"Orgasm Race"

You lie down in bed opposite each other, each giving pleasure to himself. The one who first experiences an orgasm helps the partner orally or with the help of hands until he reaches the finish line. The "winner" will get the right to sexual desire next time.


June 29, 2022

Everyone needs something different.

During orgasm, different women like different movements, and the partner should move the way the partner wants: ▪️ Some like to freeze without moving, while the partner intensively moves back and forth ▪️ Others - to move intensively. ▪️ The third is to press tightly against the partner with the full introduction to the stop, asking him not to move.


June 29, 2022

Suffering from cumulative fatigue syndrome and migraines?

Just remember that sex is the best and safest tranquilizer in the world. The relaxation effect of lovemaking is 20 times stronger than the effect of medical stimulant drugs.


June 29, 2022

Try this game.

▪️Take a tie, scarf or sleep mask. ▪️Blindfold your partner. Touch it with different parts of the body. He has to guess what you touched.


June 29, 2022

Sexual initiative.

Many women behave passively because they were brought up that way - they say, this is how a real woman should behave. And the man in this case thinks that they do not want him. He also needs to feel wanted. So at least sometimes take matters into your own hands.


June 29, 2022

Spicy Restaurant

The Guolizhuang Chinese restaurant chain offers more than 30 member-made dishes to its customers. Sheep, goats, bulls - the faint of heart can not read all this, lovers of exotic food (and there are plenty of them) - read on. In addition to food, in Guolizhuang you can order drinks created on the same, hmm, basis. And you can rest assured that there is no end to those wishing to spend the evening there. Eating these very organs is said to work better than all the aphrodisiacs put together.


June 28, 2022

Restaurant for aesthetes.Spicy Restaurant

In the United States, there is a Japanese restaurant HADAKA SUSHI, in which a naked female body is used instead of trays and plates. A beautiful model lies on the table, some parts of her body are covered with banana leaves and sushi is laid out on them. Visitors get double pleasure from eating delicious food and contemplating a beautiful female body.


June 28, 2022

The importance of sleep for quality sex.

Sleep at least 8 hours a day! Sleep-deprived men show themselves worse in bed and at the same time do not notice their mistakes. And sleep-deprived women simply begin to want sex less.


June 28, 2022

The meaning of kisses.

From the first kiss, you can understand how people are suitable for each other. If both like kissing, then most likely the relationship will be long and happy. Also, couples who kiss a lot are happier than those who don't.


June 28, 2022

Your style. Don't be afraid to speak up.

In each pair of partners, after 1.5-2 years of regular relationships, their own sexual style is developed, and many simply do not know how to tell a partner that they are not satisfied without offending.


June 28, 2022

How to use your 5 senses during sex. Touch.

This is the most pleasant feeling. Through touch, we feel a partner next to us: his body, the warmth of his hands and hot kisses. Draw words on your partner's back that he will have to guess. Those. try to make the most of physical contact with your partner.


June 28, 2022

How to use your 5 senses during sex. Hearing.

There is nothing more pleasant than hearing how your partner enjoys, while making moans, sighs, whispers, and even vulgar talk. Unlike men who love with their eyes, women love with their ears. Therefore, it is important for them to hear pleasant words. Also, to please your ears and diversify your sex life, you can try to have sex on the phone. It will be not only pleasant to hear, but also to feel, since touch is also used (after all, you will masturbate or at least caress yourself).


June 28, 2022

How to use your 5 senses during sex. Smell.

There are smells that, for one reason or another, seem pleasant and exciting to us. Therefore, try whenever possible to use scented oils, perfumes, creams, the smell of food, etc. during lovemaking. But don't forget that the sexiest scent is the scent of your partner's skin.


June 28, 2022

How to use your 5 senses during sex. Taste.

So, for example, you can massage with various water-based oils (they do not knit the tongue and have a pleasant taste), which can then be licked off. Also, a great game during sex will be to blindfold a partner and feed him with various sweets, which he must identify and name according to his taste. Before sex, have dinner in a restaurant, order food at home. A great option would be if you just cook food together in the kitchen, where you can then enjoy delicious sex. No matter what you come up with, it should be fun and erotic, and most importantly, delicious in every sense of the word.


June 28, 2022

How to use your 5 senses during sex. Vision.

It is known that men love with their eyes. Men perceive everything better if they are shown. Perhaps this is the reason why they love porn movies so much?! But you can make a porn movie yourself with a partner, and then watch it together. Also, an erotic performance-striptease will not be superfluous. Tip: to enjoy the picture of sex more, try to wear sexy lingerie (this applies to both partners), epilate, and also move sexually.


June 28, 2022

How to use your 5 senses during sex.

Sex should be an amazing adventure for our whole body. And this is possible, because we have 5 senses - hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste. Therefore, below are some tips on how these feelings can be useful during sex.


June 28, 2022

How to make a girl burn with anticipation. When you leave in the morning, whisper passionately in her ear.

When saying goodbye, gently tell her about something suggestive. For example: "I can't wait to get back" or "I'll be thinking about you all day."


June 28, 2022

How to make a girl burn with anticipation. Leave her a note.

If you don't see each other for a few days, try leaving notes for her where she can find them. Tell them about your plans that you will implement upon your return. Leave one on the pillow or on the steering wheel of the car. On a shelf in the bathroom or in a drawer with linen. Anywhere she sees the notes.


June 28, 2022

How to make a girl burn with anticipation. Talk to her.

The next time you are in a crowded place or at a party, tell her what you would do with her if no one bothered you. For example: "If not for all these people, I would have already torn off your clothes."


June 28, 2022

How to make a girl burn with anticipation. Messages.

Try texting your girlfriend a couple of hours before the meeting. Hint what you plan to do with it when you see it. It could be anything. From kissing leading to bed to cooking dinner.


June 28, 2022