Engaging in unfamiliar activities is the best way to develop the brain.
Associating with those who are superior to you in intelligence is also a powerful means of developing the brain.
June 20, 2022
On Neptune, the wind rises to 1770 km / h, so you understand, this is faster than the speed of sound.
June 20, 2022
Arctic ice is practically not decreasing in size.
Due to the polar night, the surface of the Arctic Ocean continuously cools 50-150 days a year. Winter in this region lasts about 6.5 months, and the summer is sunny but cold, so the Arctic ice practically does not decrease in size.
June 20, 2022
Obese esportsmen were more successful in long game tournaments.
Researchers have found out how obesity affects the success of esports athletes. Being overweight doesn't do them any good, but in long gaming tournaments it can be an advantage.
June 20, 2022
Microsoft decided to save the main music of the planet in case of an apocalypse.
A similar project already exists - this is the "Doomsday Vault", where the seeds of plants lie. Now, using exotic glass media, Microsoft will create a vault where the planet's top songs can survive any cataclysm for 10,000 years.
June 19, 2022
Airbus has created a 3D printer that can build satellites out of debris in space.
The Metal3D machine can work with metals that melt at temperatures up to 1200 degrees Celsius, which will allow astronauts to print radiation shields and various tools. This will be the company's first step in establishing a plant for the production of orbiting satellites. According to Airbus plans, future versions of the 3D printer will be able to create objects using lunar soil, as well as recycle parts of old satellites. The company will send the development to the ISS in 2023.
June 19, 2022
In South Korea, a monument to Internet Explorer was erected.
Ki Yoon, a Korean developer, spent $330 to erect a monument to a browser that he thinks deserves to be remembered. The monument eventually became viral - people bring flowers to it, and IE even became a trend in local social networks. "You were a good tool to download other browsers" is written on the stone.
June 19, 2022
The greenery and bright colors on the street lift morale.
Greenery, bright yellows and pinks on city streets make people happier, calmer, more motivated and boost their morale. These conclusions were reached by French scientists in the course of experiments involving 36 people. By the frequency of blinking of the volunteers, the scientists determined which landscape they liked best. The study participants then filled out questionnaires. It turned out that when they saw the vegetation, the walking volunteers slowed down, and their pulse quickened. Their heads were raised - people looked ahead and to the sides, and not at the ground.
June 19, 2022
An unusual reason for the love of cats for catnip is revealed.
Japanese scientists have found that when catnip leaves are damaged, a large amount of insect repellant is released. Having studied the behavior of cats, the second detail was revealed - they do not eat leaves, but basically damage them and play. That is, evolutionarily, a significant part of the love of cats for catnip is associated with protection against mosquitoes - damaging its leaves and, as it were, bathing in repellent, fluffy ones protected themselves from insect bites.
June 19, 2022
Spanish company Voicemod has developed Al Voices AI technology that changes the voice in real time without distortion.
The voices of actor Morgan Freeman, aircraft pilot, astronaut and AI assistant HAL-9000 from Arthur C. Clarke's A Space Odyssey are still available. The list will be updated, and access to the utility will appear in a few weeks.
June 18, 2022
Apple has topped the list of most valuable brands for the first time since 2015.
Last year's leader - Amazon - immediately moved to third place, also losing to Google. The rest of the top ten: • Microsoft - $611 billion; • Tencent - $214 billion; • McDonald's - $196 billion; • VISA - $191 billion; • Meta - $186 billion; • Alibaba - $169 billion; • Louis Vuitton - $124 billion
June 18, 2022
In Greenland, polar bears have learned to live without sea ice.
In the southeast of Greenland, scientists have discovered a special population of polar bears. They have adapted to climate change and have learned to survive without sea ice. This is unusual, because it serves as a platform for hunting. The discovery gives hope that the species can survive the climate crisis.
June 18, 2022
About 10% of adults in the world cannot read and write.
More than 770 million adults and 126 million young people in the world cannot read or write basic phrases. Two thirds of them are women. This was announced by the Director General of UNESCO.
June 18, 2022
Elon Musk will still build underground tunnels for cars.
The Boring Company idea was slightly changed and restarted. And for the first time received official permission to build. Las Vegas will be equipped with 50 kilometers of underground tunnels with 55 stations. Construction will begin in 2023, and users will be charged $12.
June 18, 2022
In the US, they are developing a pill that will replace fitness.
American scientists have identified a molecule that effectively reduces food intake and obesity. This molecule has been found in the blood. In a study, obese mice reduced their food intake by about 50% after taking a pill containing the molecule. Human trials are ongoing. The opening will help those who are physically unable to play sports - the elderly and the disabled.
June 18, 2022
Extinct 100 years ago giant tortoise found alive.
The only time a human encountered a live Chelonoidis Phantasticus was in 1906. All these years the species was considered extinct. Centenarians are still alive, they weigh up to 417 kg and grow to huge sizes.
June 18, 2022
Artificial intelligence has proven that people cooked food on fire as early as 800,000 years ago.
Israeli scientists have developed artificial intelligence to search for invisible traces of fire. He analyzed the ancient tools and proved that the first people learned to fry meat for another 800 thousand years. This is the earliest evidence of the use of fire. The rest belong to the period of 200 thousand years ago.
June 17, 2022
Under the ice of Antarctica at a depth of 500 meters found a whole swarm of living creatures.
These are distant relatives of lobsters and crabs - amphipods about five millimeters in size. They live in a network of hidden freshwater lakes and rivers. Scientists have known about their existence for a long time, but they managed to lower the probe and look inside for the first time. It is unlikely that any of the discovered creatures are yet unknown to science, the researchers say, but they are interested in learning more about how amphipods survive in such harsh conditions.
June 17, 2022
Plastic-eating 'superworms' could solve global waste problem.
"Superworms" (Zophobas morio) eat polystyrene (disposable tableware, packaging, etc.), working as mini-processing plants. Plastic is broken down in their intestines by unique enzymes. If scientists can grow an intestinal enzyme in the lab, it will be possible to dissolve plastic on a large scale.
June 17, 2022
One tea bag can contain DNA from up to 400 species of insects.
Scientists analyzed 40 samples of tea and dried herbs that people most often buy in supermarkets. The researchers note that they found exactly traces of “environmental” DNA there, which can be caught even from the air. In order for the DNA of an insect to remain on a tea leaf, he only needs to nibble it. The trace remains for a long time, until the moment the tea enters the cup. The author of a new study admitted that he prefers coffee precisely because coffee beans are roasted, during which any DNA breaks down.
June 17, 2022