Keep anger and irritation under control

Anger and irritation are not the best advisors in negotiations. I would like to share a technique that will help you quickly bring yourself back to your senses. Do you feel like the conversation has reached an impasse and irritation is growing? Take a break, go to another room, and try to focus on your breathing at least for 5 minutes, imagining that you exhale RAGE with the air. Breathing should be slow and deep. After you've calmed down, you can go back to the dialogue.


November 29, 2022

Resist temptations

Do it before they grow into bad habits. Limiting access to your temptations is a great addition to your willpower that can be crucial to increasing self-discipline. If you tend to be distracted by Facebook, block yourself from being online during work hours. Are you addicted to weekend shopping and can't stop? Leave your credit card at home and take only a limited amount of cash.


November 29, 2022

I just want to help

There are people who are so confident in their own omnipotence and power that they strive to help everyone. Without any regard whatsoever! It doesn’t matter if you need their help at all! After all, the person on the receiving end may not know that he needs the help, whereas these people know exactly who requires some. Relatives and close friends of these people live difficult lives. The constant projection of kindness and forcing your good deeds onto people can cause more harm than good.


November 29, 2022


Compromise is what so often helps to save, what pride does not allow to accept, but what the soul so desires. Compromise is so simple, you need to give in a little, not give up, but change the conditions ... But it's so difficult. It is so difficult because it seems that giving in means showing weakness, but in fact, compromise is a huge strength of personality, love and mind.


November 28, 2022

The harder the climb, the better the view

There is no magical staircase that will let you “reach the top” instantly. There will be ups and downs, but in general, you should always aim to move forward. Yes, it will be difficult, it will be hard, but when you reach the top, you will not regret it for a fact!


November 28, 2022

Signal phrases-triggers.

There are trigger phrases that often mean that the feelings of a lover have long faded. “I can’t tell you everything!” If your conversation causes a storm of negativity, then he has something to hide. And in order not to blurt out, he prefers to reduce communication to a minimum. “These are your problems.” This coldness is a concrete sign that he doesn't care about what's going on in your life. “Do what you want” If you have to ask for support, and beg for attention to yourself and your problems, then there is no smell of healthy and loving relationships here.


November 28, 2022

Feminine and masculine energy.

Male and female energy in a relationship balance each other. And if someone takes on other people's functions, then the second one does not automatically perform them. For example, if the wife performs male functions by 70%, then the husband is left with 30%. And that's exactly what he will do. When we build a family, it's better for everyone to do their own thing, and not climb into someone else's. This does not mean that the woman is not involved in the process. Believe me, our role is very important. It is we who give the spouse most of the energy for accomplishments, create conditions for relaxation, and inspire new feats.


November 28, 2022

How to know in 5 minutes that you will break up?

Watch your fight! Breaking up couples fight each other. They fight among themselves and the subject of the conflict serves only as a pretext for starting a showdown. The scandal quickly becomes personal. Saved couples quarrel over the subject of the dispute. Without getting personal and without putting all relationships into question because of the subject of the conflict. Conclusion: behavior in a quarrel is just an indicator of the deep relationship of people to each other.


November 28, 2022

The relationship problem

This is the problem of balancing autonomy and attachment (or autonomy and connection). On the one hand, one must learn to be in a relationship with another without giving in to the desire to avoid isolation by becoming attached to that other. But he or she must also learn, while in a relationship with the other, not to treat his or her partner like a means of avoiding isolation. Past love is the source of your strength, while present love is the result of your strength.


November 28, 2022

In our consumer society, novelty has become the key to everything.

The mechanism of obsolescence is built into products from the beginning and it's supposed to make us buy something new. Relationships are subject to the same tendencies. We live in a culture that constantly promises us something better, newer, more interesting. So now people divorce not because they feel unhappy, but because they believe they can be happier.


November 28, 2022

Have you ever noticed how after the words "you can't," our brain starts to want it desperately?

Just when we decide to give up alcohol, our body urgently needs a dose of alcohol. Just when we swear not to bless out, dirty words slip out immediately. It happens because of the prohibition, which you want to get around. To overcome this problem, it is important not to stop your forbidden thoughts, but to relax and accept them as a given. Try to understand that there are no restrictions at all, you can break any promise even now, YOU ALWAYS HAVE A CHOICE! Instead of hiding from the forbidden fruit, it's better to think about the result of your efforts. It will inspire you to stick to your chosen path.


