: criticizing is not the same as giving advice. passive aggressor. With such a person, you feel as if you should walk on tiptoe. Denial of feelings, sarcasm, questionable compliments are indicators that you are dealing with a passive aggressor. Narcissus. With all his behavior he shows that his existence is the best gift: he knows everything, he is the best in everything and does not hesitate to remind you of this every minute. Stone wall. A rock wall is a person who refuses to engage in conversation and share their feelings when problems arise. He constantly dodges direct questions. antisocial personality. Aggressive and explosive behavior. He also has psychopathic tendencies, a lack of remorse and empathy, a tendency to take advantage of others, greed, vindictiveness.


November 22, 2022

Investment in relationships.

Relationships need to be built: the more you invest in them, the more expensive the partner becomes. The same mechanism works when we develop self-love - it grows through self-care, putting strength into ourselves. Therefore, invest in relationships, appreciate what they give you and, of course, keep a balance!


November 22, 2022

Why am I not in the first place with my husband?

Many women are unhappy that their husband does not pay enough attention to them, is too busy with himself, his work, ideas and projects. The normal priorities of a psychologically healthy person are in order: himself, then his partner, then their children, then parents, and then there are friends, buddies and everything else. If your husband has you and your needs in the first place, most likely, he is not in the best psychological state. If you really want to be in the first place with a man, ask yourself - why is this so important to you? Maybe because your own priority system has failed? And you yourself are not in the first place, but in the second, third or twentieth?


November 22, 2022

Do's and don'ts to tell your girlfriend during a divorce.

If your girlfriend is getting a divorce, then this difficult situation will affect you too. What phrases to say, and which ones should be avoided during this difficult period for her: ❌ How are you? ❌ Let's meet sometime? ❌ What happened? ❌ Have you been to a psychotherapist? ❌ I don't understand what you're upset about. ✅ How are you today? ✅ Do you have someone to talk to? ✅ How can I help? ✅ I love you, I am always with you. ✅ Do you want to talk?


November 22, 2022

Give positive emotions.

If a husband is happy next to you, will he look at others? Working on emotional fulfillment in a relationship is important. The “wow-effect” gives the greatest charge: for example, from jointly overcome difficulties. You can simply create as many bright positive memories as possible: for example, from an actively spent vacation.


November 22, 2022

People who enjoy criticizing others.

A narcissist is a personality type that likes to devalue others to show his importance, he criticizes in order to appear more intelligent, more significant, more powerful in the eyes of others. But is he really like that or is it just a front? Most likely a front. Most likely, he was underestimated as a child, and he is now taking it out on others. If a person really is a narcissist, it is impossible to change him, he will constantly manipulate you, criticize and devalue you.


November 21, 2022

I'm going to write you a letter.

The more complicated our life becomes, the more difficult it is for us to contain ourselves. Anger and aggression are extremely destructive feelings and for the person carrying them the most. Suppose you are plagued by a feeling of irritation and even hatred for a certain person. How do you cope? Let's write him or her a letter! The essence of this technique is that you write a letter to the person you are angry with. Let yourself go - write EVERYTHING that has accumulated in you, what you think about this person, what you feel towards them. Express everything as it is, everything that is on your mind, without limiting yourself in expressions. After you are done, you can read everything again, after which you tear the letter and throw it away.


November 21, 2022

Why is it important to set and protect your personal boundaries?

Because these are your UNIQUE ways of living, your experiences, your unique thinking and your unique emotions. This is your unique “self”. And it must be carefully protected and taken care of. If you don’t set your personal boundaries you won’t have a personal life either, you wouldn’t be yourself. You wont fulfill your potential and live the way you dreamed. It is when you build your boundaries that your strength, your thoughts, your true feelings, your future - will return to you, which you will see firsthand. After you regain them, you will enjoy harmony, happiness and experience sense of contentment in life.


November 21, 2022

Your focus for the year.

When planning out your year, month or week I strongly recommend setting yourself a goal - a focus. That is going to be something your attention is always drawn to. Setting yourself more than 2 or 3 focuses is pointless. Pick and follow the most crucial one. Example: You have a school project due in March, but you haven’t even started working on it. Set yourself a focus for February - PROJECT. This way, using a day planner, you’ll know what errands you should accentuate and how to go about your day more efficiently in regards to your goal. In other words, you can plan out your whole year around 2 or 3 important goals (focuses).


November 21, 2022

Pen is mightier than the sword…

During a heated argument people can say a lot of things which could sour or plague one’s relationship with another. Many people genuinely don’t understand what it was they said that could have been so offensive. “I told my wife her patty cakes were horrible and so was her hair! So what? It’s the truth!» «I told my husband out of spite that I have someone to compare him to. He was somewhat nicer, too. So he slammed the door! What is wrong with men these days? Bighead!” Now imagine every word you speak is a big, sharp kitchen knife. It’s dangerous if you pick it up and start swinging it in front of people. You might hurt somebody. Injure them badly or even kill them. Especially when that person trusts you and doesn’t expect it. In fact, despite the above analogy, there’s an accurate saying, which goes: “Words cut deeper than a knife”. Use the knife to prepare delicious holiday dishes instead!


November 20, 2022

No year reviews, just rely on yourself.

It's actually very difficult, because we are more willing to trust anyone but ourselves. "Who am I to believe myself?" "Believing myself, I'm bound to be wrong." That's the way most people reason and that’s why choose to believe others. As if others have something that insures them from making a mistake. No expertise will ever guarantee you anything. Shit happens to everyone. Mistakes help you grow and make you stronger.


November 20, 2022

Reciprocity works wonders.

This is important when you match. You do not coincide with characters and outlooks on life, but with the desire to be together. It seems to me that then, even being completely different, you automatically begin to coincide in the rest. Accepting each other as you are, not trying to remake, enriching and filling with what is not in you, but is in your loved one, you will be able to focus on pleasant moments without focusing on dissimilarity.


November 18, 2022

How to find the strength to leave an alcoholic husband?

3 steps to release: ▫️Look into the future, which will surely be little different from the sad present. Ready to be next to a drunkard to the last and ruin your life? Everyone gives answers to these questions. Of course, much depends on the degree of alcoholism, on the situation in the family. ▫️Separate the disease of the drunkard from himself and think about what can really be done. If he realizes that he is addicted and wants to get rid of this scourge, he can be helped. And if not? Then continue to cut him, spread rot, force him to go to a narcologist - it's useless! ▫️Stop saving him! Each person is the creator of his own life. First you have to stop patronizing an adult man. Let him take responsibility for his own life and actions.


November 18, 2022

How to choose a man who won't cheat.

All women dream of a man who does not cheat, because he is a reliable partner, next to whom it will always be comfortable. Many believe that there are no men who do not cheat, but in fact there are examples of how a man has remained faithful to his beloved. What you should pay attention to: Avoidance of attachment. Partners who avoid attachment, at the first sign of trouble, at best, withdraw into themselves, at worst, break off relations. And those who are not capable of radical actions begin to look for sexual connections on the side. Attitude towards casual sex. People who strongly believe in sex as an expression of love within certain relationships are less likely to look the other way than those who are used to changing partners like gloves.


November 18, 2022