Crazy sex ideas inflame passion
4. Sweet life. Take the chocolate, melt it in a saucepan (watch out so that it doesn’t boil, otherwise your beloved runs the risk of smelling like a burnt cake). Find a couple of brushes. Now undress. Imagine Michelangelo - and draw on her (and she, respectively, on you) everything that comes to mind. Now you can enjoy each other. How it works: Chocolate is still a mischief, everyone knows this, and a brush on the body is, oh, how nice. Dare!
December 29, 2022
Crazy sex ideas inflame passion
3. My peach. Buy her underwear. You do not need to purchase a chic peignoir - a set of "week" shorts is enough. Choose the funniest or most gentle (depending on your mood) nicknames from your bed lexicon. Then you go to the office that makes inscriptions on gifts. In general, decorate all her brand new panties with tags "sweet peach", "pussy" and similar nonsense. By the way, girls can also make such a surprise to their man. How it works: Every morning, when your passion grabs underwear from the shelf without looking, it will stumble upon a neat inscription. And remember last night.
December 29, 2022
Crazy sex ideas inflame passion
2. Stilissimo. Are you sick of fashion stores? Try to forget about it, well, at least for one evening. Arrange a fun fitting together. Only these should not be business suits, but lingerie, leather miniatures and stockings or romantic peignoirs with feathers and lace evening dresses... How it works: The main thing is not to lose control - saleswomen can protest anyway. They will have fun too though.
December 29, 2022
Crazy sex ideas inflame passion
Tired of routine sex? Do you want to go back to being 16 years old, when your knees were trembling and your palms were sweating just thinking about "it"? We will try to help you with this. 1. Instant striptease. Find a quieter and warmer corner with an instant photo machine, for example, in an empty department store or supermarket. Feel free to climb into the booth with your girlfriend, pull the curtain and arrange a small erotic show in front of the camera's eye. Then calmly leave, taking a photo. How it works: A little exgibi lives in everyone, you just need to be able to let it out sometimes to frolic. These pictures will become favorites.
December 29, 2022
How to achieve multiple ogrems?
3. Take your time, change the foreplay and penetration. We are accustomed to this order of actions: first the prelude, then the "main course". However, with multiple orgasms, it is important to switch between what you consider foreplay and penetration (a penis or a sex toy). Bring some variety to your routine! 4. Change the pace. Always in the same rhythm - it hardly makes sense to get an orgasm. Of course, you will need some stamina to gradually build up the pace. 5. Solo sex. If you know how your own body works, you will enjoy sex more. So if you want to experience multiple orgasms, you need to practice masturbation as often as possible. Love your body. Thanks to masturbation, you can train the slow build-up and long-term retention of arousal.
December 22, 2022
How to achieve multiple ogrems?
1. Use different poses. Always work on the same erogenous zones? Not a very good idea. So it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve at least a second orgasm. Therefore, after the first orgasm, change the position and choose the option that is suitable for the G-spot. 2. Stimulate various erogenous zones. After the first orgasm, not only the position and, accordingly, the angle of penetration should be changed, but also the type of arousal and the erogenous zone. The difference will be very promising and lead you to the goal. After orgasm, the clitoris, G, and A are most sensitive, so stimulation of the same type immediately after orgasm is more likely to be perceived as unpleasant.
December 22, 2022
Men do it too - faking an orgasm isn't just a female thing!
In 2010, researchers from the University of Kansas asked 281 students (180 men and 101 women) to complete an anonymous survey to identify malingerers. The results were as follows: 67% of women and 28% of men imitated an orgasm at least once. In most men, simulating an orgasm - heterosexual orientation. They were seen to be more adventurous and sexually adventurous. Cases with falsification are seen in long-term relationships - 78% in women and 53% in men. In newly-made couples, imitation is seen much less frequently. Moreover, women's pretense was rarely associated with alcohol intoxication, and vice versa for men - 2% versus 24%, respectively. The pretense included mostly acting skills: epic moans, body movements, sharp thrusts of the hips, and even "involuntary" injuries to a partner. If sex took place in a condom, then it was quickly disposed of, so as not to burn the lack of sperm in it.
December 22, 2022
Syndrome of anxious anticipation of sexual failure
It often occurs in young people under 30 years of age when changing their sexual partner. Men complain of erectile dysfunction. Some believe that they have a certain mental disorder, or that they do not know how to communicate with women, or believe that they have a penis of the wrong size. But the main reason is the wrong psychological attitude towards sex. With the syndrome, the body experiences stress, as if a man is going to an exam - this is an androcentric option, and sometimes it is also a feminocentric one - when he wants to impress a woman with his prowess. The more he thinks about it, the less ability he has to practice. The waiting mode of sexual failure shapes this failure. Self-diagnosis of the syndrome is simple: if during masturbation there is enough erection for arousal and ejaculation, then there are no organic problems. Sexual attitude is half the success. The necessary words and attitudes are selected by the sexologist, and the problem disappears, as if it never existed.
December 22, 2022
Ways to get closer after sex
Think of your own entertainment. If you still have strength after sex, but you don’t feel like sex yet, come up with entertainment for yourself. Watch a comedy show, bring cards or board games to bed, leave the pillows at last! What to do is not important at all. The main thing is that you spend this time together!