November 28, 2022

Do you know the difference between a master and a common man?

It lies in the fact that a master has mastered a particular skill. That is, the person once learned or tried something and realized what benefits he or she gets in doing it. So the person tried it again and again. As soon as he or she find their weaknesses, fears or shortcomings, they eliminate them. The more challenges he or she overcomes, the stronger they become. There's one more important element of this process – self-observation. Endless self-awareness. It's an evaluation of one's own effectiveness and the quality of results.


November 28, 2022

Sleep Affirmations

We are used to the fact that repeating affirmations are a morning practice. However, bedtime affirmations are also very effective. Your brain is just as active in the evening with hundreds of thoughts running through it. Negative attitudes slip through as well. Let's try to analyze and transform them into positive ones. For example: "I am sluggish, and I didn't manage to take my time again". "I am really good, I did a lot of pleasant things today". Positive affirmations before going to sleep help calm down, refocus our energy and attention on the positive, review the day and keep our mind off mundane matters.


November 28, 2022

The Power of Gratitude

Inner gratitude for everything that surrounds a person is a sign of a high level of awareness. It is even more than just awareness. It's our POWER. Thanks to this power, we reveal our potential, as well as increase energy and motivation, and the meaning of life becomes clearer and more vivid. Furthermore, you can get to the next level if you express your gratitude through actions, deeds and behavior.


November 28, 2022

It could have all been different

So it begins... Biting your elbows and lips, brating yourself up over the fact that you should have done everything differently, say it differently, slam the door louder and leave earlier. Quit it! It is important to learn to experience the consequences of wrong choices without self-destruction, self-torture and sleepless nights. There is no point in tormenting yourself with what you can no longer change.


November 28, 2022

Listening and hearing are two different things.

It's not a question of impaired hearing and mechanical noise, which sometimes interferes with our ear. What we mean is when a loved one doesn't want to hear you - it hurts, it's confusing, it's sad, it's annoying, and sometimes drives you mad! An extreme form of "you don't hear me" can eventually turn into "you don't notice me!" And that's where most of us cannot cope. It is important to understand one simple thing. The fact that you are not heard does not always mean IGNORED. Sometimes it’s a way of interacting. After all, it’s not a disaster, only a way for events to unfold. And if you are not heard SYSTEMATICALLY, perhaps there is a reason to think about finding those people who will really be interested in what you have to say.


November 23, 2022

Half an hour of silence.

Robin Charm wrote that Buddhist monks have a technique for strengthening willpower, keeping silent for 3-5 hours. However, there’s a technique you can try out today already – daily silence for 30 minutes. If you really need to speak, then you can limit yourself to just a few words. Believe me, the results will speak volumes.


November 23, 2022

Don't hide your true face.

We live in a time where hiding your true face is more difficult each day. Life is showing us, using many different ways, that it is necessary to be yourself, to be honest with yourself, to hear yourself, to be in touch with yourself. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of illusions. You want to live a real, happy life, don’t you?


November 23, 2022


Techniques such as yoga, meditation, Zen, usually help you to restore contact with your inner self. These are ways that can help you, forget about the periphery, leave it for a while and relax in your inner being so deeply that the external factors lose weight, and you can focus internally. All meditation techniques are aimed at making you brave, strong, ready for adventure, so that you can stop holding on and allow you to discover yourself.


November 23, 2022

The woman is insanely mutual.

Thus, a man can turn his woman either into a blooming Garden of Eden, where he can come to rest after hard trials and find peace, vent and peace, or into a clear and hard deadly mechanism that will finish him off with control in the head, before that passing through a meat grinder, breaking pride, and in some cases life. Once again, a woman is madly mutual. If you see a gentle, caring, calm, loving and devoted woman in front of you, then you are a true man. Honor and praise to you. If you see a cold-blooded, insensitive bitch who will step over you without even turning around, then in the past you have tried very hard, and the limit of female forgiveness and patience has been exhausted. Remember. When you look at your woman, you look at yourself. So don't ask for what you can't give yourself.


November 23, 2022