December 17, 2022
Ways to get closer after sex
Kiss. It is not necessary to hug passionately, devote time after sex to gentle long kisses, more calm than those that precede intimacy. Research scientists prove that when kissing, the waves emitted by our brain are synchronized. This means that you can even reach a new level of intimacy - without words and touches!
December 17, 2022
Ways to get closer after sex
Talk. Yes, we said above that men are usually not inclined to talk after sex. But they definitely won't refuse to talk if you invite them to discuss what happened just now! Lazily reclining on the pillows, ask your loved one what he liked and what he didn’t like, and what he would like in the future. Yes, and you yourself can tell him about your preferences. It will only take a couple of minutes, and this discussion can turn into a reality!
December 17, 2022
Ways to get closer after sex
Lie in bed. If you don’t want to run to the shower, just sit back and lie in bed. Lie down next to you, taking the most comfortable position, relax. If the sex is evening, you can safely fall asleep. And do not be upset that the man "sniffed" first. Just relax and follow his example.
December 17, 2022
Ways to get closer after sex
Take a shower. It's no secret that after violent and active sex, the first desire is to jump out of bed and take a shower. And here disputes usually begin, who will go to the bathroom first. But you can easily and simply kill two birds with one stone: go there together! It is possible that the first "round" of sex in bed will be followed by sex in the shower.
December 17, 2022
Things that men will never tell
We are addicted to compliments. It's not enough for me if a woman tells me that she loves me. "I love you" - yes, yes, good and wonderful. But why? I always want to know the reason. I want to hear that I'm funny, or that women feel safe with me, or... Actually, I don't care what she says. The main thing is that I get confirmation that I am a great guy.
December 17, 2022
Things that men will never tell
During sex, we think about the alphabet, to-do lists, or work. The main purpose of sex is to give a woman an orgasm. But before you praise us for our selflessness, you should know that we are doing it for ourselves first of all. If the woman doesn't cum, we've lost. After all, sex without an orgasm is like a black and white French movie - without a climax. Your orgasm is the ultimate goal. Decision? Abstraction! This lowers blood pressure and delays ejaculation. When I was 18, my father told me that while having sex, he mentally read the alphabet backwards. It doesn't work for me. I need to concentrate so as to twist the corners of my mouth, but not a single woman ran away from horror.
December 17, 2022
Things that men will never tell
Men don't find women funny. What is the most important thing for a woman in a partner? Humor - the statistics say. Men, on the other hand, value intelligence and appearance more, any sequence. Then humor appears on the list. Otherwise, we would never have found the woman of our dreams. Because women are not funny. I'm sorry. It's not their fault. It's because of testosterone. According to British scientists, humor is the result of aggression - and this is due to the male hormone, which men have more.
December 17, 2022
Things that men will never tell
We are afraid of sex with a new woman. Yes, it's true: we men really think about sex all the time, and if we were faced with a magnificent neckline, while the lady would have three eyes and a chihuahua on her head, we would not notice it. But when it comes to the first intimate contact with a new lady... Our pulse is dancing the polka and we do very strange things. We strain our pelvic floor muscles with all our might, drink liters of pineapple juice and google cunnilingus techniques.
December 17, 2022
5 mistakes during a kiss.
1. Too timid. Your indecisiveness can be seen as an unwillingness to kiss, not coquetry. 2. Too much language. The tongue is important when kissing, but it should be in moderation. 3. Grinding of teeth. Don't kiss like you're about to eat a piece of cake. 4. Everything sticks. Do not use sticky lip glosses, this is the most unpleasant thing for men to kiss. 5. Without hands. Add a kiss of life, hug your partner or just put your hand on his cheekbones.
December 17, 2022
The alleged form of sexual disorder is pornophilia.
Pornophilia - addiction to pornography, excessive craving for pornography. Why is this supposed disorder? Pornophilia is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). ICD-11 introduced sex addiction, which means that pornophilia is still partially recognized. Where is the line beyond which a habit becomes an addiction? The main “red light” is the loss of self-control. If you experience withdrawal without porn and are ready to watch it in completely inappropriate conditions (for example, in a taxi, and you are a taxi driver who carries passengers), addiction is almost certain. Among the negative consequences are: a person needs more and more porn in order to get excited; a drop in self-esteem and a growing dissatisfaction with real sex; the need to copy what you see on the screen (including violence); general psychological stress (viewing does not give relaxation, but, on the contrary, makes a person even more nervous), bouts of anxiety and self-isolation. Don't sit down. Forewarned = armed!
December 15, 2022
Simultaneous orgasm - should I strive for it?
Synchronized orgasm, of course, is very pleasant. But to make them the goal of making love is a mistake. They are more likely if the partners have been in a relationship for a long time and they have had biorhythm synchronization. It should also be taken into account that a woman usually needs about 4 times more time to achieve orgastic discharge than a man. Moreover, the male brain is physiologically more prepared to receive an orgasm: their sexual intercourse ends with an orgasm in 95% of cases, for the stronger sex, these figures are significantly lower. And yet, in intimacy, the most important thing is not duration or synchronicity at all. A loving couple should rather strive for mutual psycho-emotional and physiological satisfaction. What do you think?
December 15, 2022